"Padre Antoine Touron (Graulhet, 5 settembre 1686 \u2013 Parigi, 2 settembre 1775) \u00E8 stato un presbitero, storico e biografo francese, appartenne all'ordine Domenicano."@it . . . . "Antoine Touron (5 September 1686 \u2013 2 September 1775) was a French Dominican biographer and historian. He was born at Graulhet, Tarn, France, the son of a merchant, and seems to have joined the Dominicans at an early age. After the completion of his studies he taught philosophy and theology to the students of his province (Toulouse); but the later years of his life were devoted to biography, history, and apologetics. He died at Paris. Touron's writings include:"@en . . . . "11220594"^^ . . . . . "Antoine Touron"@en . . . . . . "Padre Antoine Touron (Graulhet, 5 settembre 1686 \u2013 Parigi, 2 settembre 1775) \u00E8 stato un presbitero, storico e biografo francese, appartenne all'ordine Domenicano."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "Le P\u00E8re Antoine Touron, n\u00E9 le 5 septembre 1686 \u00E0 Graulhet et mort le 2 septembre 1775 \u00E0 Paris, est un dominicain fran\u00E7ais, biographe et historien."@fr . . . "Antoine Touron"@fr . . . . . . . "2342"^^ . . . . . . . "Antoine Touron"@it . "1084733527"^^ . . . . . . . "Le P\u00E8re Antoine Touron, n\u00E9 le 5 septembre 1686 \u00E0 Graulhet et mort le 2 septembre 1775 \u00E0 Paris, est un dominicain fran\u00E7ais, biographe et historien."@fr . . . . . . . "Antoine Touron (5 September 1686 \u2013 2 September 1775) was a French Dominican biographer and historian. He was born at Graulhet, Tarn, France, the son of a merchant, and seems to have joined the Dominicans at an early age. After the completion of his studies he taught philosophy and theology to the students of his province (Toulouse); but the later years of his life were devoted to biography, history, and apologetics. He died at Paris. He wrote twenty-nine books, dealing largely with the history of the Dominican order and the biographical sketches of its notable men. , in his Histoire des ma\u00EEtres g\u00E9n\u00E9raux de l'ordre des fr\u00E8res pr\u00EAcheurs, made generous use of his Histoire des hommes illustres.... Touron's writings include: \n* \"Vie de saint Thomas d'Aquin\" (considered his best work) \n* \"Vie de saint Dominique avec une hist. abr\u00E9g\u00E9e des ses premiers disciples\" \n* \"Hist. des hommes illustres de l'ordre de saint Dominique\" \n* \"De la providence, trait\u00E9 hist., dogmat. et mor.\" \n* \"La main de Dieu sur les incr\u00E9dules, ou hist. abr\u00E9g\u00E9e des Isra\u00E9lites\", a work in which he shows that as often as the Chosen People proved false to their Divine vocation, they were punished by God \n* \"Parall\u00E8le de l'incr\u00E9dule et du vrai fid\u00E8le\" \n* \"La vie et l'esprit de saint Charles Borrom\u00E9e\" \n* \"La verit\u00E9 veng\u00E9e en faveur de saint Thomas\" \n* \"Hist. g\u00E9nerale de l'Am\u00E9rique depuis sa d\u00E9couverte\", an ecclesiastical history of the New World."@en . . .