. . "Ant\u00F3nio Macedo is a fine artist who studied at the Escola Superior de Belas Artes do Porto (Oporto School of Fine Arts). As a result of the years spent in London and elsewhere in the United Kingdom, his work shows clear influences of Anglo-Saxon culture. He works mainly as a painter and sculptor, with a definite realist style, and he is also known as a portrait painter. Oil Painting is his medium of choice, and his subjects, other than portraits, include the feminine figure, draperies, still-life, symbolic and magic realism, as well as scenes from ordinary life. Amongst his numerous portraits are those of the President of the Portuguese Parliament, Dr. Ant\u00F3nio Almeida Santos, the Bishops of Oporto D. Armindo Coelho and D. Manuel Clemente and those at the Constitutional Court, Dr Artur Maur\u00EDcio and Dr Luis Nunes de Almeida. Paintins of his can be seen in several institutions, both public and private and he has exhibited both on his own and collectively, national and internationally. His works are referred to and illustrated in numerous publications, specially those published by Galeria Cordeiros and their associates. Highlights: First Prize (Stanley Grimm) at the Royal Institute of Oil Painters exhibition, in 1989 Honorable mention at the Plac\u00EAncia Bienal Exhibition in 1999 Member of Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes Member of Cooperativa \u00C1rvore Referred to in: Dicion\u00E1rio de Pintores e Escultores Portugueses de Dr. Fernando de Pamplona"@en . . . "Ant\u00F3nio Macedo \u00E9 um artista pl\u00E1stico que estudou na Escola Superior de Belas Artes do Porto; consequ\u00EAncia dos anos passados em Londres e em outras partes do Reino Unido, tem influ\u00EAncias not\u00F3rias da cultura anglo-sax\u00F3nica; as \u00E1reas de interven\u00E7\u00E3o s\u00E3o a pintura e a escultura, com forte pendor para a pintura realista; \u00E9 sobejamente conhecido como artista pl\u00E1stico retratista. O seu trabalho \u00E9 essencialmente focado em Pintura a \u00F3leo e tem como temas principais, para al\u00E9m do retrato, a forma feminina, os panejamentos, natureza-morta, realismo simb\u00F3lico / m\u00E1gico, vida e cenas do quotidiano. Entre os numerosos retratos que realizou est\u00E3o o do Sr. Presidente da Assembleia da Rep\u00FAblica Dr. Ant\u00F3nio Almeida Santos, os dos Srs. Bispos do Porto D. Armindo Coelho e D. Manuel Clemente, o do Srs. Presidentes do Tribunal Constitucional Dr. Artur Maur\u00EDcio e Dr. Luis Nunes de Almeida. Tem diversas obras espalhadas por diversas institui\u00E7\u00F5es, publicas e privadas, e tem participado em in\u00FAmeras exposi\u00E7\u00F5es, colectivas e individuais, a n\u00EDvel nacional e internacional. Os seus trabalhos est\u00E3o referidos e ilustrados em in\u00FAmeras publica\u00E7\u00F5es destacando-se os cat\u00E1logos produzidos pela Galeria Cordeiros e outras. Destaques: Primeiro Pr\u00E9mio da Exposi\u00E7\u00E3o do Royal Institute of Oil Painters em 1989 Men\u00E7\u00E3o honrosa na Bienal de Plac\u00EAncia em 1999 Membro da Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes Membro da Cooperativa \u00C1rvore Referido no Dicion\u00E1rio de Pintores e escultores Portugueses do Dr. Fernando de Pamplona"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1074755649"^^ . . "28248683"^^ . . . . . . . "10996"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ant\u00F3nio Macedo \u00E9 um artista pl\u00E1stico que estudou na Escola Superior de Belas Artes do Porto; consequ\u00EAncia dos anos passados em Londres e em outras partes do Reino Unido, tem influ\u00EAncias not\u00F3rias da cultura anglo-sax\u00F3nica; as \u00E1reas de interven\u00E7\u00E3o s\u00E3o a pintura e a escultura, com forte pendor para a pintura realista; \u00E9 sobejamente conhecido como artista pl\u00E1stico retratista. O seu trabalho \u00E9 essencialmente focado em Pintura a \u00F3leo e tem como temas principais, para al\u00E9m do retrato, a forma feminina, os panejamentos, natureza-morta, realismo simb\u00F3lico / m\u00E1gico, vida e cenas do quotidiano. Destaques:"@pt . . . . "Ant\u00F3nio Macedo (painter)"@en . . . . . . . . . "Ant\u00F3nio Macedo (artista pl\u00E1stico)"@pt . . . "Ant\u00F3nio Macedo is a fine artist who studied at the Escola Superior de Belas Artes do Porto (Oporto School of Fine Arts). As a result of the years spent in London and elsewhere in the United Kingdom, his work shows clear influences of Anglo-Saxon culture. He works mainly as a painter and sculptor, with a definite realist style, and he is also known as a portrait painter. Oil Painting is his medium of choice, and his subjects, other than portraits, include the feminine figure, draperies, still-life, symbolic and magic realism, as well as scenes from ordinary life. Highlights:"@en . . .