. . . . "Fly on the Wall Entertainment"@en . . ""@en . . . "Allison Grodner Productions"@en . . "Dave Walsh"@en . "-23.0"^^ . . . "Big Brother USA"@en . . . . "Big Brother es un programa de telerrealidad estadounidense emitido por CBS basado en el programa hom\u00F3nimo de origen neerland\u00E9s creado por el productor John de Mol en 1997.\u200B El primer programa de la versi\u00F3n estadounidense fue emitida el 5 de julio de 2000 y es, actualmente, la segunda adaptaci\u00F3n m\u00E1s larga de la franquicia de Big Brother hasta la fecha, luego de la versi\u00F3n espa\u00F1ola. El programa sigue, en general, la premisa de otras versiones del formato, en el que un grupo de participantes viven juntos en una casa, aislados del mundo exterior, por un premio en efectivo de 500 000 d\u00F3lares (o 750 000 d\u00F3lares desde la vigesimotercera temporada en adelante). Los participantes son constantemente vigilados durante su estad\u00EDa en la casa por c\u00E1maras de televisi\u00F3n en directo, as\u00ED como micr\u00F3fonos personales. A trav\u00E9s de la competencia, los participantes son expulsados de la casa por medio de votos. En su primera temporada, en la que se segu\u00EDa el formato neerland\u00E9s, los \u00EDndices de audiencia disminuyeron y la recepci\u00F3n negativa fue en ascenso, lo que hizo que el formato fuera renovado para su segunda temporada, que se enfoc\u00F3 m\u00E1s en aspectos competitivos y del juego en s\u00ED.\u200B Han sido emitidas 24 temporadas\u200B, y CBS ha anunciado la 25.\u00AA temporada con fecha en 2023.\u200B"@es . . . . . "Allison Grodner"@en . . . . . . "Julie Chen Moonves"@en . . . "Arnold Shapiro Productions"@en . . . "Paul R\u00F6mer"@en . . . "NTSC"@en . . "Celebrity Big Brother"@en . "Big Brother (Estados Unidos)"@pt . . "855"^^ . . "present"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "-7200.0"^^ . . . "David Vanacore"@en . . ""@en . . . "Big Brother ou Big Brother USA \u00E9 a vers\u00E3o americana do Big Brother, reality show baseado na s\u00E9rie de televis\u00E3o holandesa de mesmo nome, criado em 1997 por John de Mol. O espet\u00E1culo \u00E9 baseado em um grupo de an\u00F4nimos, conhecidos como HouseGuests, vivendo juntos vinte e quatro horas por dia em uma casa isolada do mundo exterior, mas sob vigil\u00E2ncia constante, sem privacidade por tr\u00EAs meses. Em doze temporadas do espet\u00E1culo, 143 pessoas diferentes entraram na casa do Big Brother at\u00E9 o momento. Os HouseGuests competem pela chance de ganhar o grande pr\u00EAmio de $500.000 evitando o despejo semanal, at\u00E9 o \u00FAltimo HouseGuest permanece no final da temporada que pode reivindicar o pr\u00EAmio $ 500.000 mil. A s\u00E9rie americana \u00E9 hospedada pela personalidade de televis\u00E3o Julie Chen. Produzido por Allison Grodner e Rich Meehan, que atualmente vai ao ar nos Estados Unidos pela CBS."@pt . . "Our House Productions"@en . . "\u300A\u8001\u5927\u54E5\u300B\uFF08\u7F8E\u570B\u7248\uFF0C\u4EE5\u4E0B\u7C21\u7A31\u7F8E\u7248\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u6A94\u7F8E\u570B\u771F\u4EBA\u79C0\u7BC0\u76EE\uFF0C\u6539\u7DE8\u81EA\u88FD\u4F5C\u4EBA\u65BC1997\u5E74\u5275\u9020\u7684\u8377\u862D\u96FB\u8996\u7BC0\u76EE \u3002\u5728\u672C\u7BC0\u76EE\u4E2D\uFF0C\u4E00\u7FA4\u5E74\u9F61\u3001\u8077\u696D\u3001\u5BB6\u5EAD\u80CC\u666F......\u7B49\u4E0D\u540C\u7684\u4EBA\uFF08\u7A31\u7232\u623F\u5BA2\uFF09\u6703\u5171\u540C\u4F4F\u5728\u4E00\u9593\u7279\u6B8A\u8A2D\u8A08\u7684\u623F\u5B50\uFF0C\u4ED6\u5011\u6C92\u6709\u4EFB\u4F55\u806F\u7D61\u5DE5\u5177\u53CA\u65B9\u6CD5\uFF0C\u8207\u5916\u754C\u5B8C\u5168\u9694\u96E2\u3002\u9019\u4E9B\u623F\u5BA2\u5C07\u900F\u904E\u6BCF\u9031\u7684\u6BD4\u8CFD\u53CA\u6DD8\u6C70\u4F86\u6C7A\u5B9A\u6700\u7D42\u7684\u8D0F\u5BB6\uFF0C\u7372\u52DD\u8005\u53EF\u4EE5\u7372\u5F97\u4E94\u5341\u842C\u7F8E\u91D1\uFF08\u7B2C\u4E8C\u5341\u4E09\u5B63\u70BA\u4E03\u5341\u4E94\u842C\u7F8E\u91D1\uFF09\u3002\u672C\u7BC0\u76EE\u7684\u540D\u7A31\u53D6\u81EA\u55AC\u6CBB\u00B7\u6B50\u5A01\u723E\u7684\u5C0F\u8AAA\u300A1984\u300B\uFF0C\u56E0\u7BC0\u76EE\u7D44\u751A\u81F3\u89C0\u8846\u53EF\u900F\u904E\u5C4B\u4E2D\u7684\u651D\u5F71\u6A5F\u76E3\u8996\u623F\u5BA2\u7684\u4E00\u8209\u4E00\u52D5\uFF0C\u7336\u5982\u66F8\u4E2D\u7684\u8001\u5927\u54E5\u800C\u5F97\u6B64\u540D\u3002\u672C\u7BC0\u76EE\u57282000\u5E74\u7684\u4E03\u6708\u4E94\u65E5\u752B\u9996\u64AD\u96D6\u7372\u5F97\u6975\u5927\u6210\u529F\uFF0C\u4F46\u537B\u4E0D\u65B7\u5730\u906D\u53D7\u8CA0\u9762\u8A55\u50F9\u53CA\u5927\u8846\u6279\u8A55\uFF0C\u5C0E\u81F4\u7BC0\u76EE\u5728\u7B2C\u4E8C\u5B63\u6642\u898F\u5247\u5927\u6539\uFF0C\u8B8A\u5F97\u66F4\u5177\u7AF6\u722D\u6027\u3002\u300A\u8001\u5927\u54E5\u300B\u4E00\u76F4\u4EE5\u4F86\u4FBF\u662FCBS\u65D7\u4E0B\u7684\u71B1\u9580\u7BC0\u76EE\uFF0C\u4E5F\u7232\u7E7C\u300A\u300B\u5F8C\uFF0C\u73FE\u4ECA\u4E16\u754C\u5404\u5730\u7684\u300A\u8001\u5927\u54E5\u300B\u4E2D\u7B2C\u4E8C\u9577\u58FD\u7684\u6539\u7DE8\u7248\u672C\u3002 \u672C\u7BC0\u76EE\u6709\u5169\u500B\u7279\u6B8A\u7248\u672C\uFF1A\u300A\u300B\u548C\u300A\u300B\uFF0C\u524D\u8005\u65BC2016\u5E74\u79CB\u5B63\u5728\u4E0A\u9996\u64AD\uFF0C\u7232\u7B2C\u4E00\u6A94\u5728\u7DDA\u4E0A\u76F4\u64AD\u5E73\u81FA\u4E0A\u7368\u5BB6\u64AD\u51FA\u7684\u771F\u4EBA\u79C0\uFF1B\u5F8C\u8005\u65BC2018\u5E742\u6708\u9996\u64AD\u3002"@zh . "Big Brother ou Big Brother USA \u00E9 a vers\u00E3o americana do Big Brother, reality show baseado na s\u00E9rie de televis\u00E3o holandesa de mesmo nome, criado em 1997 por John de Mol. O espet\u00E1culo \u00E9 baseado em um grupo de an\u00F4nimos, conhecidos como HouseGuests, vivendo juntos vinte e quatro horas por dia em uma casa isolada do mundo exterior, mas sob vigil\u00E2ncia constante, sem privacidade por tr\u00EAs meses. Em doze temporadas do espet\u00E1culo, 143 pessoas diferentes entraram na casa do Big Brother at\u00E9 o momento."@pt . . . . . . . "2000-07-05"^^ . . "Endemol USA"@en . "Big Brother (Estados Unidos)"@es . . "Big Brother Canada"@en . "860916"^^ . . . . . "United States"@en . . "Big Brother: After Dark"@en . "Big Brother es un programa de telerrealidad estadounidense emitido por CBS basado en el programa hom\u00F3nimo de origen neerland\u00E9s creado por el productor John de Mol en 1997.\u200B El primer programa de la versi\u00F3n estadounidense fue emitida el 5 de julio de 2000 y es, actualmente, la segunda adaptaci\u00F3n m\u00E1s larga de la franquicia de Big Brother hasta la fecha, luego de la versi\u00F3n espa\u00F1ola. Han sido emitidas 24 temporadas\u200B, y CBS ha anunciado la 25.\u00AA temporada con fecha en 2023.\u200B"@es . . . . "-118.3890838623047"^^ . . . "House Calls"@en . . . . . . . . "Big Brother is an American television reality competition show based on the original Dutch reality show of the same name created by producer John de Mol in 1997. The series takes its name from the character in George Orwell's 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. The American series launched on July 5, 2000 on CBS and is currently the second longest-running adaptation in the Big Brother franchise to date, after the Spanish version. The show broadly follows the premise of other versions of the format, in which a group of contestants, known as \"HouseGuests\", live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards). The HouseGuests are continuously monitored during their stay in the house by live television cameras as well as personal audio microphones. Throughout the course of the competition, HouseGuests are evicted from the house, by being voted out of the competition. In its inaugural season (which followed the original Dutch format), ratings declined and critical reaction grew increasingly negative, prompting the series to be revamped for the second season, which focused on competition and gameplay. A twenty-fourth season of the series premiered on July 6, 2022. On September 25, 2022, CBS renewed the series for a twenty-fifth season. The show also produced two spin-offs: Big Brother: Over the Top, which aired for one season and was the first reality game show to air exclusively on a streaming platform airing in Fall 2016 on CBS' streaming service, CBS All Access (now Paramount+); and Celebrity Big Brother, which aired on CBS in February 2018."@en . "Ian O'Malley"@en . . . . . . . . . ""@en . "24"^^ . "Big Brother: Live Chat"@en . . . "855"^^ . . . "Rich Meehan"@en . . ""@en . . "\u8001\u5927\u54E5 (\u7F8E\u570B\u7248)"@zh . ""@en . . . "Lists of Big Brother episodes"@en . . ""@en . . . "Multiple producers"@en . . . . "\u300A\u8001\u5927\u54E5\u300B\uFF08\u7F8E\u570B\u7248\uFF0C\u4EE5\u4E0B\u7C21\u7A31\u7F8E\u7248\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u6A94\u7F8E\u570B\u771F\u4EBA\u79C0\u7BC0\u76EE\uFF0C\u6539\u7DE8\u81EA\u88FD\u4F5C\u4EBA\u65BC1997\u5E74\u5275\u9020\u7684\u8377\u862D\u96FB\u8996\u7BC0\u76EE \u3002\u5728\u672C\u7BC0\u76EE\u4E2D\uFF0C\u4E00\u7FA4\u5E74\u9F61\u3001\u8077\u696D\u3001\u5BB6\u5EAD\u80CC\u666F......\u7B49\u4E0D\u540C\u7684\u4EBA\uFF08\u7A31\u7232\u623F\u5BA2\uFF09\u6703\u5171\u540C\u4F4F\u5728\u4E00\u9593\u7279\u6B8A\u8A2D\u8A08\u7684\u623F\u5B50\uFF0C\u4ED6\u5011\u6C92\u6709\u4EFB\u4F55\u806F\u7D61\u5DE5\u5177\u53CA\u65B9\u6CD5\uFF0C\u8207\u5916\u754C\u5B8C\u5168\u9694\u96E2\u3002\u9019\u4E9B\u623F\u5BA2\u5C07\u900F\u904E\u6BCF\u9031\u7684\u6BD4\u8CFD\u53CA\u6DD8\u6C70\u4F86\u6C7A\u5B9A\u6700\u7D42\u7684\u8D0F\u5BB6\uFF0C\u7372\u52DD\u8005\u53EF\u4EE5\u7372\u5F97\u4E94\u5341\u842C\u7F8E\u91D1\uFF08\u7B2C\u4E8C\u5341\u4E09\u5B63\u70BA\u4E03\u5341\u4E94\u842C\u7F8E\u91D1\uFF09\u3002\u672C\u7BC0\u76EE\u7684\u540D\u7A31\u53D6\u81EA\u55AC\u6CBB\u00B7\u6B50\u5A01\u723E\u7684\u5C0F\u8AAA\u300A1984\u300B\uFF0C\u56E0\u7BC0\u76EE\u7D44\u751A\u81F3\u89C0\u8846\u53EF\u900F\u904E\u5C4B\u4E2D\u7684\u651D\u5F71\u6A5F\u76E3\u8996\u623F\u5BA2\u7684\u4E00\u8209\u4E00\u52D5\uFF0C\u7336\u5982\u66F8\u4E2D\u7684\u8001\u5927\u54E5\u800C\u5F97\u6B64\u540D\u3002\u672C\u7BC0\u76EE\u57282000\u5E74\u7684\u4E03\u6708\u4E94\u65E5\u752B\u9996\u64AD\u96D6\u7372\u5F97\u6975\u5927\u6210\u529F\uFF0C\u4F46\u537B\u4E0D\u65B7\u5730\u906D\u53D7\u8CA0\u9762\u8A55\u50F9\u53CA\u5927\u8846\u6279\u8A55\uFF0C\u5C0E\u81F4\u7BC0\u76EE\u5728\u7B2C\u4E8C\u5B63\u6642\u898F\u5247\u5927\u6539\uFF0C\u8B8A\u5F97\u66F4\u5177\u7AF6\u722D\u6027\u3002\u300A\u8001\u5927\u54E5\u300B\u4E00\u76F4\u4EE5\u4F86\u4FBF\u662FCBS\u65D7\u4E0B\u7684\u71B1\u9580\u7BC0\u76EE\uFF0C\u4E5F\u7232\u7E7C\u300A\u300B\u5F8C\uFF0C\u73FE\u4ECA\u4E16\u754C\u5404\u5730\u7684\u300A\u8001\u5927\u54E5\u300B\u4E2D\u7B2C\u4E8C\u9577\u58FD\u7684\u6539\u7DE8\u7248\u672C\u3002 \u672C\u7BC0\u76EE\u6709\u5169\u500B\u7279\u6B8A\u7248\u672C\uFF1A\u300A\u300B\u548C\u300A\u300B\uFF0C\u524D\u8005\u65BC2016\u5E74\u79CB\u5B63\u5728\u4E0A\u9996\u64AD\uFF0C\u7232\u7B2C\u4E00\u6A94\u5728\u7DDA\u4E0A\u76F4\u64AD\u5E73\u81FA\u4E0A\u7368\u5BB6\u64AD\u51FA\u7684\u771F\u4EBA\u79C0\uFF1B\u5F8C\u8005\u65BC2018\u5E742\u6708\u9996\u64AD\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . . "Adaptation"@en . "Arnold Shapiro"@en . . . . . . . . . "Big Brother US est la version am\u00E9ricaine de Big Brother (UK). Elle est diffus\u00E9e sur CBS depuis 2000. C'est Julie Chen qui anime cette \u00E9mission. En 2016 est diffus\u00E9e Big Brother: Over the Top sur CBS All Access, site internet payant de la chaine. Entre 2018 et 2019, et depuis 2022 est diffus\u00E9 une version incluant des c\u00E9l\u00E9brit\u00E9s, \u00E9quivalent de la version anglaise: Celebrity Big Brother."@fr . . ""@en . . "\"Live\" by Jonathan Clarke"@en . . . . . . "International versions"@en . "Related"@en . . . . "Big Brother US est la version am\u00E9ricaine de Big Brother (UK). Elle est diffus\u00E9e sur CBS depuis 2000. C'est Julie Chen qui anime cette \u00E9mission. En 2016 est diffus\u00E9e Big Brother: Over the Top sur CBS All Access, site internet payant de la chaine. Entre 2018 et 2019, et depuis 2022 est diffus\u00E9 une version incluant des c\u00E9l\u00E9brit\u00E9s, \u00E9quivalent de la version anglaise: Celebrity Big Brother."@fr . . . "-1380.0"^^ . . ""@en . . . . . "Evolution Film & Tape"@en . "34.14447784423828"^^ . "87402"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "34.14447777777778 -118.38908611111111" . . . "Gran Hermano"@en . . . "Big Brother: Over the Top"@en . "Big Brother (\u00C9tats-Unis)"@fr . "POINT(-118.3890838623 34.144477844238)"^^ . . . . . "Don Wollman"@en . "Clayton Halsey"@en . "Big Brother (American TV series)"@en . "-7200.0"^^ . "English"@en . "Shapiro/Grodner Productions"@en . . "Multi-camera"@en . . . . "-120.0"^^ . . "-1380.0"^^ . . . . . . "Endemol Shine North America"@en . "Don Wollman"@en . . "Off the Block"@en . "Big Brother is an American television reality competition show based on the original Dutch reality show of the same name created by producer John de Mol in 1997. The series takes its name from the character in George Orwell's 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. The American series launched on July 5, 2000 on CBS and is currently the second longest-running adaptation in the Big Brother franchise to date, after the Spanish version. A twenty-fourth season of the series premiered on July 6, 2022. On September 25, 2022, CBS renewed the series for a twenty-fifth season."@en . . "Phil Proctor"@en . "Spin-offs"@en . "24"^^ . . . . . "Orwell Productions"@en . . . . . . "2000-07-05"^^ . . . . . "HDTV 1080i"@en . . . "Ken Berry"@en . ""@en . . . . "1124925494"^^ . . "Douglass Ross"@en . "Companion shows"@en . . . .