. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "T.K. Ralya \u00E4r en amerikansk f\u00F6rfattare som bland annat utm\u00E4rkt sig inom religi\u00F6st inspirerad science fiction. Hennes mest k\u00E4nda bok \u00E4r bestsellern The Golden Age: Thy Kingdom Come, en roman som \u00E4nnu inte \u00F6versatts till svenska. Romanen inleds med att huvudpersonen Geoffrey Waters anklagar Gud sedan hans b\u00E4sta v\u00E4n d\u00F6tt i Irak-kriget. Waters f\u00F6rflyttas d\u00E5 fram\u00E5t i tiden till en planet i fred och harmoni; ett paradis d\u00E4r principer som starkt p\u00E5minner om Bah\u00E1'\u00ED-l\u00E4rans har genomf\u00F6rts. M\u00E4nniskorna p\u00E5 planeten lever efter Qadas priciper, vilket \u00E4r en omkastning av de tv\u00E5 f\u00F6rsta bokst\u00E4verna i Baha'i-trons grundare Bah\u00E1'u'll\u00E1hs viktigaste verk Aqdas. M\u00E4nniskorna p\u00E5 planeten f\u00F6rklarar f\u00F6r Waters att \u00E4ven Jorden till slut kommer att f\u00F6rvandlas till ett fridfullt paradis. Gud kommer att etablera detta vare sig m\u00E4nskligheten vill det eller inte. Denna andliga civilisation kan uppn\u00E5s p\u00E5 tv\u00E5 s\u00E4tt: antingen relativt snabbt genom att m\u00E4nskligheten l\u00E4gger sina tvister \u00E5t sidan och p\u00E5skyndar byggandet av en s\u00E5dan v\u00E4rld, eller genom att m\u00E4nniskorna forts\u00E4tter som nu, vilket inneb\u00E4r att hundratals miljoner m\u00E4nniskor kommer att d\u00F6 och \u00E4n fler leml\u00E4stas, lida och pl\u00E5gas. Det blir Geoffrey Waters uppgift att \u00E5terv\u00E4nda till Jorden f\u00F6r att f\u00F6rklara f\u00F6r m\u00E4nskligheten att profeterna hade r\u00E4tt och att finna nyckeln som kan \u00F6ppna m\u00E4nniskornas sinnen s\u00E5 att de annalkande katastroferna kan undvikas."@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1122240730"^^ . . . . . "The Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Faith and related topics have appeared in multiple forms of fiction. The mention of this religion can be seen in science fiction, fantasy, short stories, novelettes, novels, and TV series. In 2005, an estimated value of 30 references could be found relating Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Faith to different forms of fiction. An estimated third of these references have a significant relationship with the religion in the way that these forms of fiction show the Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Faith as a crucial aspect of the story. The first known occurrence is perhaps in the writings of Marie von Najmajer, who wrote a poem dedicated to Tahirih in Gurret-\u00FAl-Eyn: Ein Bild aus Persiens Neuzeit which was published in 1874. After a series of works covering the events of the B\u00E1b\u00ED period, most of the focus shifted towards Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED specif"@en . . "Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Faith in fiction"@en . . . . . . . . . . "The Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Faith and related topics have appeared in multiple forms of fiction. The mention of this religion can be seen in science fiction, fantasy, short stories, novelettes, novels, and TV series. In 2005, an estimated value of 30 references could be found relating Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Faith to different forms of fiction. An estimated third of these references have a significant relationship with the religion in the way that these forms of fiction show the Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Faith as a crucial aspect of the story. The first known occurrence is perhaps in the writings of Marie von Najmajer, who wrote a poem dedicated to Tahirih in Gurret-\u00FAl-Eyn: Ein Bild aus Persiens Neuzeit which was published in 1874. After a series of works covering the events of the B\u00E1b\u00ED period, most of the focus shifted towards Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED specific related connections. Soon Khalil Gibran wrote two books - The Prophet and Jesus, The Son of Man. There is some second-hand evidence for the sustained influence of \u02BBAbdu'l-Bah\u00E1 in these works. In modern times the first known occurrence is of a short story by non-Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Tom Ligon The Devil and the Deep Black Void, - he also wrote a sequel The Gardener. The next fictional publication, in 1991, which references the Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Faith may be a short story \"Home Is Where\u2026\" by Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Initially and occasionally since, reference has been made to the events and figures of the B\u00E1b\u00ED Faith. As the history and events and coverage of these events in Persia made their way to Europe, coverage tended to shift to the events and figures of the Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Faith."@en . . . . . . . . . . "6416651"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "May 2020"@en . . "Remove impenetrable, unreferenced and inappropriate text, minor mentions, etc"@en . . "TK Ralya"@sv . . . . . . . . . "T.K. Ralya \u00E4r en amerikansk f\u00F6rfattare som bland annat utm\u00E4rkt sig inom religi\u00F6st inspirerad science fiction. Hennes mest k\u00E4nda bok \u00E4r bestsellern The Golden Age: Thy Kingdom Come, en roman som \u00E4nnu inte \u00F6versatts till svenska. Romanen inleds med att huvudpersonen Geoffrey Waters anklagar Gud sedan hans b\u00E4sta v\u00E4n d\u00F6tt i Irak-kriget. Waters f\u00F6rflyttas d\u00E5 fram\u00E5t i tiden till en planet i fred och harmoni; ett paradis d\u00E4r principer som starkt p\u00E5minner om Bah\u00E1'\u00ED-l\u00E4rans har genomf\u00F6rts. M\u00E4nniskorna p\u00E5 planeten lever efter Qadas priciper, vilket \u00E4r en omkastning av de tv\u00E5 f\u00F6rsta bokst\u00E4verna i Baha'i-trons grundare Bah\u00E1'u'll\u00E1hs viktigaste verk Aqdas."@sv . . "70401"^^ .