. . . . . . . . . "Exclusive Psalmody is de Engelstalige term die inhoudt dat een kerkverband in de liturgie geen andere liederen gebruikt dan psalmen. Er bestaat geen Nederlandstalige term voor."@nl . . . . . . "Salmodia exclusiva \u00E9 um posicionamento teol\u00F3gico adotada por um grupo minorit\u00E1rio de igrejas reformadas, segundo a qual somente podem ser usados no culto p\u00FAblico o canto congregacional dos salmos metrificados e nenhum outro tipo de c\u00E2ntico. As igrejas que adotam a doutrina afirmam fazer parte do Princ\u00EDpio Regulador do Culto que somente sejam cantados os salmos b\u00EDblicos no culto p\u00FAblico. Al\u00E9m disso, as igrejas adotantes da salmodia exclusiva tamb\u00E9m costumam se opor ao uso de instrumentos musicais nos cultos p\u00FAblicos."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . "2956769"^^ . . "Salmodia exclusiva \u00E9 um posicionamento teol\u00F3gico adotada por um grupo minorit\u00E1rio de igrejas reformadas, segundo a qual somente podem ser usados no culto p\u00FAblico o canto congregacional dos salmos metrificados e nenhum outro tipo de c\u00E2ntico. As igrejas que adotam a doutrina afirmam fazer parte do Princ\u00EDpio Regulador do Culto que somente sejam cantados os salmos b\u00EDblicos no culto p\u00FAblico. Al\u00E9m disso, as igrejas adotantes da salmodia exclusiva tamb\u00E9m costumam se opor ao uso de instrumentos musicais nos cultos p\u00FAblicos. Entre as igrejas que praticam a salmodia exclusiva est\u00E3o: Congrega\u00E7\u00F5es Reformadas Neerlandesas, Igreja Puritana Reformada no Brasil Embora n\u00E3o adote a salmodia exclusiva, existem alas da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil que adotam e apoiam a doutrina. Por outro lado, o grupo majorit\u00E1rio das igrejas reformadas n\u00E3o pratica e se op\u00F5e a salmodia exclusiva, por afirmar que o posicionamento restringe o ensino de toda a B\u00EDblia por meio dos c\u00E2nticos, reduzindo os c\u00E2nticos apenas aos salmos, enquanto toda B\u00EDblia seria adequada para o c\u00E2ntico no culto p\u00FAblico."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1107472247"^^ . . "Exclusive Psalmody is de Engelstalige term die inhoudt dat een kerkverband in de liturgie geen andere liederen gebruikt dan psalmen. Er bestaat geen Nederlandstalige term voor."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Salmodia exclusiva"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . "13365"^^ . . . . . . . . "Exclusive psalmody is the practice of singing only the biblical Psalms in congregational singing as worship. Today it is practised by several Protestant, especially Reformed denominations. Hymns besides the Psalms have been composed by Christians since the earliest days of the church, but psalms were preferred by the early church and used almost exclusively until the end of the fourth century. During the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther and many other reformers, including those associated with the Reformed tradition, used hymns as well as psalms, but John Calvin preferred the Psalms and they were the only music allowed for worship in Geneva. This became the norm for the next 200 years of Reformed worship. Hymnody became acceptable again for the Reformed in the middle of the nineteenth"@en . . . . . . . "Exclusive psalmody"@en . . . . . "Exclusive psalmody is the practice of singing only the biblical Psalms in congregational singing as worship. Today it is practised by several Protestant, especially Reformed denominations. Hymns besides the Psalms have been composed by Christians since the earliest days of the church, but psalms were preferred by the early church and used almost exclusively until the end of the fourth century. During the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther and many other reformers, including those associated with the Reformed tradition, used hymns as well as psalms, but John Calvin preferred the Psalms and they were the only music allowed for worship in Geneva. This became the norm for the next 200 years of Reformed worship. Hymnody became acceptable again for the Reformed in the middle of the nineteenth century, though several denominations, notably the Reformed Presbyterians, continue the practice of exclusive psalmody."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Exclusive Psalmody"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .