. . . . . . "Koncentra\u010Dn\u00ED t\u00E1bor Berga byl pobo\u010Dn\u00FDm t\u00E1borem koncentra\u010Dn\u00EDho t\u00E1bora Buchenwald. Nach\u00E1zel se u m\u011Bsta v n\u011Bmeck\u00E9 spolkov\u00E9 zemi Braniborsko. Krom\u011B evropsk\u00FDch \u017Did\u016F zde byli v\u011Bzn\u011Bni tak\u00E9 ameri\u010Dt\u00ED v\u00E1le\u010Dn\u00ED zajatci, kter\u00E9 n\u011Bmeck\u00E1 arm\u00E1da zatkla b\u011Bhem Bitvy v Arden\u00E1ch. V t\u00E1bo\u0159e m\u011Bla podle tajn\u00FDch nacistick\u00FDch pl\u00E1n\u016F vzniknout tov\u00E1rna na v\u00FDrobu paliva pro tanky, letadla a dal\u0161\u00ED vojensk\u00E1 vozidla. Palivo m\u011Blo vznikat hydrogenac\u00ED hn\u011Bd\u00E9ho uhl\u00ED. Aby v\u00FDroba nebyla ohro\u017Eena n\u00E1lety, m\u011Bla fungovat uvnit\u0159 skaln\u00EDho bloku. V\u011Bzni, zesl\u00E1bl\u00ED dlouhou podv\u00FD\u017Eivou, proto byli nuceni kopat tunel ve sk\u00E1le. Nelidsk\u00E9 zach\u00E1zen\u00ED korespondovalo s dal\u0161\u00EDm \u00FA\u010Delem t\u00E1bora, kter\u00FDm bylo \u201Evyhlazen\u00ED prac\u00ED\u201C (Vernichtung durch Arbeit). Kdy\u017E se v dubnu 1945 za\u010Dala k t\u00E1boru bl\u00ED\u017Eit americk\u00E1 arm\u00E1da, rozhodl jeho velitel, ser\u017Eant Erwin Metz, o vysl\u00E1n\u00ED v\u011Bz\u0148\u016F na pochod smrti. Metz se b\u011Bhem n\u011Bj pokusil bl\u00ED\u017E\u00EDc\u00EDm se spojeneck\u00FDm jednotk\u00E1m uniknout na kole. B\u011Bhem n\u011Bkolika dn\u00ED byl p\u0159esto Ameri\u010Dany zadr\u017Een. N\u00E1sledn\u011B byl odsouzen k smrti. Pozd\u011Bji byl jeho trest sn\u00ED\u017Een na dvacet let, nakonec v\u0161ak byl propu\u0161t\u011Bn ji\u017E po dev\u00EDti letech."@cs . . . . . . . . "1115788568"^^ . . "Berga concentration camp"@en . . . . . . . "KZ-Au\u00DFenlager Schlieben"@de . . . . . . . . . . . "Das KZ-Au\u00DFenlager Schlieben war ein KZ-Au\u00DFenlager des KZ-Stammlagers Buchenwald (zumindest ab 1. September 1944 bis Kriegsende). Es wurde 1938 am Rande des Ortes Schlieben im Ortsteil Berga errichtet und diente dem R\u00FCstungsunternehmen Hugo Schneider AG (HASAG) als Lieferant von H\u00E4ftlingen zur Zwangsarbeit. In einem Konzentrationslager konnte die SS (WVHA) die H\u00E4ftlinge gegen einen pauschalen Lohnbetrag an Unternehmen tageweise \u201Evermieten\u201C. Seit dem 30. April 2011 erinnert eine Gedenkst\u00E4tte an das Lager."@de . . . . . . . . . "Koncentra\u010Dn\u00ED t\u00E1bor Berga"@cs . . . "Das KZ-Au\u00DFenlager Schlieben war ein KZ-Au\u00DFenlager des KZ-Stammlagers Buchenwald (zumindest ab 1. September 1944 bis Kriegsende). Es wurde 1938 am Rande des Ortes Schlieben im Ortsteil Berga errichtet und diente dem R\u00FCstungsunternehmen Hugo Schneider AG (HASAG) als Lieferant von H\u00E4ftlingen zur Zwangsarbeit. In einem Konzentrationslager konnte die SS (WVHA) die H\u00E4ftlinge gegen einen pauschalen Lohnbetrag an Unternehmen tageweise \u201Evermieten\u201C. Seit dem 30. April 2011 erinnert eine Gedenkst\u00E4tte an das Lager."@de . "Berga an der Elster was a subcamp of Buchenwald concentration camp. The Berga forced labour camp was located on the outskirts of the village of Schlieben. Workers were supplied by Buchenwald concentration camp and from a POW camp, Stalag IX-B; the latter contravened the provisions of the Third Geneva Convention and the Hague Treaties. Many prisoners died as a result of malnutrition, sickness (including pulmonary disease due to dust inhalation from tunnelling with explosives), and beatings, including 73 American POWs."@en . . "6653"^^ . . "Berga an der Elster est un camp satellite de Buchenwald. Le camp de travail de Berga \u00E9tait situ\u00E9 dans la banlieue de Schlieben. Les prisonniers \u00E9taient issus du camp de concentration de Buchenwald ainsi que d'un camp de prisonniers de guerre, le (en) (ce qui contrevient aux conditions de la Troisi\u00E8me Convention de Gen\u00E8ve et de la Premi\u00E8re conf\u00E9rence de La Haye."@fr . "Berga an der Elster was a subcamp of Buchenwald concentration camp. The Berga forced labour camp was located on the outskirts of the village of Schlieben. Workers were supplied by Buchenwald concentration camp and from a POW camp, Stalag IX-B; the latter contravened the provisions of the Third Geneva Convention and the Hague Treaties. Many prisoners died as a result of malnutrition, sickness (including pulmonary disease due to dust inhalation from tunnelling with explosives), and beatings, including 73 American POWs. The labor camp formed part of Germany's secret plan to use hydrogenation to transform brown coal into usable fuel for tanks, planes, and other military machinery. However, the camp's additional purpose was Vernichtung durch Arbeit (\"annihilation through labor\"), and prisoners were intentionally worked to death under inhumane working and living conditions, suffering from starvation as a result. This secondary purpose of extermination was carried out until the war's end, when the prisoners were subjected to a forced death march in order to keep ahead of the advancing Allied forces. POWs were put to work, together with concentration camp inmates, digging 17 tunnels for an underground ammunition factory, some of them 150 feet below ground. As a result of the appalling conditions, malnutrition and cold, as well as beatings, 47 prisoners died. The U.S. military authorities never acknowledged the incident. On 4 April, the 300 surviving American prisoners were marched out of the camp ahead of approaching American troops. After a 2\u00BD-week forced march they were finally liberated. During this march another 36 Americans died. During an air raid, while the camp lights were extinguished, Hans Kasten, Joe Littel and Ernst Sinner, escaped. They were later arrested and taken to Gestapo headquarters. After their identities as POWs were confirmed they were taken to Buchenwald and placed in detention cells. They were freed when KZ Buchenwald was liberated. Berga was run by a reserve army sergeant named Erwin Metz, who was ultimately responsible for the inhumane conditions, and gave the order to take the prisoners on the death march. When the allied forces closed in on the retreating Germans, Metz deserted his post and attempted to escape by bicycle, fearing the consequences of being captured in possession of the remaining Berga prisoners and having to answer for his war crimes. Still, he was captured days after the prisoners were liberated by American forces, and he was sentenced to death, because he had killed a US POW, Pvt Morton Goldstein (Battery C/590th Field Artillery/106 US Division) on March 14, 1945. However, because of the American political climate and the shifting priorities of the American War Department towards defending Western Europe against the Soviets in the lead-up to the Cold War, many German war criminals' sentences were commuted in exchange for intelligence that the Western allies believed could be used against the Soviets. Metz's was sentenced to 20 years, albeit he only served nine years before being released back into Germany as a free man. Willy Hack, one of the other commandants of the Berga camp, was arrested in East Germany in 1947. In 1949, he was found guilty of his complicity in atrocities leading to the deaths of hundreds of people at the Mittelbau-Dora camp and the Berga camp, and sentenced to death. Hack's death sentence was upheld in 1951. He was executed in Dresden in 1952."@en . . "Camp de concentration de Berga"@fr . "44933978"^^ . . "Koncentra\u010Dn\u00ED t\u00E1bor Berga byl pobo\u010Dn\u00FDm t\u00E1borem koncentra\u010Dn\u00EDho t\u00E1bora Buchenwald. Nach\u00E1zel se u m\u011Bsta v n\u011Bmeck\u00E9 spolkov\u00E9 zemi Braniborsko. Krom\u011B evropsk\u00FDch \u017Did\u016F zde byli v\u011Bzn\u011Bni tak\u00E9 ameri\u010Dt\u00ED v\u00E1le\u010Dn\u00ED zajatci, kter\u00E9 n\u011Bmeck\u00E1 arm\u00E1da zatkla b\u011Bhem Bitvy v Arden\u00E1ch."@cs . . . . . . "Berga an der Elster est un camp satellite de Buchenwald. Le camp de travail de Berga \u00E9tait situ\u00E9 dans la banlieue de Schlieben. Les prisonniers \u00E9taient issus du camp de concentration de Buchenwald ainsi que d'un camp de prisonniers de guerre, le (en) (ce qui contrevient aux conditions de la Troisi\u00E8me Convention de Gen\u00E8ve et de la Premi\u00E8re conf\u00E9rence de La Haye. De nombreux prisonniers sont morts \u00E0 cause de la malnutrition, de la maladie (y compris des affections respiratoires, apr\u00E8s avoir inhal\u00E9 la poussi\u00E8re des tunnels perc\u00E9s aux explosifs) et des brutalit\u00E9s ; 73 prisonniers de guerre am\u00E9ricains y ont perdu la vie. Ce camp s'inscrit dans un programme allemand secret d'exploitation de l'hydrog\u00E9nation pour transformer le lignite en carburant pour les chars, les plans et d'autres unit\u00E9s m\u00E9caniques. Toutefois, le camp visait \u00E9galement \u00E0 appliquer le Vernichtung durch Arbeit (\u00AB extermination par le travail \u00BB) et les d\u00E9tenus sont d\u00E9lib\u00E9r\u00E9ment livr\u00E9s \u00E0 des travaux si p\u00E9nibles qu'ils en meurent, du fait d'un r\u00E9gime inhumain de travail et de vie, ce qui provoque leur famine. Cet objectif secondaire d'extermination est poursuivi jusqu'\u00E0 la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale : les prisonniers sont soumis \u00E0 des marches de la mort afin de les soustraire \u00E0 l'avanc\u00E9e des Alli\u00E9s. Les prisonniers de guerre sont forc\u00E9s de travailler, avec les autres d\u00E9tenus du camp de concentration, pour creuser 17 tunnels afin d'y am\u00E9nager une usine de munitions souterraine ; certains tunnels sont \u00E0 quarante-cinq m\u00E8tres de profondeur. En raison de ce r\u00E9gime cruel, de la malnutrition et du froid, ainsi que des brutalit\u00E9s, 47 prisonniers sont morts. Le 4 avril 1945, les 300 Am\u00E9ricains rescap\u00E9s du camp sont forc\u00E9s de quitter le camp \u00E0 marche forc\u00E9e devant l'avance des troupes am\u00E9ricaines. Apr\u00E8s deux semaines et demie de marche, ils sont lib\u00E9r\u00E9es. Au cours de cette marche, 36 autres Am\u00E9ricains sont morts."@fr .