. "Andrea Molino"@de . . . . . . "Andrea Molino (born 1964 in Turin, Italy) is an Italian composer and conductor. He has first attracted international attention through a video/music theatre work, Those Who Speak In A Faint Voice, a project about capital punishment, and later through the multimedia music theatre projects Credo, and Winners. He has been musical director of the Pocket Opera Company Nuremberg (1996\u20132007). As artistic director of the Music Department of Fabrica (2000\u20132006), he has worked on projects together with Heiner Goebbels, David Moss, Koichi Makigami and others. For the 2007\u20132008 season he was invited artist at Le Fresnoy, Lille (France). 2009 he was artistic director of the World Venice Forum, where he conducted his own multimedia concert Of Flowers And Flames, for the 25th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster, in India. Three Mile Island, on the nuclear accident in Pennsylvania in 1979, was first performed in March 2012 at the ZKM in Karlsruhe; the project received the Music Theatre Now Award 2013. His latest opera, - there is no why here -, was premiered at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna in 2014 and was presented in 2015 in Antwerp at deSingel for the Flemish Opera (Opera XXI Festival). I want the things, written for David Moss, has been shown in 2020 by the Abbey Theatre in Dublin as a part of their Dear Ireland project. Recent projects as a conductor include Alban Berg's Wozzeck directed by William Kentridge and Shostakovich's The Nose, directed by Barrie Kosky at the Sydney Opera House for Opera Australia; the world premiere of Cathy Marston's The Cellist at the Royal Opera House in London; Szymanowski's Kr\u00F2l Roger at the Royal Swedish Opera in Stockholm, a Mahler/Messiaen/Strauss program with Thomas Hampson and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Carmen at the Th\u00E9\u00E2tre du Capitole in Toulouse. For Opera Australia he had previously conducted Kr\u00F2l Roger (directed by Kasper Holten, Green Room Award 2018), Carmen, Tosca and La Boh\u00E8me (the latter was also the 2015 NYE Gala at the Sydney Opera House), A Masked Ball (directed by Alex Oll\u00E9 - La Fura dels Baus) and Macbeth among others. He opened the 2010 concert season of the Teatro La Fenice in Venice with the world premiere of Bruno Maderna's Requiem. At the Teatro La Fenice he had opened the 2005 edition of the Venice Music Biennale with Heiner Goebbels\u2019 Surrogate Cities and he conducted the world premiere productions of Mosca's Signor Goldoni (2007) and Ambrosini's Il Killer di Parole (2010). His work is documented on many CDs and on DVDs."@en . "13930"^^ . . . . . . "8907893"^^ . . . . . . "Andrea Molino (Torino, 1964) \u00E8 un compositore e direttore d'orchestra italiano."@it . . . . . . . "Andrea Molino (musicista)"@it . "Andrea Molino (* 1964 in Turin) ist ein italienischer Komponist und Dirigent."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1116006442"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Andrea Molino"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "Andrea Molino (born 1964 in Turin, Italy) is an Italian composer and conductor. He has first attracted international attention through a video/music theatre work, Those Who Speak In A Faint Voice, a project about capital punishment, and later through the multimedia music theatre projects Credo, and Winners."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Andrea Molino (n\u00E9 en 1964 \u00E0 Turin, au Pi\u00E9mont) est un compositeur et chef d'orchestre italien. Il s'est fait conna\u00EEtre notamment par une production pour le th\u00E9\u00E2tre musical, Those Who Speak In A Faint Voice, sur le th\u00E8me de la peine de mort, et plus tard, par deux grands projets multim\u00E9dia sc\u00E9niques, CREDO et WINNERS. La cr\u00E9ation de son op\u00E9ra plus r\u00E9cent, - qui non c'\u00E8 perch\u00E9 - a eu lieu au Teatro Comunale di Bologna en 2014; l'op\u00E9ra a \u00E9t\u00E9 reprise en 2015 \u00E0 deSingel de Anverse pour Vlaamse Opera (Opera XXI Festival) avec l'Orchestre Philharmonique de Bruxelles. I want the things, \u00E9crit pour David Moss, a \u00E9t\u00E9 present\u00E9 en 2020 par le Abbey Theatre de Dublin dans le cadre du projet Dear Ireland. En tant que chef d\u2019orchestre, il a dirig\u00E9 r\u00E9cemment Wozzeck de Alban Berg avec la mise en sc\u00E8ne de William Kentridge et Le Nez de Dmitri Chostakovitch avec la mise en sc\u00E8ne de Barrie Kosky pour Opera Australia \u00E0 la Sydney Opera House, la cr\u00E9ation de The Cellist de Cathy Marston \u00E0 la Royal Opera House \u00E0 Londres, Le Roi Roger de Szymanowski \u00E0 l'Op\u00E9ra Royale de Stockholm, un programme Mahler/Messiaen/Straussavec Thomas Hampson et le Melbourne Symphony Orchestra et Carmen au Th\u00E9\u00E2tre du Capitole de Toulouse. Pour Opera Australia il avait d\u00E9j\u00E0 dirig\u00E9 entre autres Le Roi Roger avec la mise en sc\u00E8ne de Kasper Holten, Carmen, Tosca et La Boh\u00E8me (la derni\u00E8re \u00E9tait aussi le Gala du nouvel an 2015 \u00E0 la Sydney Opera House), Un bal masqu\u00E9 (Un ballo in maschera) (pour la mise en sc\u00E8ne de Alex Oll\u00E9 - La Fura dels Baus) et Macbeth. \u00C0 Venise il a inaugur\u00E9 la saison symphonique 2010 du Teatro La Fenice avec la cr\u00E9ation du Requiem de Bruno Maderna et la Biennale Musica 2005 avec Surrogate Cities de Heiner Goebbels."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Andrea Molino"@en . . "Andrea Molino (n\u00E9 en 1964 \u00E0 Turin, au Pi\u00E9mont) est un compositeur et chef d'orchestre italien. Il s'est fait conna\u00EEtre notamment par une production pour le th\u00E9\u00E2tre musical, Those Who Speak In A Faint Voice, sur le th\u00E8me de la peine de mort, et plus tard, par deux grands projets multim\u00E9dia sc\u00E9niques, CREDO et WINNERS. La cr\u00E9ation de son op\u00E9ra plus r\u00E9cent, - qui non c'\u00E8 perch\u00E9 - a eu lieu au Teatro Comunale di Bologna en 2014; l'op\u00E9ra a \u00E9t\u00E9 reprise en 2015 \u00E0 deSingel de Anverse pour Vlaamse Opera (Opera XXI Festival) avec l'Orchestre Philharmonique de Bruxelles. I want the things, \u00E9crit pour David Moss, a \u00E9t\u00E9 present\u00E9 en 2020 par le Abbey Theatre de Dublin dans le cadre du projet Dear Ireland."@fr . . "Andrea Molino (* 1964 in Turin) ist ein italienischer Komponist und Dirigent."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Andrea Molino (Torino, 1964) \u00E8 un compositore e direttore d'orchestra italiano."@it . . . . . . . . .