. . . . . . . . . . "1971-10-16"^^ . . . "Bruno Villabruna"@it . . . . . . . . . . . "Bruno Villabruna, f\u00F6dd 1884 i Santa Giustina, n\u00E4ra Belluno i Veneto, d\u00F6d 1971, var en italiensk advokat och politiker. Han blev vald till parlamentet \u00E5r 1921. Efter att fascisterna tagit makten s\u00E5 gick han, till skillnad fr\u00E5n m\u00E5nga andra liberaler, med i den demokratiska oppositionen kring den gamla ledaren Giovanni Giolitti. N\u00E4r alla italienska politiska partier uppl\u00F6stes i b\u00F6rjan av 1925 avslutade han sin politiska karri\u00E4r och fortsatte arbetet som advokat. I juli 1943, n\u00E4r Mussolini-regimen hade st\u00F6rtats, uts\u00E5gs han till borgm\u00E4stare av Turin, men var tvungen att avg\u00E5 efter 45 dagar p\u00E5 grund av den tyska ockupationen. I det befriade blev han \u00E5r 1945 medlem av och valdes 1946 till . Han misslyckades med att bli vald till det f\u00F6rsta parlamentet i den Italienska republiken \u00E5r 1948, men n\u00E5gra m\u00E5nader senare uts\u00E5gs han till generalsekreterare f\u00F6r Italiens liberala parti (PLI), som genomgick en stor kris som orsakats av hans h\u00F6gerextrema f\u00F6retr\u00E4dare . Villabruna f\u00F6rs\u00F6kte \u00F6vertyga v\u00E4nstergruppen (MLI) under ledning av greve att \u00E5terv\u00E4nda till PLI, som de hade l\u00E4mnat i b\u00F6rjan av 1948, men f\u00F6rst i slutet av 1951 lyckades detta. Under 1954 blev Villabruna n\u00E4rings- och handelsminister i och \u00F6verl\u00E4t ledningen av det liberala partiet till . \u00C5r 1955 l\u00E4mnade han PLI tillsammans med Carandini och blev en av grundarna av Radical Party. Mellan 1958 och 1960 var han generalsekreteraren f\u00F6r detta parti och pensionerades helt efter dess uppl\u00F6sning 1962. Villabruna dog 1971 i Torre Pellice, Pinerolo."@sv . "Bruno Villabruna (12 August 1884 \u2013 16 October 1971) was an Italian lawyer and liberal politician. Born in Santa Giustina, near Belluno in the Veneto, he was first elected to parliament in 1921. After the rise to power of the fascists, he joined, unlike many other liberals, the democratic opposition around old leader Giovanni Giolitti and in 1924 refused to candidate himself in the fascist-led national union list. When all political parties were dissolved in early 1925, he retired from political life and kept on being a lawyer. Villabruna died in 1971 in Torre Pellice, Pinerolo."@en . . . . "Bruno Villabruna"@en . . . "Bruno Villabruna (Santa Giustina, 12 agosto 1884 \u2013 Torre Pellice, 14 ottobre 1971) \u00E8 stato un avvocato e politico italiano."@it . . "1971-10-16"^^ . . . . . . . . . "1943"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bruno Villabruna, f\u00F6dd 1884 i Santa Giustina, n\u00E4ra Belluno i Veneto, d\u00F6d 1971, var en italiensk advokat och politiker. Han blev vald till parlamentet \u00E5r 1921. Efter att fascisterna tagit makten s\u00E5 gick han, till skillnad fr\u00E5n m\u00E5nga andra liberaler, med i den demokratiska oppositionen kring den gamla ledaren Giovanni Giolitti. N\u00E4r alla italienska politiska partier uppl\u00F6stes i b\u00F6rjan av 1925 avslutade han sin politiska karri\u00E4r och fortsatte arbetet som advokat. Villabruna dog 1971 i Torre Pellice, Pinerolo."@sv . . . . . . . . "Bruno Villabruna (Santa Giustina, 12 agosto 1884 \u2013 Torre Pellice, 14 ottobre 1971) \u00E8 stato un avvocato e politico italiano."@it . "1092883486"^^ . . "1943"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bruno Villabruna"@en . "Bruno Villabruna (12 August 1884 \u2013 16 October 1971) was an Italian lawyer and liberal politician. Born in Santa Giustina, near Belluno in the Veneto, he was first elected to parliament in 1921. After the rise to power of the fascists, he joined, unlike many other liberals, the democratic opposition around old leader Giovanni Giolitti and in 1924 refused to candidate himself in the fascist-led national union list. When all political parties were dissolved in early 1925, he retired from political life and kept on being a lawyer. In July 1943, with the Mussolini regime having been overthrown, he was appointed podest\u00E0 of Turin, but had to resign after 45 days because of the German occupation. In the liberated Northern Italy in 1945, he became a member of the Consulta Nazionale and in 1946 was elected to the Assemblea Costituente. He failed being elected to the first parliament of the Italian Republic in 1948, but a few months later he was appointed Secretary General of the Italian Liberal Party (PLI), that went through a deep crisis caused by his extreme right-wing predecessor Roberto Lucifero. Villabruna tried to convince the left-wing dissident group (MLI) led by Count Nicol\u00F2 Carandini to return into the ranks of PLI, which they had left in early 1948, but only in late 1951 did this operation come to a successful conclusion. In 1954 Villabruna became Minister of Industry and Trade in the Scelba government, and let the leadership of the Liberal Party to Giovanni Malagodi, with whom he came into serious quarrels few time later. In 1955 he left the PLI. Together with Carandini and Leone Cattani he was now among the founders of the Radical Party. From 1958 to 1960 he was Secretary General of this party, retiring definitely to private life after its dissolution in 1962. Villabruna died in 1971 in Torre Pellice, Pinerolo."@en . . . . . "1884-08-12"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Bruno Villabruna"@en . "3795"^^ . "1884-08-12"^^ . . . . . . . . "16487249"^^ . "Podest\u00E0 of Turin"@en . . "Bruno Villabruna"@sv . . . . . . . . . .