. . . "Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn (... \u2013 577) fu un re del Munster, che apparteneva agli , ramo della dinastia regnante degli E\u00F3ganachta. Aveva la sua base a Glanworth, nella contea di Cork. Era figlio di (morto attorno al 542). Nel 572 combatt\u00E9 la (pianura tra Cashel e Clonmel, nella contea di Tipperary) e sconfisse mac Diarmata (morto nel 585) e molti degli uomini di Meath furono uccisi. Dettagli su questa battaglia sono contenuti in un poema che parla dell'origine del nome di Loch Cenn."@it . . . . . . "R\u00ED na Mumhan d'Eoghanacht Ghleanndamhnach ba ea Cairbre Crom mac Criomhthainn (Sean-Ghaeilge Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn) (b\u00E1s 577). Bh\u00ED a chlann bunaithe thart ar , Contae Chorca\u00ED. Criomhthann Sreamh mac Eachadha (b\u00E1s c. 542) ba ea a athair. Is doil\u00E9ir \u00E9 croineola\u00EDocht r\u00EDthe na Mumhan sa 6\u00FA haois. I nAnn\u00E1la Tiarnaigh, luaitear Cairbre mar r\u00ED don bhliain, ach ansin, r\u00ED eile, Cormac mac Ailealla, don bhliain 545. Feictear Cairbre ar\u00EDs ina th\u00E1sc don bhliain 577, tar \u00E9is r\u00E9imis 17 bliain. M\u00E1s f\u00EDor, bheadh s\u00E9 i r\u00E9im idir 560 agus 577. Feictear \u00E9 fosta i r\u00EDliosta\u00ED le f\u00E1il i Sioncronachta\u00ED Laud, sa Leabhar Laighneach agus sa s\u00E1ga Seanchas F\u00E1la Chaisil. Sa bhliain 572, tharla Cath Feimin, maigh idir Caisil agus Cluain Meala. Chlo\u00EDgh Cairbre Colm\u00E1n Beag mac Diarmada (b\u00E1s 585) agus mara\u00EDodh fir na M\u00ED. T\u00E1 d\u00E1n ann sa Dinnseanchas maidir le Loch Ceann a ins\u00EDonn toradh an chatha: Loch Cendmairg doimir fora bruach;dolin Cairpri do chinnu \u00E9condad cru \u00E9 sis isuas.Loch Ceannmairg b\u00E1d\u00F3ir ar a bruach;l\u00EDon Cairbre le cinn \u00E9go fuil \u00E9 s\u00EDos is suas. Bh\u00ED beirt mhac aige, Feilim\u00ED mac Cairbre Chroim, luaite mar r\u00ED na Mumhan, agus , sinsear r\u00EDthe Gleanndamhnaigh. Bhunaigh s\u00E9 a ardeaglais ag Cluain, agus ba \u00E9 Naomh an ch\u00E9ad easpag ann. Ph\u00F3s a bhaintreach, Cumman, Feilim\u00ED mac Tiarnaigh, r\u00ED Mumhan."@ga . . "Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn"@in . . . . "Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn (died 577) was a King of Munster from the E\u00F3ganacht Glendamnach sept of the ruling Eoganachta dynasty. This branch was centred at Glanworth, County Cork. He was the son of Crimthann Srem mac Echado (died circa 542). In 572, he fought the Battle of Feimin (plain between Cashel and Clonmel, County Tipperary), and defeated Colm\u00E1n Bec mac Diarmata (died 585) and many of the men of Meath were slain. A poem on the origin of the name of Loch Cenn gives the following information about this battle:"@en . . "Cairbre Crom mac Criomhthainn"@ga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Coirpre Cromm (\u201EKrzywy\u201D) lub Cairpre Cromm mac Crimthainn (zm. ok. 569 r.) \u2013 kr\u00F3l Cashel i Munsteru z , linii dynastii E\u00F3ganacht, od ok. 547 do swej \u015Bmierci. Syn i nast\u0119pca Crimthanna II Srema, kr\u00F3la Munsteru. Informacje w \u017Ar\u00F3d\u0142ach dotycz\u0105ce chronologii kr\u00F3l\u00F3w Munsteru s\u0105 ze sob\u0105 sprzeczne. \u0179r\u00F3d\u0142a wspominaj\u0105 Coirpre\u2019a pod rokiem 547, jako kr\u00F3la Munsteru. Prawdopodobnie w\u00F3wczas obj\u0105\u0142 tron po \u015Bmierci swego ojca. Za\u015B Tablica Synchronistyczna, znajduj\u0105ca si\u0119 w pi\u0119tnastowiecznym manuskrypcie \u201ELaud 610\u201D (fol. 115 a 6) poda\u0142a, \u017Ce panowa\u0142 dwadzie\u015Bcia dwa lata. Informacja ta daje nam prawdopodobny rok \u015Bmierci Coirpre\u2019a, 569 r., a nie 579 r. wzmiankowany w \u017Ar\u00F3d\u0142ach. Prawdopodobnie dosz\u0142o do pomy\u0142ki rocznikarza. Trzeba pami\u0119ta\u0107, \u017Ce kronikarze \u015Bredniowieczni bardzo cz\u0119sto pope\u0142niali ten b\u0142\u0105d, polegaj\u0105cy na wstawianiu danej informacji pod niew\u0142a\u015Bciwy rok. Nierzadko przesuwali wydarzenia o dziesi\u0119\u0107 lat. Tablica Synchronistyczna poda\u0142a dodatkowo, \u017Ce rz\u0105dzi\u0142 w czasach , zwierzchniego kr\u00F3la Irlandii w latach 544-565. Dodatkowym argumentem za t\u0105 dat\u0105 \u015Bmierci jest informacja o dwunastoletnich rz\u0105dach nast\u0119pcy, , zmar\u0142ego w 580 r. \u0179r\u00F3d\u0142a pod rokiem 549 poda\u0142y niejakiego Cormaca mac Aillela, jako kr\u00F3la Munsteru. Mo\u017Cliwe, \u017Ce by\u0142 uznawany za kr\u00F3la przez pewn\u0105 cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 lokalnych w\u0142adc\u00F3w munsterskich, kt\u00F3rych by\u0142o wielu. Coirpre ofiarowa\u0142 Cloyne Ko\u015Bcio\u0142owi. Jego pierwszym biskupem by\u0142 \u015Bwi\u0119ty Kolman z Cloyne."@pl . . . . . "3384"^^ . . . . . . "\u041A\u0430\u0439\u0440\u043F\u0440\u0435 \u041A\u0440\u043E\u043C\u043C (\u0434\u0440.\u2011\u0438\u0440\u043B. Coirpre Cromm; \u0443\u043C\u0435\u0440 \u0432 579 \u0438\u043B\u0438 580) \u2014 \u043A\u043E\u0440\u043E\u043B\u044C \u041C\u0443\u043D\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0430 (\u0434\u043E 579 \u0438\u043B\u0438 580 \u0433\u043E\u0434\u0430) \u0438\u0437 \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0430 ."@ru . "Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn (mort vers 577) \u00E9tait un roi de Munster (en irlandais : Muman), l'un des cinq royaumes d'Irlande. Il appartenait \u00E0 la famille des E\u00F3ganacht Glendamnach, une branche du clan des E\u00F3ganachta descendant d'\u00D3engus mac Nad Fro\u00EDch (mort en 489), le premier roi chr\u00E9tien de Muman, par son fils Eochaid mac \u00D3engusa."@fr . . . . . . . . "1106411280"^^ . "\u041A\u0430\u0439\u0440\u043F\u0440\u0435 \u041A\u0440\u043E\u043C\u043C (\u0434\u0440.\u2011\u0438\u0440\u043B. Coirpre Cromm; \u0443\u043C\u0435\u0440 \u0432 579 \u0438\u043B\u0438 580) \u2014 \u043A\u043E\u0440\u043E\u043B\u044C \u041C\u0443\u043D\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0430 (\u0434\u043E 579 \u0438\u043B\u0438 580 \u0433\u043E\u0434\u0430) \u0438\u0437 \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0430 ."@ru . . . . . . . "Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn (died 577) was a King of Munster from the E\u00F3ganacht Glendamnach sept of the ruling Eoganachta dynasty. This branch was centred at Glanworth, County Cork. He was the son of Crimthann Srem mac Echado (died circa 542). The chronology of the sixth-century kings of Munster in the sources is contradictory. The Annals of Tigernach mention him as king in 542 but then names another king in 545, . The annals then mention his death again at 577 after reigning 17 years. This would give a possible reign of 560\u2013577. King lists contained in the Laud Synchronisms, the Book of Leinster and the saga Senchas Fagb\u00E1la Caisil (The Story of the Finding of Cashel) also mention him. In 572, he fought the Battle of Feimin (plain between Cashel and Clonmel, County Tipperary), and defeated Colm\u00E1n Bec mac Diarmata (died 585) and many of the men of Meath were slain. A poem on the origin of the name of Loch Cenn gives the following information about this battle: \"Loch Cenn! woe to him that rows along its shore! Cairpre filled it with heads, till it is all blood beneath and above. Loch Silenn from that time forth ... did Cairpre fill, the warrior of the Cairn, so that hence comes the name of Loch Cenn.\" His sons were Feidlimid mac Coirpri Chruimm, a possible king of Munster, and \u00C1ed Fland Cathrach, who was ancestor of the later kings from the Glendamnach line. He gave Cloyne to God and its first bishop was Saint Colman of Cloyne. His widow Cumman married Feidlimid mac Tigernaig, also King of Munster."@en . . "Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn adalah Raja Munster. sendiri adalah sebuah kerajaan yang pernah berdiri di sisi barat daya Pulau Irlandia. Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn adalah putra dari Crimthann Srem mac Echado. Ia mulai berkuasa sebagai raja pada tahun 542. Masa kekuasaannya kemudian berakhir pada tahun 577. Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn mangkat pada tahun 577."@in . . . "c. 542 \u2013 577"@en . . . "Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn (... \u2013 577) fu un re del Munster, che apparteneva agli , ramo della dinastia regnante degli E\u00F3ganachta. Aveva la sua base a Glanworth, nella contea di Cork. Era figlio di (morto attorno al 542). La cronologia dei re del Munster del VI secolo nelle fonti \u00E8 contraddittoria. Gli Annali di Tigernach lo indicano come re nel 542, ma poi parlano di un altro re per il 545, . Gli annali menzionano di nuovo la sua morte ma nel 577 dopo 17 anni di regno, mentre i Laud Synchronisms parlano di 22 anni di regno. Egli menzionato non solo nelle liste reali contenute nei Laud Synchronisms, ma anche nel Libro di Leinster e nella saga Senchas Fagb\u00E1la Caisil (La storia del ritrovamento di Cashel). Nel 572 combatt\u00E9 la (pianura tra Cashel e Clonmel, nella contea di Tipperary) e sconfisse mac Diarmata (morto nel 585) e molti degli uomini di Meath furono uccisi. Dettagli su questa battaglia sono contenuti in un poema che parla dell'origine del nome di Loch Cenn. Suoi figli furono , che fu forse del Munster, e \u00C1ed Fland Cathrach, antenato dei successivi sovrani provenienti dalla linea di discendenza Glendamnach. Assegn\u00F2 Cloyne alla chiesa e il suo primo vescovo fu . La moglie, dopo la sua morte, spos\u00F2 , anche lui re del Munster.."@it . . . . . "Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn adalah Raja Munster. sendiri adalah sebuah kerajaan yang pernah berdiri di sisi barat daya Pulau Irlandia. Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn adalah putra dari Crimthann Srem mac Echado. Ia mulai berkuasa sebagai raja pada tahun 542. Masa kekuasaannya kemudian berakhir pada tahun 577. Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn mangkat pada tahun 577."@in . . "Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn"@it . . . . . "\u041A\u0430\u0439\u0440\u043F\u0440\u0435 \u041A\u0440\u043E\u043C\u043C"@ru . "Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn (mort vers 577) \u00E9tait un roi de Munster (en irlandais : Muman), l'un des cinq royaumes d'Irlande. Il appartenait \u00E0 la famille des E\u00F3ganacht Glendamnach, une branche du clan des E\u00F3ganachta descendant d'\u00D3engus mac Nad Fro\u00EDch (mort en 489), le premier roi chr\u00E9tien de Muman, par son fils Eochaid mac \u00D3engusa."@fr . "Coirpre Cromm (\u201EKrzywy\u201D) lub Cairpre Cromm mac Crimthainn (zm. ok. 569 r.) \u2013 kr\u00F3l Cashel i Munsteru z , linii dynastii E\u00F3ganacht, od ok. 547 do swej \u015Bmierci. Syn i nast\u0119pca Crimthanna II Srema, kr\u00F3la Munsteru."@pl . "14714038"^^ . . . "Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn"@fr . "R\u00ED na Mumhan d'Eoghanacht Ghleanndamhnach ba ea Cairbre Crom mac Criomhthainn (Sean-Ghaeilge Coirpre Cromm mac Crimthainn) (b\u00E1s 577). Bh\u00ED a chlann bunaithe thart ar , Contae Chorca\u00ED. Criomhthann Sreamh mac Eachadha (b\u00E1s c. 542) ba ea a athair. Sa bhliain 572, tharla Cath Feimin, maigh idir Caisil agus Cluain Meala. Chlo\u00EDgh Cairbre Colm\u00E1n Beag mac Diarmada (b\u00E1s 585) agus mara\u00EDodh fir na M\u00ED. T\u00E1 d\u00E1n ann sa Dinnseanchas maidir le Loch Ceann a ins\u00EDonn toradh an chatha:"@ga . "Coirpre Cromm"@pl .