"\u30C1\u30F3\u30C8\u30A6"@ja . . . "Chint\u014D (Nello Shotokan, Gankaku (\u5CA9\u9DB4)) \u00E8 un kata avanzato praticato in molti stili del Karate. Secondo la leggenda, il kata prende il nome da Chinto (o Gankaku) che era un marinaio cinese, al quale qualche volta ci si riferiva con il nome Annan (o Hannan), la cui nave impatt\u00F2 sulle coste di Okinawa. Per sopravvivere, Chint\u014D rub\u00F2 dalle colture delle popolazioni locali. S\u014Dkon Matsumura, un maestro di Karate e capo delle guardie del re di Okinawa, fu inviato per sconfiggere Chint\u014D. Nel combattimento che ne deriv\u00F2, tuttavia, Matsumura scopr\u00EC di essere alla pari con lo straniero e conseguentemente cerc\u00F2 di imparare le sue tecniche."@it . . . . . . "Chint\u014D (Nello Shotokan, Gankaku (\u5CA9\u9DB4)) \u00E8 un kata avanzato praticato in molti stili del Karate. Secondo la leggenda, il kata prende il nome da Chinto (o Gankaku) che era un marinaio cinese, al quale qualche volta ci si riferiva con il nome Annan (o Hannan), la cui nave impatt\u00F2 sulle coste di Okinawa. Per sopravvivere, Chint\u014D rub\u00F2 dalle colture delle popolazioni locali. S\u014Dkon Matsumura, un maestro di Karate e capo delle guardie del re di Okinawa, fu inviato per sconfiggere Chint\u014D. Nel combattimento che ne deriv\u00F2, tuttavia, Matsumura scopr\u00EC di essere alla pari con lo straniero e conseguentemente cerc\u00F2 di imparare le sue tecniche. \u00C8 noto che il kata Chint\u014D era conosciuto nelle prime scuole di karate del Tomari-te e Shuri-te. Matsumura S\u014Dkon fu un primo praticante dello stile Shuri-te. Quando Gichin Funakoshi port\u00F2 il Karate in Giappone, rinomin\u00F2 Chint\u014D (che significa approssimativamente \"combattere ad est\") in Gankaku (ossia \"gru su una roccia\"), probabilmente per evitare il sentimento anti-cinese del tempo. Egli modific\u00F2 il reale andamento del movimento, o embusen, dandogli un maggiore layout lineare, similare agli altri kata Shotokan. Il kata \u00E8 molto dinamico, utilizzando un numero diverso di posizioni, (inclusa la posizione della Gru bianca di Fujian), insoliti colpi ad altezza variabile rapida e un raro appoggio su di una gamba sola. Il Bunkai descrive generalmente questo kata come utile sui terreni irregolari e collinari. Si dice spesso che Chint\u014D debba essere eseguito stando rivolti verso est. Oggi il Chint\u014D viene praticato nel: Wado-Ryu, Sh\u016Bk\u014Dkai, Isshin-ry\u016B, Chit\u014D-ry\u016B, Sh\u014Drin-ry\u016B, Shit\u014D-ry\u016B, Shotokan, Genseiry\u016B e Y\u014Dsh\u016Bkai."@it . . "Unknown, first known teacher: Chint\u014D"@en . "1094164246"^^ . . . "Chinto"@fr . "Chinto"@pt . . . "4898480"^^ . "Chint\u014D (\u93AE\u6771) (In Shotokan, Gankaku (\u5CA9\u9DB4)) is an advanced kata practiced in many styles of karate. According to legend, it is named after a stranded Chinese sailor (or pirate), sometimes referred to as Annan, whose ship crashed on the Okinawan coast. To survive, Chint\u014D kept stealing from the crops of the local people. Matsumura S\u014Dkon, a Karate master and chief bodyguard to the Ry\u016Bky\u016Ban king, was sent to defeat Chint\u014D. In the ensuing fight, however, Matsumura found himself equally matched by the stranger, and consequently sought to learn his techniques."@en . . . "Chint\u014D"@en . . . "Chint\u014D (\u93AE\u6771) (In Shotokan, Gankaku (\u5CA9\u9DB4)) is an advanced kata practiced in many styles of karate. According to legend, it is named after a stranded Chinese sailor (or pirate), sometimes referred to as Annan, whose ship crashed on the Okinawan coast. To survive, Chint\u014D kept stealing from the crops of the local people. Matsumura S\u014Dkon, a Karate master and chief bodyguard to the Ry\u016Bky\u016Ban king, was sent to defeat Chint\u014D. In the ensuing fight, however, Matsumura found himself equally matched by the stranger, and consequently sought to learn his techniques. It is known that the kata Chint\u014D was well known to the early Tomari-te and Shuri-te schools of karate. Matsumura S\u014Dkon was an early practitioner of the Shuri-te style. When Gichin Funakoshi brought karate to Japan, he renamed Chint\u014D (meaning approximately \"fighter to the east\") to Gankaku (meaning \"crane on a rock\"), possibly to avoid anti-Chinese sentiment of the time. He also included the use of high side kicks (yoko keri keage) instead of the original front kicks (mae- geri keage) and modified the actual pattern of movement, or embusen, to a more linear layout, similar to the other Shotokan kata. It is sometimes said that Chint\u014D should be performed while facing eastwards due to its name, however, this could equally be a reference to its origins and the legend of S\u014Dkon and Chint\u014D. The kata is very dynamic, employing a diverse number of stances (including the uncommon crane stance), unusual strikes of rapidly varying height, and a rare one-footed pivot. Today, Chint\u014D is practiced in many karate styles like: Wado-ry\u016B, Sh\u016Bk\u014Dkai, Isshin-ry\u016B, , Chit\u014D-ry\u016B, Sh\u014Drin-ry\u016B, Shit\u014D-ry\u016B, , Shotokan, Gensei-ry\u016B, Goshin Kagen Goju Matsubayashi-ry\u016B, and Y\u014Dsh\u016Bkai. Chinto is also practiced in Tang Soo Do Soo Bahk Do where it\u2019s known as Jin Do or Jin Tae."@en . . . . . "Chint\u014D"@en . . . . "Chinto est un kata de karat\u00E9 d'origine Shuri-Te. Il fut choisi, ainsi que Seishan, comme Shitei-kata par l'\u00E9cole wado-ryu. En style shotokan il porte le nom de Gankaku."@fr . . . "Gankaku, Jin Do or Jin Tae"@en . . . . "\u30C1\u30F3\u30C8\u30A6\u306F\u3001\u7A7A\u624B\u9053\u306E\u578B\u306E\u4E00\u3064\u3002\u677E\u6FE4\u9928\u6D41\u3067\u306F\u5CA9\u9DB4\uFF08\u304C\u3093\u304B\u304F\uFF09\u3068\u79F0\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u307E\u305F\u5C11\u6797\u5BFA\u6D41\u932C\u5FC3\u8218\uFF08\u4FDD\u52C7\uFF09\u3067\u306F\u93AE\u6771\u3001\u5C11\u6797\u5BFA\u6D41\u6C42\u9053\u9928\uFF08\u4EF2\u91CC\u5E38\u5EF6\uFF09\u3067\u306F\u93AE\u95D8\u3068\u8868\u8A18\u3055\u308C\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . "Chinto est un kata de karat\u00E9 d'origine Shuri-Te. Il fut choisi, ainsi que Seishan, comme Shitei-kata par l'\u00E9cole wado-ryu. En style shotokan il porte le nom de Gankaku."@fr . . . . . "\u30C1\u30F3\u30C8\u30A6\u306F\u3001\u7A7A\u624B\u9053\u306E\u578B\u306E\u4E00\u3064\u3002\u677E\u6FE4\u9928\u6D41\u3067\u306F\u5CA9\u9DB4\uFF08\u304C\u3093\u304B\u304F\uFF09\u3068\u79F0\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u307E\u305F\u5C11\u6797\u5BFA\u6D41\u932C\u5FC3\u8218\uFF08\u4FDD\u52C7\uFF09\u3067\u306F\u93AE\u6771\u3001\u5C11\u6797\u5BFA\u6D41\u6C42\u9053\u9928\uFF08\u4EF2\u91CC\u5E38\u5EF6\uFF09\u3067\u306F\u93AE\u95D8\u3068\u8868\u8A18\u3055\u308C\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . . . . "Chinto (\u9547\u4E1C Chint\u014D?, combatente do oriente) \u00E9 um kata praticado em v\u00E1rios estilos de carat\u00EA. Sua origem remonta a Oquinaua e aos estilos Tomari-te e Shuri-te, e tem como caracter\u00EDstica prec\u00EDpua a ligeireza. \u00C9 praticado por v\u00E1rios estilos e escolas."@pt . . . . "Chint\u014D"@it . . . . . . "Chinto (\u9547\u4E1C Chint\u014D?, combatente do oriente) \u00E9 um kata praticado em v\u00E1rios estilos de carat\u00EA. Sua origem remonta a Oquinaua e aos estilos Tomari-te e Shuri-te, e tem como caracter\u00EDstica prec\u00EDpua a ligeireza. \u00C9 praticado por v\u00E1rios estilos e escolas."@pt . . . . "3061"^^ . .