. . . . "Antonie Hendrikus \"Anton\" Colijn (13 April 1894 \u2013 11 Maret 1945) adalah pendaki gunung dan penjelajah Belanda. Putera Hendrikus Colijn ini ikut dalam ekspedisi bersama dengan Frits Wissel dan Jean Jacques Dozy untuk menaklukkan Puncak Jaya, Papua, Hindia Belanda. Pegawai NNGPM (Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea Petroleum Maatschappij) ini membantu menghancurkan instalasi minyak di Tarakan ketika Jepang menyerbu. Setelah melarikan diri ke Jawa, ia mencoba kabur ke Sailan, tetapi kapalnya dibom Jepang, dan ia ditawan di Palembang, lalu dipindahkan ke Muntok. Di Moentok itulah ia mengakhiri nyawanya."@in . . . "3279"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1094946742"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Anton Colijn"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Antonie Hendrikus Colijn (Ambarawa, 13 april 1894 \u2013 Muntok, 11 maart 1945) was een Nederlandse amateur-bergbeklimmer die in 1936 de Carstensz-expeditie leidde die als eerste het Carstenszgebergte op Nieuw-Guinea bedwong."@nl . "Antonie Hendrikus Colijn, n\u00E9 le 13 avril 1894 \u00E0 Ambarawa et mort le 11 mars 1945 \u00E0 , \u00E9tait un alpiniste et explorateur n\u00E9erlandais. Fils a\u00EEn\u00E9 de Hendrikus Colijn, il mena en 1936 une exp\u00E9dition avec et Jean Jacques Dozy pour atteindre le sommet du Puncak Jaya, plus haut sommet de Nouvelle-Guin\u00E9e et alors dans les Indes orientales n\u00E9erlandaises. Employ\u00E9 d'une filiale de Shell, il contribua \u00E0 d\u00E9truire les installations p\u00E9troli\u00E8res convoit\u00E9es par les Japonais dans le d\u00E9but de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Colijn tenta de fuir vers mais fut intern\u00E9 dans un camp de prisonniers o\u00F9 il mourut."@fr . "Antonie Hendrikus Colijn (13 April 1894 in Ambarawa \u2013 11 March 1945 in Muntok) was a Dutch amateur mountaineer who in 1936 led the Carstensz Expedition, being the first to climb the Carstenszgebergte in New Guinea. Colijn was the eldest son (of three) of the Hendrikus Colijn, Prime Minister of the Netherlands from 1925 to 1926 and 1933\u20131939. Colijn was posthumously awarded the Bronze Lion."@en . . . . . . "Antonie Hendrikus \"Anton\" Colijn (13 April 1894 \u2013 11 Maret 1945) adalah pendaki gunung dan penjelajah Belanda. Putera Hendrikus Colijn ini ikut dalam ekspedisi bersama dengan Frits Wissel dan Jean Jacques Dozy untuk menaklukkan Puncak Jaya, Papua, Hindia Belanda. Pegawai NNGPM (Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea Petroleum Maatschappij) ini membantu menghancurkan instalasi minyak di Tarakan ketika Jepang menyerbu. Setelah melarikan diri ke Jawa, ia mencoba kabur ke Sailan, tetapi kapalnya dibom Jepang, dan ia ditawan di Palembang, lalu dipindahkan ke Muntok. Di Moentok itulah ia mengakhiri nyawanya. \n* l \n* \n* s"@in . . . . . "26012261"^^ . . "Anton Colijn"@en . . . . "Antonie Hendrikus Colijn, n\u00E9 le 13 avril 1894 \u00E0 Ambarawa et mort le 11 mars 1945 \u00E0 , \u00E9tait un alpiniste et explorateur n\u00E9erlandais. Fils a\u00EEn\u00E9 de Hendrikus Colijn, il mena en 1936 une exp\u00E9dition avec et Jean Jacques Dozy pour atteindre le sommet du Puncak Jaya, plus haut sommet de Nouvelle-Guin\u00E9e et alors dans les Indes orientales n\u00E9erlandaises. Employ\u00E9 d'une filiale de Shell, il contribua \u00E0 d\u00E9truire les installations p\u00E9troli\u00E8res convoit\u00E9es par les Japonais dans le d\u00E9but de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Colijn tenta de fuir vers mais fut intern\u00E9 dans un camp de prisonniers o\u00F9 il mourut."@fr . . . "Antonie Hendrikus Colijn (13 April 1894 in Ambarawa \u2013 11 March 1945 in Muntok) was a Dutch amateur mountaineer who in 1936 led the Carstensz Expedition, being the first to climb the Carstenszgebergte in New Guinea. Colijn was the eldest son (of three) of the Hendrikus Colijn, Prime Minister of the Netherlands from 1925 to 1926 and 1933\u20131939. After studying at the Free University Amsterdam and gaining his doctorate at the Delft Technical University in 1919, Colijn joined the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and worked for them in Cura\u00E7ao, in the United States, Romania and, in the 1930s, in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). He was stationed at Tarakan, an island east of Borneo when the Japanese invaded the Dutch East Indies. He assisted the destruction of oil installations before they were captured, and he was subsequently sent, under Japanese supervision, to Balikpapan, to deliver an ultimatum to the military commander there to surrender the local oil installations, intact. He was sent to Java, from where he tried to flee to Ceylon, but his ship was bombed by the Japanese. He reached the coast of Sumatra, was captured and interned at Palembang. On 11 March 1945 he died from exhaustion and illness in an internment camp at Bangka Island. Colijn was posthumously awarded the Bronze Lion. His wife and daughters were also interned but they survived the war. , a daughter of Anton Colijn, wrote The Power of Song, a book about survival in a women's camp, upon which the film Paradise Road (1997) is based."@en . . . . . . . "Antonie Hendrikus Colijn (Ambarawa, 13 april 1894 \u2013 Muntok, 11 maart 1945) was een Nederlandse amateur-bergbeklimmer die in 1936 de Carstensz-expeditie leidde die als eerste het Carstenszgebergte op Nieuw-Guinea bedwong."@nl . . . . . . . . "Anton Colijn"@in . . . . . . . . . "Anton Colijn"@fr . . . . .