. . . . "4443"^^ . "1108793896"^^ . . . . "promotion of Scottish Gaelic"@en . . . . . "Cl\u00EC G\u00E0idhlig"@ca . . . . . . . "board of directors"@en . "Cl\u00EC G\u00E0idhlig"@en . "POINT(-4.2241668701172 57.479442596436)"^^ . . . . . . . "Director"@en . "CL\u00CC may not exist anymore, but this should be confirmed and the article updated into the past tense"@en . . . . . . . . "yes"@en . "Cl\u00EC G\u00E0idhlig antigament conegut com a Comann an Luchd-Ionnsachaidh ('La societat d'aprenents'), o CLI, \u00E9s una organitzaci\u00F3 amb seu a Inverness que dona suport a aquells que aprenen ga\u00E8lic escoc\u00E8s i que lluita activament per promoure aquesta llengua. Cl\u00EC organitza classes i dies de conversa arreu d'Esc\u00F2cia, celebra una reuni\u00F3 anual d'aprenents, Tional, i produeix materials did\u00E0ctics, incloent una revista trimestral anomenada Cothrom, que vol dir tant \"oportunitat\" com \"grup de gent\". Cl\u00EC apareix sovint a les not\u00EDcies com a lobby per la defensa del ga\u00E8lic (per exemple, aqu\u00ED) i est\u00E0 representat al parlament escoc\u00E8s per mitj\u00E0 d'un cross party group (grup format per membres de tots els partits, organitzacions... que discuteixen sobre un tema d'inter\u00E8s com\u00FA) sobre el ga\u00E8lic. Recentment Cl\u00EC ha format Deiseil Ltd. juntament amb dos professors de la llengua. Deiseil Ltd. \u00E9s l'empresa que administra el curs , inspirat en l'Ulpan israeli\u00E0."@ca . "Pam Talbot"@en . . . "Cl\u00EC G\u00E0idhlig"@en . "charity"@en . . . "1984"^^ . "6"^^ . . . . . . "promotion ofScottish Gaelic" . . . . "57.47944444444445 -4.224166666666667" . . . . . . "57.47944259643555"^^ . "June 2020"@en . "Cl\u00EC G\u00E0idhlig, lehen Comann an Luchd-Ionnsachaidh (euskaraz: 'Ikasleen Elkartea') edo CLI izenaz ezaguna, Invernessko erakunde kulturala da, Eskoziako gaeleraren ikasleak lagunduz hizkuntza babesten duena. Cl\u00ECk klaseak eta elkarrizketak antolatzen ditu Eskozia osoan, tartean urtero Tional izeneko bilgunea. Hizkuntza ikasteko materialak eta Cothrom (euskaraz \"aldaketa\" eta \"taldea\" esan nahi dituena) aldizkaria ere argitaratzen ditu. Cl\u00EC Eskoziako gaeleraren aldeko lobby osatzen du, Eskoziako parlamentura ordezkariak bidaltzen dituena. Cl\u00EC eta hizkuntza-irakasle bik duela gutxi Deiseil Ltd. sortu zuten, ikastaroaren antolatzailea dena."@eu . "charity" . . . "Cl\u00EC G\u00E0idhlig"@eu . . . "Cl\u00EC G\u00E0idhlig antigament conegut com a Comann an Luchd-Ionnsachaidh ('La societat d'aprenents'), o CLI, \u00E9s una organitzaci\u00F3 amb seu a Inverness que dona suport a aquells que aprenen ga\u00E8lic escoc\u00E8s i que lluita activament per promoure aquesta llengua. Cl\u00EC organitza classes i dies de conversa arreu d'Esc\u00F2cia, celebra una reuni\u00F3 anual d'aprenents, Tional, i produeix materials did\u00E0ctics, incloent una revista trimestral anomenada Cothrom, que vol dir tant \"oportunitat\" com \"grup de gent\"."@ca . "-4.224166870117188"^^ . "Convenor"@en . "Cl\u00EC G\u00E0idhlig logo"@en . . . . "140"^^ . . . . . "Cl\u00EC G\u00E0idhlig (Scottish Gaelic pronunciation: [\u02C8k\u02B0li\u02D0 \u02C8ka\u02D0l\u026Ak\u02B2]), founded in 1984 as Comann an Luchd-Ionnsachaidh ([\u02C8k\u02B0om\u0259n\u032A\u02E0 \u0259 l\u032A\u02E0ux\u02C8k\u02B2\u0169\u02D0n\u032A\u02E0s\u032A\u0259x\u026A]; \"the Learners' Society\"), is an organisation based in Inverness which seeks to support learners of the Scottish Gaelic language and has campaigned actively to promote the language. Cl\u00EC organises classes ranging from \"coffee mornings\" and one-day conversation courses to \u00D9lpan and grammar courses throughout Scotland. It also produces materials for learners, including the quarterly magazine Cothrom (the name means \"a chance\" in Gaelic)."@en . . . . . . "DJ MacIntyre"@en . "Cl\u00EC G\u00E0idhlig, lehen Comann an Luchd-Ionnsachaidh (euskaraz: 'Ikasleen Elkartea') edo CLI izenaz ezaguna, Invernessko erakunde kulturala da, Eskoziako gaeleraren ikasleak lagunduz hizkuntza babesten duena. Cl\u00ECk klaseak eta elkarrizketak antolatzen ditu Eskozia osoan, tartean urtero Tional izeneko bilgunea. Hizkuntza ikasteko materialak eta Cothrom (euskaraz \"aldaketa\" eta \"taldea\" esan nahi dituena) aldizkaria ere argitaratzen ditu. Cl\u00EC Eskoziako gaeleraren aldeko lobby osatzen du, Eskoziako parlamentura ordezkariak bidaltzen dituena."@eu . . . "Cl\u00EC G\u00E0idhlig"@en . . . "6"^^ . "Cl\u00EC G\u00E0idhlig (Scottish Gaelic pronunciation: [\u02C8k\u02B0li\u02D0 \u02C8ka\u02D0l\u026Ak\u02B2]), founded in 1984 as Comann an Luchd-Ionnsachaidh ([\u02C8k\u02B0om\u0259n\u032A\u02E0 \u0259 l\u032A\u02E0ux\u02C8k\u02B2\u0169\u02D0n\u032A\u02E0s\u032A\u0259x\u026A]; \"the Learners' Society\"), is an organisation based in Inverness which seeks to support learners of the Scottish Gaelic language and has campaigned actively to promote the language. Cl\u00EC organises classes ranging from \"coffee mornings\" and one-day conversation courses to \u00D9lpan and grammar courses throughout Scotland. It also produces materials for learners, including the quarterly magazine Cothrom (the name means \"a chance\" in Gaelic). Cl\u00EC was also mentioned in news as lobbying to make the BBC Alba TV channel available on Freeview. One of its members is Alasdair Allan, MSP, currently the Scottish Government's Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland's Languages. In 2016, B\u00F2rd na G\u00E0idhlig cut Cl\u00EC out of its budget, and as a result, the organization voted to fold on 12 November 2016."@en . . . . "6971961"^^ . . .