. . . . "1088584991"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1827"^^ . . . . "Beeri foi o pai da profeta Oseias. A tradi\u00E7\u00E3o judaica diz que ele proferiu algumas palavras de profecia, e como n\u00E3o eram suficientes para serem incorporadas em um livro, foram incorporadas no Livro de Isa\u00EDas (8:19-20). Como tal, Beeri \u00E9 considerado um profeta no juda\u00EDsmo. Beeri \u00E0s vezes era identificado com Beer\u00E1 (1 Cr\u00F4nicas 5:6), que foi levado ao ex\u00EDlio pelos ass\u00EDrios. Outro Beeri foi um hitita, pai de Judite, uma das esposas de Esa\u00FA. A etimologia de Beeri (em hebraico: \u05D1\u05B0\u05BC\u05D0\u05B5\u05E8\u05B4\u05D9, B\u0259\u2019\u00EAr\u00EE) \u00E9 dado como \"pertencente a uma fonte\" por Wilhelm Gesenius, mas como \"expositor\" pela International Standard Bible Encyclopedia e \"bem\" de acordo com o Holman Bible Dictionary."@pt . . . . . "There are two biblical figures named 'Beeri.' The etymology of Beeri (Hebrew: \u05D1\u05B0\u05BC\u05D0\u05B5\u05E8\u05B4\u05D9, B\u0259\u2019\u00EAr\u00EE) is given as \"belonging to a fountain\" by Wilhelm Gesenius, but as \"expounder\" by the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia and \"well\" according to the Holman Bible Dictionary. According to the Book of Hosea, Beeri was the father of the prophet Hosea. Jewish tradition says that he only uttered a few words of prophecy, and as they were insufficient to be embodied in a book by themselves, they were incorporated in the Book of Isaiah, viz., verses 19 and 20 of the 8th chapter. As such, Beeri is considered a prophet in Judaism. Beeri was sometimes identified with Beerah (1 Chronicles 5:6), who was taken into exile by the Assyrians. He is also considered holy by Muslims. The other Beeri was the father of Judith, one of the wives of Esau (Genesis 26:34). A source of grief to her parents-in-law."@en . "Beeri"@in . . . "There are two biblical figures named 'Beeri.' The etymology of Beeri (Hebrew: \u05D1\u05B0\u05BC\u05D0\u05B5\u05E8\u05B4\u05D9, B\u0259\u2019\u00EAr\u00EE) is given as \"belonging to a fountain\" by Wilhelm Gesenius, but as \"expounder\" by the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia and \"well\" according to the Holman Bible Dictionary. The other Beeri was the father of Judith, one of the wives of Esau (Genesis 26:34). A source of grief to her parents-in-law."@en . "Beeri"@en . "Beeri adalah nama laki-laki Ibrani yang tercatat dalam Alkitab Ibrani atau Perjanjian Lama di Alkitab Kristen."@in . . . . . . "Beeri"@pt . . . "14092397"^^ . . . "Beeri adalah nama laki-laki Ibrani yang tercatat dalam Alkitab Ibrani atau Perjanjian Lama di Alkitab Kristen."@in . . . . "Beeri foi o pai da profeta Oseias. A tradi\u00E7\u00E3o judaica diz que ele proferiu algumas palavras de profecia, e como n\u00E3o eram suficientes para serem incorporadas em um livro, foram incorporadas no Livro de Isa\u00EDas (8:19-20). Como tal, Beeri \u00E9 considerado um profeta no juda\u00EDsmo. Beeri \u00E0s vezes era identificado com Beer\u00E1 (1 Cr\u00F4nicas 5:6), que foi levado ao ex\u00EDlio pelos ass\u00EDrios. Outro Beeri foi um hitita, pai de Judite, uma das esposas de Esa\u00FA."@pt . . . . . .