. "Bhagat \u2013 tytu\u0142 z religii dharmicznych oznaczaj\u0105cy przewodnika religijnego, kt\u00F3ry prowadzi ludzko\u015B\u0107 do Boga. Bhagat jest wschodnim ekwiwalentem dla chrze\u015Bcija\u0144skiego terminu \u015Bwi\u0119ty. Bhagat mo\u017Ce te\u017C by\u0107 Guru, je\u015Bli mia\u0142by ogromn\u0105 liczb\u0119 zwolennik\u00F3w. Bhagat zwykle nie wyg\u0142asza kaza\u0144, by przyci\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 zwolennik\u00F3w, ale by uwypukli\u0107 niesprawiedliwo\u015Bci w \u015Bwiecie. Bhagat mo\u017Ce stanowi\u0107 te\u017C element sk\u0142adowym induskiego lub sikhijskiego nazwiska."@pl . . "Bhagat \u2013 tytu\u0142 z religii dharmicznych oznaczaj\u0105cy przewodnika religijnego, kt\u00F3ry prowadzi ludzko\u015B\u0107 do Boga. Bhagat jest wschodnim ekwiwalentem dla chrze\u015Bcija\u0144skiego terminu \u015Bwi\u0119ty. Bhagat mo\u017Ce te\u017C by\u0107 Guru, je\u015Bli mia\u0142by ogromn\u0105 liczb\u0119 zwolennik\u00F3w. Bhagat zwykle nie wyg\u0142asza kaza\u0144, by przyci\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 zwolennik\u00F3w, ale by uwypukli\u0107 niesprawiedliwo\u015Bci w \u015Bwiecie. Bhagat mo\u017Ce stanowi\u0107 te\u017C element sk\u0142adowym induskiego lub sikhijskiego nazwiska."@pl . . . "Il termine Bhagat (\u0A2D\u0A17\u0A24) designa, nel Sikhismo, gli scrittori ed i bardi le cui opere sono state incorporate nel Libro Sacro: Guru Granth Sahib. Questi poeti sono anche conosciuti come Bhakta (dal sanscrito, Santo). A seconda delle scuole di pensiero, i bhagat possono essere quindici, o diciassette. Infatti due bhagat: Sunder e vengono considerati, da alcuni storici solo come dei gursikhs, cio\u00E8 dei devoti ai guru."@it . "609300"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Bhagat"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bhagat d\u00E9signe dans le sikhisme les \u00E9crivains, les bardes dont les \u0153uvres ont \u00E9t\u00E9 incorpor\u00E9es au Livre Saint intitul\u00E9 Guru Granth Sahib. Ces po\u00E8tes sont appel\u00E9s aussi Bhaktas. Selon les points de vue, ils sont au nombre de quinze, ou dix-sept. Deux des bhagats, Sunder et Mardana, sont compt\u00E9s par certains historiens comme des gursikhs, des d\u00E9vots aux gourous."@fr . . . . "3346"^^ . . . . . . . . "Bhagat"@it . . . . . . . . "Il termine Bhagat (\u0A2D\u0A17\u0A24) designa, nel Sikhismo, gli scrittori ed i bardi le cui opere sono state incorporate nel Libro Sacro: Guru Granth Sahib. Questi poeti sono anche conosciuti come Bhakta (dal sanscrito, Santo). A seconda delle scuole di pensiero, i bhagat possono essere quindici, o diciassette. Infatti due bhagat: Sunder e vengono considerati, da alcuni storici solo come dei gursikhs, cio\u00E8 dei devoti ai guru."@it . . . . . . "Bhagat is a term used in the Indian subcontinent to describe religious personalities who have obtain high acclaim in their community for their services and devoutness.It is also one of the clan in Mahar caste with clan totem as King Cobra and also a surname found among Marathas, Bania communities and Punjabi Brahmins."@en . . . . "Bhagat (tytu\u0142)"@pl . . "Bhagat"@fr . . "1112316228"^^ . . "Bhagat d\u00E9signe dans le sikhisme les \u00E9crivains, les bardes dont les \u0153uvres ont \u00E9t\u00E9 incorpor\u00E9es au Livre Saint intitul\u00E9 Guru Granth Sahib. Ces po\u00E8tes sont appel\u00E9s aussi Bhaktas. Selon les points de vue, ils sont au nombre de quinze, ou dix-sept. Deux des bhagats, Sunder et Mardana, sont compt\u00E9s par certains historiens comme des gursikhs, des d\u00E9vots aux gourous."@fr . . . . "Bhagat is a term used in the Indian subcontinent to describe religious personalities who have obtain high acclaim in their community for their services and devoutness.It is also one of the clan in Mahar caste with clan totem as King Cobra and also a surname found among Marathas, Bania communities and Punjabi Brahmins."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .