. . . "9963800"^^ . . "Bukkur (o Bakhar) fou un illa fortificada de l'Indus entre Sukkur (Sakhar) i Rohri, a la prov\u00EDncia del Sind, Pakistan. L'illot de Khwaja Khizr (o Jind Pir), situada a poca dist\u00E0ncia al nord, inclou una capella, i al sud la de Sadh Bela, t\u00E9 tamb\u00E9 alguna construcci\u00F3 religiosa. L'illa principal est\u00E0 ocupada per la fortalesa amb grans muralles dobles d'entre 10 i 11 metres d'altura, i nombrosos bastions; els brit\u00E0nics la van utilitzar com a pres\u00F3 fins al 1876."@ca . . "Bukkur (o Bakhar) fou un illa fortificada de l'Indus entre Sukkur (Sakhar) i Rohri, a la prov\u00EDncia del Sind, Pakistan. L'illot de Khwaja Khizr (o Jind Pir), situada a poca dist\u00E0ncia al nord, inclou una capella, i al sud la de Sadh Bela, t\u00E9 tamb\u00E9 alguna construcci\u00F3 religiosa. L'illa principal est\u00E0 ocupada per la fortalesa amb grans muralles dobles d'entre 10 i 11 metres d'altura, i nombrosos bastions; els brit\u00E0nics la van utilitzar com a pres\u00F3 fins al 1876. La fortalesa consta ja com a feu del sultanat de Delhi el 1327. Fou entregada a Keshu Khan, un servidor de l'Imperi Mogol, el 1574; el 1736 va caure en mans dels pr\u00EDnceps Kalhora de Sind que la van perdre enfront dels afganesos uns anys despr\u00E9s; finalment va ser ocupada per Mir Rusatm Khan, pr\u00EDncep de Khairpur; fou cedida per Khairpur als brit\u00E0nics el 1839 durant la primera guerra angloafganesa; el 1843 fou agregada al Sind brit\u00E0nic."@ca . "Bhakkar Fort"@en . . . . . . . "27.69527777777778 68.8875" . . "Bukkur Fort (Urdu, Sindhi: \u0628\u06A9\u0631) is an island located in Rohri, Sukkur District of Sindh province in Pakistan.Named Bukkur (Dawn) by Sayyid Muhammad Al-Makki in the seventh century of Hijri, this island is a limestone rock, oval in shape, 800 yards (730 m) long by 300 yards (270 m) wide, and about 25 feet (7.6 m) in height. According to the Superintendent of Land Records and Registration, Sindh, in 1912, the area of Bukkur island was 255,292 sq. yards, or 49 acres (20 ha). Nowadays Bukkur island is occupied by an Army Public School, and the tomb of Sayyid Sadruddin, who was the son of Sayyid Muhammad Al-Makki."@en . . "4091"^^ . . . "27.69527816772461"^^ . . . "1225 A.D." . . . . . "Bukkur"@en . . "Bukkur"@ca . . . "Bhakkar Fort"@en . . . "68.88749694824219"^^ . . . . . . . "1225"^^ . . . . . . . . "Bhakkar Fort"@en . "Bukkur Fort (Urdu, Sindhi: \u0628\u06A9\u0631) is an island located in Rohri, Sukkur District of Sindh province in Pakistan.Named Bukkur (Dawn) by Sayyid Muhammad Al-Makki in the seventh century of Hijri, this island is a limestone rock, oval in shape, 800 yards (730 m) long by 300 yards (270 m) wide, and about 25 feet (7.6 m) in height. According to the Superintendent of Land Records and Registration, Sindh, in 1912, the area of Bukkur island was 255,292 sq. yards, or 49 acres (20 ha). Nowadays Bukkur island is occupied by an Army Public School, and the tomb of Sayyid Sadruddin, who was the son of Sayyid Muhammad Al-Makki."@en . . . . . . . . . . "1118769162"^^ . "POINT(68.887496948242 27.695278167725)"^^ . .