. . . . . "Ekologi Himalaya bervariasi tergantung iklim, curah hujan, ketinggian, dan tanah di suatu daerah tertentu. Iklim di Himalaya berkisar dari iklim tropis di kaki pegunungan hingga lapisan es permanen dan salju di ketinggian tertinggi. Jumlah curah hujan tahunan meningkat dari barat ke timur sepanjang bagian selatan. Keragaman iklim, ketinggian tempat, curah hujan, dan kondisi tanah di Himalaya mendukung keberagaman spesies tanaman dan hewan, seperti ngengat Plutodes flavescens, yang tersebar di Himalaya Timur."@in . . . "1101509863"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "10991"^^ . . . . "The ecology of the Himalayas varies with climate, rainfall, altitude, and soils. The climate ranges from tropical at the base of the mountains to permanent ice and snow at the highest elevations. The amount of yearly rainfall increases from west to east along the southern front of the range. This diversity of climate, altitude, rainfall and soil conditions supports a variety of distinct plant and animal species, such as the Nepal gray langur (Semnopithecus schistaceus)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The ecology of the Himalayas varies with climate, rainfall, altitude, and soils. The climate ranges from tropical at the base of the mountains to permanent ice and snow at the highest elevations. The amount of yearly rainfall increases from west to east along the southern front of the range. This diversity of climate, altitude, rainfall and soil conditions supports a variety of distinct plant and animal species, such as the Nepal gray langur (Semnopithecus schistaceus)"@en . . . . . "35872160"^^ . . . "Ekologi Himalaya bervariasi tergantung iklim, curah hujan, ketinggian, dan tanah di suatu daerah tertentu. Iklim di Himalaya berkisar dari iklim tropis di kaki pegunungan hingga lapisan es permanen dan salju di ketinggian tertinggi. Jumlah curah hujan tahunan meningkat dari barat ke timur sepanjang bagian selatan. Keragaman iklim, ketinggian tempat, curah hujan, dan kondisi tanah di Himalaya mendukung keberagaman spesies tanaman dan hewan, seperti ngengat Plutodes flavescens, yang tersebar di Himalaya Timur."@in . . "Ekologi Himalaya"@in . . . . . . . . . "Ecology of the Himalayas"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .