. "Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE CCO), coneguda com a Clear Channel, \u00E9s una companyia estadounidenca, controlada per , i \u00E9s una de les majors empreses de publicitat exterior i una de les empreses pioneres en sistema de gesti\u00F3 integral de manlleu de bicicletes de lliure servei. La seu de l'empresa es troba a Phoenix (Arizona). Entre alguns serveis que gestiona est\u00E0 el servei p\u00FAblic de bicicletes Bicing de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona."@ca . . . "NYSE:CCO"@en . . . . . . . "Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc."@en . "Clear Channel"@sv . . . . . . "Clear Channel Outdoor"@ca . "3423425"^^ . . . "William Eccleshare"@en . "Clear Channel Outdoor Americas (CCOA) is an out-of-home (OOH) advertising company based in New York City with operations throughout the U.S. and the Caribbean. CCOA is one of two separate business units operating as part of Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (CCOH). The other business unit, Clear Channel International (CCI), includes, Europe, Singapore and Latin America. Globally, both CCOA and CCI employ 5,800 people. Following a separation from its former parent company, iHeartMedia, Inc., in May 2019, CCOH, Inc., has operated as an independent, publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CCO). In the U.S., Clear Channel Outdoor Americas offers outdoor advertising in 43 of the top 50 markets and maintains an office and operations presence employing over 1,500 people. Across its roadside and street level market footprint, CCOA offers tens of thousands of printed billboards in a variety of formats."@en . "2.68E9"^^ . . . "5900"^^ . "-2.05E9"^^ . . "6.39E9"^^ . . "2.53E8"^^ . . . "14224"^^ . "1901"^^ . . "5900"^^ . . "Clear Channel Outdoor"@en . . . . . . . . "1088929150"^^ . "2.68E9"^^ . . "2.53E8"^^ . . . . . "ClearChannel \u00E4r ett f\u00F6retag inom reklamdistribution, framf\u00F6r allt utomhusreklam."@sv . . . . . "Eller Media Company"@en . . . . . "6.39E9"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . ""@en . . . . . "Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc."@en . . . "1901"^^ . . "Clear Channel Outdoor logo.png"@en . . . . "Clear Channel Outdoor Americas (CCOA) is an out-of-home (OOH) advertising company based in New York City with operations throughout the U.S. and the Caribbean. CCOA is one of two separate business units operating as part of Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (CCOH). The other business unit, Clear Channel International (CCI), includes, Europe, Singapore and Latin America. Globally, both CCOA and CCI employ 5,800 people."@en . . "ClearChannel \u00E4r ett f\u00F6retag inom reklamdistribution, framf\u00F6r allt utomhusreklam."@sv . . . "Patrick Media Outdoor"@en . . "Foster & Kleiser"@en . . . . . "Scott Wells"@en . . . . . . . "250"^^ . . . . . . "-2.05E9"^^ . . . . . "-3.63E8"^^ . . . . . "-3.63E8"^^ . . . . . "Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE CCO), coneguda com a Clear Channel, \u00E9s una companyia estadounidenca, controlada per , i \u00E9s una de les majors empreses de publicitat exterior i una de les empreses pioneres en sistema de gesti\u00F3 integral de manlleu de bicicletes de lliure servei. La seu de l'empresa es troba a Phoenix (Arizona). Entre alguns serveis que gestiona est\u00E0 el servei p\u00FAblic de bicicletes Bicing de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona."@ca . . .