. . . . . . "Il Catalogus baronum (Catalogo dei Baroni) \u00E8 l'elenco di tutti i feudatari del Regno di Sicilia e dei loro possedimenti compilato dai Normanni all'indomani della conquista dell'Italia meridionale. Fu redatto verso la met\u00E0 del XII secolo dalla Duana baronum, l'ufficio regio preposto agli affari feudali, che lo mantenne aggiornato per gli anni a venire costituendo il suo principale strumento di lavoro. Secondo alcuni era redatto sul modello della d\u00EEw\u00E2n al-majlis, introdotta in Sicilia dai precedenti governanti Fatimidi per il controllo del trasferimento di propriet\u00E0 delle terre."@it . . . . "Catalogus baronum"@de . . "The Catalogus Baronum (\"Catalogue of the Barons\") is a collection of registers of the military obligations owed by the barons of the Kingdom of Sicily. The collection was compiled in 1322 under the Angevin dynasty. It contains three distinct registers from distinct periods and covering different regions of the kingdom. The first, the Quaternus magne expeditionis, was originally compiled under the Norman king Roger II in 1150\u201351, then revised by his grandson, William II, in 1167\u201368. It listed the fiefs of the crown in the Principality of Capua, the Duchy of Apulia and the Abruzzi and detailed the services each owed. The second register was composed under William around 1175. It lists only the knights of Aquino, Arce and Sora. The third register, the Pheudatarii iusticiaratus Capitanatae, is"@en . "Le Catalogus Baronum (\"Catalogue des barons\") \u00E9tait une collection de registres des obligations militaires dues par les barons du royaume de Sicile. La collection a \u00E9t\u00E9 constitu\u00E9e en 1322 sous la dynastie angevine. Il contient trois registres distincts d'\u00E9poques diff\u00E9rentes et couvrant plusieurs r\u00E9gions du royaume. Le premier, le Quaternus magne expeditionis, a \u00E9t\u00E9 initialement compil\u00E9 sous le roi normand Roger II en 1150-1151, puis r\u00E9vis\u00E9 par son petit-fils, Guillaume II, en 1167-1168. Il r\u00E9pertorie les fiefs de la couronne dans la Principaut\u00E9 de Capoue, le Duch\u00E9 d'Apulie et les Abruzzes et d\u00E9taille les services que chacun doit. Le second registre a \u00E9t\u00E9 compos\u00E9 sous Guillaume vers 1175. Il ne recense que les chevaliers d'Aquino, d'Arce et de Sora. Le troisi\u00E8me registre, le Pheuudatarii iusticiaratus Capitanatae, est celui du roi souabe Fr\u00E9d\u00E9ric II de 1239-1240. Il ne r\u00E9pertorie que les feudataires du Capitanat. Le manuscrit unique, connu sous le nom de Registre angevin 1322 A (242), a \u00E9t\u00E9 conserv\u00E9 aux Archives de l'\u00C9tat \u00E0 Naples jusqu'en 1943, date \u00E0 laquelle il a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9truit avec de nombreux autres documents lorsque les troupes d'occupation allemandes ont mis le feu aux archives pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il \u00E9tait lui-m\u00EAme bas\u00E9 sur un document de la fin du XIIIe si\u00E8cle aujourd'hui perdu, la d\u00E9nomm\u00E9e \"copie souabe\", qui contenait une copie du Quaternus original \u00E0 c\u00F4t\u00E9 du registre de Fr\u00E9d\u00E9ric II. L' editio princeps de la collection a \u00E9t\u00E9 publi\u00E9e en 1653 par Carlo Borrelli, qui a \u00E9galement donn\u00E9 au document le nom sous lequel il est connu, Catalogus Baronum. Une \u00E9dition critique moderne d' (en) a \u00E9t\u00E9 publi\u00E9e en 1972 sur la base de photostats encore existants."@fr . . "Catalogus Baronum"@fr . . . . "Catalogus Baronum"@en . . "The Catalogus Baronum (\"Catalogue of the Barons\") is a collection of registers of the military obligations owed by the barons of the Kingdom of Sicily. The collection was compiled in 1322 under the Angevin dynasty. It contains three distinct registers from distinct periods and covering different regions of the kingdom. The first, the Quaternus magne expeditionis, was originally compiled under the Norman king Roger II in 1150\u201351, then revised by his grandson, William II, in 1167\u201368. It listed the fiefs of the crown in the Principality of Capua, the Duchy of Apulia and the Abruzzi and detailed the services each owed. The second register was composed under William around 1175. It lists only the knights of Aquino, Arce and Sora. The third register, the Pheudatarii iusticiaratus Capitanatae, is that of the Swabian king Frederick II from 1239\u201340. It lists only the feudatories of the Capitanate. The single manuscript, known as Angevin Register 1322 A (242), was kept in the State Archives of Naples until 1943, when it was destroyed along with many other documents when occupying German troops set fire to the archives during the Second World War. It was itself based on a now-lost late 13th-century document, the so-called \"Swabian Copy\", which contained a copy of the original Quaternus alongside Frederick II's register. The editio princeps of the collection was published in 1653 by Carlo Borrelli, who also gave the document the name by which it is known, Catalogus Baronum. A modern critical edition by Evelyn Jamison was published in 1972 based on surviving photostats."@en . . . "1072489176"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Der Catalogus baronum besteht aus einem normannischen Verzeichnis von Lehenstr\u00E4gern und ihren milit\u00E4rischen Leistungsverpflichtungen aus dem festl\u00E4ndischen Teil des K\u00F6nigreichs Sizilien (ohne Kalabrien), das zuerst unter Roger II. angelegt worden ist, einem Verzeichnis der milites von Arce, Sora und Aquino aus dem Jahre 1175 sowie einer Liste von Lehenstr\u00E4gern der Capitanata, die 1239/1240 angelegt worden ist. Der Begriff wurde von Carlo Borrelli gepr\u00E4gt, der 1643 diese Texte erstmals ediert hat. In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur wird der Begriff in der Regel f\u00FCr Verweise auf den ersten Teil angewandt."@de . "53915293"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Le Catalogus Baronum (\"Catalogue des barons\") \u00E9tait une collection de registres des obligations militaires dues par les barons du royaume de Sicile. La collection a \u00E9t\u00E9 constitu\u00E9e en 1322 sous la dynastie angevine. Il contient trois registres distincts d'\u00E9poques diff\u00E9rentes et couvrant plusieurs r\u00E9gions du royaume. Le second registre a \u00E9t\u00E9 compos\u00E9 sous Guillaume vers 1175. Il ne recense que les chevaliers d'Aquino, d'Arce et de Sora."@fr . . . . "Catalogus baronum"@it . . . "Il Catalogus baronum (Catalogo dei Baroni) \u00E8 l'elenco di tutti i feudatari del Regno di Sicilia e dei loro possedimenti compilato dai Normanni all'indomani della conquista dell'Italia meridionale. Fu redatto verso la met\u00E0 del XII secolo dalla Duana baronum, l'ufficio regio preposto agli affari feudali, che lo mantenne aggiornato per gli anni a venire costituendo il suo principale strumento di lavoro. Secondo alcuni era redatto sul modello della d\u00EEw\u00E2n al-majlis, introdotta in Sicilia dai precedenti governanti Fatimidi per il controllo del trasferimento di propriet\u00E0 delle terre."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "5131"^^ . "Der Catalogus baronum besteht aus einem normannischen Verzeichnis von Lehenstr\u00E4gern und ihren milit\u00E4rischen Leistungsverpflichtungen aus dem festl\u00E4ndischen Teil des K\u00F6nigreichs Sizilien (ohne Kalabrien), das zuerst unter Roger II. angelegt worden ist, einem Verzeichnis der milites von Arce, Sora und Aquino aus dem Jahre 1175 sowie einer Liste von Lehenstr\u00E4gern der Capitanata, die 1239/1240 angelegt worden ist. Der Begriff wurde von Carlo Borrelli gepr\u00E4gt, der 1643 diese Texte erstmals ediert hat. In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur wird der Begriff in der Regel f\u00FCr Verweise auf den ersten Teil angewandt."@de . . . . .