. "Conde de Tent\u00FAgal"@pt . . . "Conde de Tent\u00FAgal de juro e herdade com Honras de Parente da Casa Real \u00E9 um t\u00EDtulo nobili\u00E1rquico criado pelo Rei D. Manuel I de Portugal, por Carta de 1 de Janeiro de 1504, a favor de D. Rodrigo de Melo (um nobre descendente da Casa de Bragan\u00E7a). O 1\u00BA Conde foi posteriormente elevado a Marqu\u00EAs de Ferreira pelo Rei D. Jo\u00E3o III de Portugal. Tradicionalmente usado pelos herdeiros dos Marqueses de Ferreira e, posteriormente, dos Duques de Cadaval, o t\u00EDtulo de Conde de Tent\u00FAgal foi outorgado com Honras de Parente da Casa Real, com tratamento de sobrinho d\u00B4El-Rei, honra raramente concedida. De notar que o Ducado de Cadaval foi igualmente outorgado com Honras de Parente, mas com tratamento de primo d\u00B4El-Rei. \u00C0 Casa de Tent\u00FAgal e Ferreira pertenciam os Senhorios de Alvito, Vidigueira, Vila Nova, Vila Ruiva, Vilalva, Vila de Frades e S. Cocovado, por outorga do Rei D. Fernando I de Portugal. Tiveram ainda os Senhorios de Povos, Castanheira e Quinta de \u00C1gua de Peixes."@pt . . . . "1092969576"^^ . . . "Count of Tent\u00FAgal"@en . . . . . . . . . . "20028514"^^ . . . . . . "4948"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Count of Tent\u00FAgal (in Portuguese Conde de Tent\u00FAgal) was a Portuguese title of nobility created by a royal decree, dated from 1 January 1504, by King Manuel I of Portugal, and granted to Dom Rodrigo de Melo, son of \u00C1lvaro of Braganza and Philippa of Melo (daughter and heir of the Count of Oliven\u00E7a). Twenty nine years later, in 1533, King John III of Portugal granted him the new title of Marquis of Ferreira (in Portuguese Marqu\u00EAs de Ferreira). Count of Tent\u00FAgal became the title used by the Marquis's heir. Finally, and following the expulsion of the Philippine Dynasty from the throne of Portugal (1640), the new King John IV of Portugal granted to 5th Count of Tent\u00FAgal and 4th Marquis of Ferreira, Dom Nuno \u00C1lvares Pereira de Melo, the new title of Duke of Cadaval (in Portuguese Duque de Cadaval) by a royal decree dated from 26 April 1648. Marquis of Ferreira and Count of Tent\u00FAgal became subsidiary titles from the Duke of Cadaval, used by the Duke's heir, during his father's life."@en . "Conde de Tent\u00FAgal de juro e herdade com Honras de Parente da Casa Real \u00E9 um t\u00EDtulo nobili\u00E1rquico criado pelo Rei D. Manuel I de Portugal, por Carta de 1 de Janeiro de 1504, a favor de D. Rodrigo de Melo (um nobre descendente da Casa de Bragan\u00E7a). O 1\u00BA Conde foi posteriormente elevado a Marqu\u00EAs de Ferreira pelo Rei D. Jo\u00E3o III de Portugal."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Count of Tent\u00FAgal (in Portuguese Conde de Tent\u00FAgal) was a Portuguese title of nobility created by a royal decree, dated from 1 January 1504, by King Manuel I of Portugal, and granted to Dom Rodrigo de Melo, son of \u00C1lvaro of Braganza and Philippa of Melo (daughter and heir of the Count of Oliven\u00E7a). Twenty nine years later, in 1533, King John III of Portugal granted him the new title of Marquis of Ferreira (in Portuguese Marqu\u00EAs de Ferreira). Count of Tent\u00FAgal became the title used by the Marquis's heir."@en . .