"Figlie del Divino Amore"@it . . . . . . . . "1716"^^ . . . . . "Le Figlie del Divino Amore (in inglese Daughters of Divine Love) sono un istituto religioso femminile di diritto pontificio: le suore di questa congregazione pospongono al loro nome la sigla D.D.L."@it . "7197989"^^ . "Le Figlie del Divino Amore (in inglese Daughters of Divine Love) sono un istituto religioso femminile di diritto pontificio: le suore di questa congregazione pospongono al loro nome la sigla D.D.L."@it . . "Die Kongregation der Daughters of Divine Love (engl. f\u00FCr \u201AT\u00F6chter der G\u00F6ttlichen Liebe\u2018, Ordensk\u00FCrzel DDL) ist ein religi\u00F6ser Orden. Sie wurde 1969 durch Bischof Godfrey Mary Paul Okoye CSSp in Nigeria gegr\u00FCndet. Das Mutterhaus befindet sich in Enugu, Nigeria. Die Ordensmitglieder sind heute in Afrika, Europa und den USA t\u00E4tig, vorrangig in Krankenh\u00E4usern, Altenheimen, Sozialen Diensten und Schulen."@de . . . . . . . "Daughters of Divine Love"@de . . . . . "1088519992"^^ . . . "The Daughters of Divine Love Congregation, a Catholic pontifical and international order of religious women was founded by Bishop on July 16, 1969, in Nigeria, during the Nigerian Civil War (Biafra War). The congregation has over 900 sisters ministering in 15 countries around the world. The members pronounce the public vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, and dedicate themselves to contemplation and apostolic work. The congregation, recognized by their blue veil, serves in the following countries:"@en . . . . . . . "The Daughters of Divine Love Congregation, a Catholic pontifical and international order of religious women was founded by Bishop on July 16, 1969, in Nigeria, during the Nigerian Civil War (Biafra War). The congregation has over 900 sisters ministering in 15 countries around the world. The members pronounce the public vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, and dedicate themselves to contemplation and apostolic work. The congregation, recognized by their blue veil, serves in the following countries: \n* Africa: Cameroon, Gabon, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Chad \n* Europe: England, Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium \n* Americas: Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, United States"@en . "Die Kongregation der Daughters of Divine Love (engl. f\u00FCr \u201AT\u00F6chter der G\u00F6ttlichen Liebe\u2018, Ordensk\u00FCrzel DDL) ist ein religi\u00F6ser Orden. Sie wurde 1969 durch Bischof Godfrey Mary Paul Okoye CSSp in Nigeria gegr\u00FCndet. Das Mutterhaus befindet sich in Enugu, Nigeria. Die Ordensmitglieder sind heute in Afrika, Europa und den USA t\u00E4tig, vorrangig in Krankenh\u00E4usern, Altenheimen, Sozialen Diensten und Schulen. Die Leitung der deutschen Ordensregion hat ihren Sitz in Bonn. Lokale Niederlassungen existieren vor allem in der Erzdi\u00F6zese K\u00F6ln (Euskirchen, Frechen, Leverkusen, Niederkassel, Troisdorf) sowie in Frankfurt / M und Weyarn."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Daughters of Divine Love"@en . .