. . . . . . . . "De Sanctimoniali de Wattun"@en . . "De Sanctimoniali de Wattun ou Sobre a Freira de Watton \u00E9 uma hist\u00F3ria milagrosa do s\u00E9culo XII que descreve eventos que aconteceram em Yorkshire em meados do s\u00E9culo XII no convento de . \u00C9 tamb\u00E9m chamado de Um Certo Milagre Maravilhoso. De Sanctimoniali de Wattun sobrevive em um manuscrito, . Pensa-se que foi escrito por volta de 1160. O autor costuma ser considerado o abade cisterciense Elredo de Rievaulx, uma identifica\u00E7\u00E3o prov\u00E1vel, sen\u00E3o certa. A fonte do autor para os eventos descritos foram as freiras mais velhas do mosteiro. \u00C9 ambientado no convento Gilbertine de Watton e conta a hist\u00F3ria da Freira de Watton. O autor relatou que, quando era uma menina de quatro anos, foi dada ao convento por , arcebispo de Iorque, mas n\u00E3o conseguiu abra\u00E7ar a vida religiosa com muito entusiasmo. Finalmente, ela come\u00E7a um caso com um irm\u00E3o leigo, engravidando. Depois que as outras \u00E2ncoras descobrem o caso, ela foge de ser queimada at\u00E9 a morte ou esfolada viva e \u00E9 trancada em uma cela, antes de ser for\u00E7ada a castrar seu ex-amante. De volta \u00E0 sua cela, Deus interv\u00E9m, p\u00F5e fim \u00E0 gravidez e a liberta das correntes, acontecimentos que a comunidade passou a reconhecer como milagres."@pt . . "2473"^^ . . . . . . . "1083047173"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "De Sanctimoniali de Wattun ou Sobre a Freira de Watton \u00E9 uma hist\u00F3ria milagrosa do s\u00E9culo XII que descreve eventos que aconteceram em Yorkshire em meados do s\u00E9culo XII no convento de . \u00C9 tamb\u00E9m chamado de Um Certo Milagre Maravilhoso. De Sanctimoniali de Wattun sobrevive em um manuscrito, . Pensa-se que foi escrito por volta de 1160. O autor costuma ser considerado o abade cisterciense Elredo de Rievaulx, uma identifica\u00E7\u00E3o prov\u00E1vel, sen\u00E3o certa. A fonte do autor para os eventos descritos foram as freiras mais velhas do mosteiro."@pt . . . . . . "De Sanctimoniali de Wattun or On the Nun of Watton is a 12th-century miracle story, describing events which took place in Yorkshire in the mid-12th century at the nunnery of Watton, East Riding of Yorkshire. It is also called A Certain Wonderful Miracle. De Sanctimoniali de Wattun survives in one manuscript, MS Corpus Christi College 139. It is thought to have been written around 1160. The author is usually thought of as the Cistercian abbot Ailred of Rievaulx, an identification that is probable if not certain. The author's source for the events described were the older nuns of the monastery."@en . "De Sanctimoniali de Wattun or On the Nun of Watton is a 12th-century miracle story, describing events which took place in Yorkshire in the mid-12th century at the nunnery of Watton, East Riding of Yorkshire. It is also called A Certain Wonderful Miracle. De Sanctimoniali de Wattun survives in one manuscript, MS Corpus Christi College 139. It is thought to have been written around 1160. The author is usually thought of as the Cistercian abbot Ailred of Rievaulx, an identification that is probable if not certain. The author's source for the events described were the older nuns of the monastery. It is set in the Gilbertine nunnery of Watton, and tells the story of the Nun of Watton. The author related that as a four-year-old girl, she was given to the nunnery by Henry Murdac, Archbishop of York, but failed to embrace the religious life with much enthusiasm. Finally, she begins an affair with a lay brother, becoming pregnant. After the other anchoresses discover the affair, she escapes being burned to death or skinned alive and is locked in a cell, before being forced to castrate her ex-lover. Back in her cell, God intervenes, ends her pregnancy and frees her of her chains, events which the community came to recognise as miracles."@en . . . . . . . . "23653050"^^ . "De Sanctimoniali de Wattun"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . .