. . . . . . . "Coughton Court \u00E9 um pal\u00E1cio rural da Inglaterra situado na estrada principal entre e Alcester, no Warwickshire. Apresenta-se como um dos mais refinados exemplares da arquitectura Tudor neste tipo de edif\u00EDcios. \u00C9 um listed building classificado com o Grau I. A propriedade Coughton tem estado na posse da fam\u00EDlia Throckmorton desde 1409. O pal\u00E1cio possui uma impressionante fachada directamente voltada para a estrada principal, cuja parte central \u00E9 uma soberba portaria, sendo a parte mais antiga da actual estrutura, datada de 1530. Apesar de a fam\u00EDlia Throckmorton ter estado apenas indirectamente implicada na Conspira\u00E7\u00E3o da P\u00F3lvora, Coughton Court mant\u00E9m um lugar na hist\u00F3ria da Inglaterra pelo papel que desempenhou nesse epis\u00F3dio de 1605, tendo alguns dos conspiradores dirigido os seus passos para ali depois da conspira\u00E7\u00E3o ter falhado. O pal\u00E1cio tem estado na posse da National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty (Instituto Nacional para Locais de interesse Hist\u00F3rico ou Beleza Natural) desde 1945. A fam\u00EDlia mant\u00E9m um arrendamento de longa dura\u00E7\u00E3o e dirige o dom\u00EDnio a meias com o National Trust. Coughton Court est\u00E1 aberto ao p\u00FAblico, encontrando-se no seu interior uma exposi\u00E7\u00E3o sobre a Conspira\u00E7\u00E3o da P\u00F3lvora. O pal\u00E1cio ergue-se entre extensos campos, incluindo um jardim mais formal, um rio e um lago."@pt . . . . "Coughton Court"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "POINT(-1.8799999952316 52.243499755859)"^^ . "Coughton Court \u00E9 um pal\u00E1cio rural da Inglaterra situado na estrada principal entre e Alcester, no Warwickshire. Apresenta-se como um dos mais refinados exemplares da arquitectura Tudor neste tipo de edif\u00EDcios. \u00C9 um listed building classificado com o Grau I. A propriedade Coughton tem estado na posse da fam\u00EDlia Throckmorton desde 1409. O pal\u00E1cio possui uma impressionante fachada directamente voltada para a estrada principal, cuja parte central \u00E9 uma soberba portaria, sendo a parte mais antiga da actual estrutura, datada de 1530."@pt . . . "Coughton Court"@en . . . "-1.879999995231628"^^ . . "8386"^^ . . . . . . . "Built c.16th century"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Coughton Court (uttalas som \"Coat-un\") \u00E4r ett stately home som ligger i Warwickshire, Midlands i England. Det byggdes n\u00E5gon g\u00E5ng under 1500-talet och klassas som ett engelskt country house i Tudorstil. Den \u00E4ldsta delen av byggnaden (kallad Tudor Gatehouse, som dateras till 1530) \u00E4r delvis inspirerad av den engelska ren\u00E4ssansstilen och den gotiska stil som populariserades av Horace Walpole, 4:e earl av Orford. Omr\u00E5det vid Coughton har \u00E4gts av sl\u00E4kten Throckmorton sedan 1409, d\u00E5 de f\u00F6rv\u00E4rvade detta via \u00E4ktenskap. Coughton byggdes om av Sir George Throckmorton, son till Sir Robert Throckmorton och Catherine Marrow. Sl\u00E4kten Throckmorton uppskattades av kungafamiljen och de valde att till\u00E4gna Tudor Gatehouse till Henrik VIII av England. Throckmorton blev dock \u00F6k\u00E4nd p\u00E5 grund av sin inblandning i skilsm\u00E4ssan mellan kung Henrik och hans fru Katarina av Aragonien; Throckmorton favoriserade n\u00E4mligen drottningen och var emot reformationen. Han tillbringade st\u00F6rre delen av sitt liv med att bygga om Coughton. Efter Throckmortons d\u00F6d 1552 \u00E4rvde hans son, Robert, Coughton. Coughton Court spelade mindre roller b\u00E5de i Throckmortonsammansv\u00E4rjningen 1583 och krutkonspirationen 1605, \u00E4ven om sl\u00E4kten Throckmorton inte var aktivt medverkande i den senare. Coughton Court har sedan 1946 var i \u00E4go av National Trust; dock har sl\u00E4kten Throckmorton ett leasingavtal p\u00E5 300 \u00E5r under vilka de sk\u00F6ter om fastigheten \u00E5 National Trusts v\u00E4gnar."@sv . . . . . . . "Built c.16th century" . . . . . "Coughton Court /\u02C8ko\u028At\u0259n/ (grid reference SP080604) is an English Tudor country house, situated on the main road between Studley and Alcester in Warwickshire. It is a Grade I listed building. The house has a long crenellated fa\u00E7ade directly facing the main road, at the centre of which is the Tudor Gatehouse, dating from after 1536; this has hexagonal turrets and oriel windows in the English Renaissance style. The Gatehouse is the oldest part of the house and is flanked by later wings, in the Strawberry Hill Gothic style, popularised by Horace Walpole."@en . "Coughton Court"@pt . "\u5EAB\u683C\u9813\u838A\u5712"@zh . . "Coughton Court"@es . "Location within Warwickshire"@en . . . . . . . "Coughton Court es una mansi\u00F3n y palacio rural de Inglaterra ubicado en la carretera principal entre Studley y Alcester, en el condado de Warwickshire. Se presenta como uno de los ejemplos m\u00E1s refinados de la arquitectura Tudor en este tipo de edificios. Es un edificio catalogado de Grado I."@es . . "United Kingdom Warwickshire"@en . . "Coughton Court"@sv . . . . . . "Coughton Court /k o\u028A t \u0259n / est une maison de campagne anglaise Tudor, situ\u00E9e sur la route principale entre Studley et Alcester dans le Warwickshire. Il s'agit d'un b\u00E2timent class\u00E9 Grade I. La maison a une longue fa\u00E7ade cr\u00E9nel\u00E9e donnant directement sur la route principale, au centre de laquelle se trouve la Gatehouse Tudor, datant d'apr\u00E8s 1536 avec des tourelles hexagonales et des oriels dans le style de la Renaissance anglaise. La porterie est la partie la plus ancienne de la maison et est flanqu\u00E9e d'ailes plus tardives, dans le style gothique de Strawberry Hill, popularis\u00E9 par Horace Walpole."@fr . . . . . . "Coughton Court"@en . . . . . "3016002"^^ . . . . . . . "52.24349975585938"^^ . . . "\u5EAB\u683C\u9813\u838A\u5712\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ACoughton Court\uFF09\u662F\u4F4D\u65BC\u82F1\u570B\u7684\u4E00\u5EA7\u90FD\u9438\u5F0F\u9109\u6751\u5225\u5885\u3002\u5EAB\u683C\u9813\u838A\u5712\u59CB\u5EFA\u65BC1530\u5E74\uFF0C\u662F\u4E00\u5EA7\u82F1\u570B\u4E00\u7D1A\u4FDD\u8B77\u5EFA\u7BC9\uFF0C\u5916\u89C0\u5E36\u6709\u5178\u578B\u7684\u82F1\u570B\u6587\u85DD\u5FA9\u8208\u6642\u671F\u7684\u98A8\u683C\u3002\u81EA1946\u5E74\u4EE5\u4F86\uFF0C\u5EAB\u683C\u9813\u838A\u5712\u6709\u570B\u5BB6\u540D\u52DD\u53E4\u8E5F\u4FE1\u8A17\u6240\u6709\u3002\u73FE\u5728\u5EAB\u683C\u9813\u838A\u5712\u5168\u5E74\u5C0D\u5916\u958B\u653E\u3002"@zh . . . "in the care of the National Trust"@en . "1106766298"^^ . "Coughton Court"@en . "Coughton Court (uttalas som \"Coat-un\") \u00E4r ett stately home som ligger i Warwickshire, Midlands i England. Det byggdes n\u00E5gon g\u00E5ng under 1500-talet och klassas som ett engelskt country house i Tudorstil. Den \u00E4ldsta delen av byggnaden (kallad Tudor Gatehouse, som dateras till 1530) \u00E4r delvis inspirerad av den engelska ren\u00E4ssansstilen och den gotiska stil som populariserades av Horace Walpole, 4:e earl av Orford."@sv . . . . . . . . . "52.2435 -1.88" . "Coughton Court es una mansi\u00F3n y palacio rural de Inglaterra ubicado en la carretera principal entre Studley y Alcester, en el condado de Warwickshire. Se presenta como uno de los ejemplos m\u00E1s refinados de la arquitectura Tudor en este tipo de edificios. Es un edificio catalogado de Grado I."@es . . . . "\u5EAB\u683C\u9813\u838A\u5712\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ACoughton Court\uFF09\u662F\u4F4D\u65BC\u82F1\u570B\u7684\u4E00\u5EA7\u90FD\u9438\u5F0F\u9109\u6751\u5225\u5885\u3002\u5EAB\u683C\u9813\u838A\u5712\u59CB\u5EFA\u65BC1530\u5E74\uFF0C\u662F\u4E00\u5EA7\u82F1\u570B\u4E00\u7D1A\u4FDD\u8B77\u5EFA\u7BC9\uFF0C\u5916\u89C0\u5E36\u6709\u5178\u578B\u7684\u82F1\u570B\u6587\u85DD\u5FA9\u8208\u6642\u671F\u7684\u98A8\u683C\u3002\u81EA1946\u5E74\u4EE5\u4F86\uFF0C\u5EAB\u683C\u9813\u838A\u5712\u6709\u570B\u5BB6\u540D\u52DD\u53E4\u8E5F\u4FE1\u8A17\u6240\u6709\u3002\u73FE\u5728\u5EAB\u683C\u9813\u838A\u5712\u5168\u5E74\u5C0D\u5916\u958B\u653E\u3002"@zh . . "Coughton Court /\u02C8ko\u028At\u0259n/ (grid reference SP080604) is an English Tudor country house, situated on the main road between Studley and Alcester in Warwickshire. It is a Grade I listed building. The house has a long crenellated fa\u00E7ade directly facing the main road, at the centre of which is the Tudor Gatehouse, dating from after 1536; this has hexagonal turrets and oriel windows in the English Renaissance style. The Gatehouse is the oldest part of the house and is flanked by later wings, in the Strawberry Hill Gothic style, popularised by Horace Walpole."@en . . . "Coughton Court /k o\u028A t \u0259n / est une maison de campagne anglaise Tudor, situ\u00E9e sur la route principale entre Studley et Alcester dans le Warwickshire. Il s'agit d'un b\u00E2timent class\u00E9 Grade I. La maison a une longue fa\u00E7ade cr\u00E9nel\u00E9e donnant directement sur la route principale, au centre de laquelle se trouve la Gatehouse Tudor, datant d'apr\u00E8s 1536 avec des tourelles hexagonales et des oriels dans le style de la Renaissance anglaise. La porterie est la partie la plus ancienne de la maison et est flanqu\u00E9e d'ailes plus tardives, dans le style gothique de Strawberry Hill, popularis\u00E9 par Horace Walpole."@fr . . "Stately home"@en . . . . . "Coughton Court"@en . . . . . . . .