. . "Face mask, poci\u0105ganie maski - przewinienie w futbolu ameryka\u0144skim powstaj\u0105ce w sytuacji, gdy zawodnik chwyta lub dotyka w spos\u00F3b ci\u0105g\u0142y mask\u0119 ochraniaj\u0105c\u0105 twarz w kasku, zapi\u0119cie podbr\u00F3dkowe lub jakikolwiek otw\u00F3r w kasku przeciwnika podczas pr\u00F3by jego szar\u017Cowania lub blokowania. Jest to bardzo kosztowny faul z racji niebezpiecze\u0144stwa, kt\u00F3re niesie i kar\u0105 za niego jest utrata 15 jard\u00F3w oraz automatyczna pierwsza pr\u00F3ba. Face mask to tak\u017Ce okre\u015Blenie cz\u0119\u015Bci kasku futbolowego, kt\u00F3ra os\u0142ania twarz."@pl . . . . "In gridiron football, the face mask is the part of the helmet that directly covers the face. It is a major source of protection for the players, made of metal covered either with a rubber or plastic coating (although early facemasks were made with pure plastic)."@en . "Die Facemask ist ein gitterf\u00F6rmiges Visier des Helms beim American Football.Es gibt je nach Position unterschiedlich geformte Facemasks, ein Quarterback beispielsweise ben\u00F6tigt eine, durch die er sehr gut sehen kann und einen guten \u00DCberblick hat, das Helmgitter eines Offensive Lineman hingegen soll den Spieler maximal sch\u00FCtzen, weshalb es wesentlich schwerer und engmaschiger aufgebaut ist. Die Facemask ist nicht beweglich oder hochklappbar."@de . . "Face mask, poci\u0105ganie maski - przewinienie w futbolu ameryka\u0144skim powstaj\u0105ce w sytuacji, gdy zawodnik chwyta lub dotyka w spos\u00F3b ci\u0105g\u0142y mask\u0119 ochraniaj\u0105c\u0105 twarz w kasku, zapi\u0119cie podbr\u00F3dkowe lub jakikolwiek otw\u00F3r w kasku przeciwnika podczas pr\u00F3by jego szar\u017Cowania lub blokowania. Jest to bardzo kosztowny faul z racji niebezpiecze\u0144stwa, kt\u00F3re niesie i kar\u0105 za niego jest utrata 15 jard\u00F3w oraz automatyczna pierwsza pr\u00F3ba. Face mask to tak\u017Ce okre\u015Blenie cz\u0119\u015Bci kasku futbolowego, kt\u00F3ra os\u0142ania twarz."@pl . "5199"^^ . . . "Face mask"@fr . . "Au football am\u00E9ricain, on appelle face mask le fait d'attraper, d\u2019agripper la grille de protection faciale du casque d'un adversaire. Le geste pouvant causer de graves blessures, la faute est s\u00E9v\u00E8rement punie, soit 15 yards de p\u00E9nalit\u00E9 et un 1er down automatique. En High School, la p\u00E9nalit\u00E9 est r\u00E9duite \u00E0 5 yards si la faute est accidentelle."@fr . . . . . . . . "Face mask (gridiron football)"@en . . . . . . "34336876"^^ . . . "Face mask"@pl . . . . . . . . "1121074888"^^ . "In gridiron football, the face mask is the part of the helmet that directly covers the face. It is a major source of protection for the players, made of metal covered either with a rubber or plastic coating (although early facemasks were made with pure plastic). Details of the face mask may vary according to each player and their needs for their position. For example, the quarterback's face mask in previous years could be just a single horizontal bar, since he has a need to see the entire field; today, quarterbacks, receivers and kickers/punters wear, at minimum, a two-bar facemask. (Single-bar face masks are no longer allowed in most levels, except for players who began using the single bar before the rules were implemented.) Positions such as linemen, however, may have several bars on their face mask, both horizontal and vertical. In the leather helmet era, an early attempt at face protection was the \"executioner\" helmet which covered the nose and much of the face. This helmet literally was a face mask bearing a strong likeness to traditional executioner face masks. Another early attempt in the leather helmet era at face protection was the nose guard. These simply covered the player's nose. In modern times, the term \"nose guard\" describes a player on the interior defensive line, usually aligned opposite the offensive center. Face masks first came into vogue in football during the second half of the 1950s, after the hard-shell plastic helmet became commonplace, and were adopted voluntarily and universally at all levels of gridiron football within one decade. Garo Yepremian was the last NFL player to not wear a face mask, only adopting one partway through the 1966 season. Single bars were initially the only available design, and this evolved over the course of the next several decades into the current cage-like designs, which became the norm at all levels by the early 1980s. Single-bar face masks were officially banned in professional football in 2004, with the remaining players still using them allowed to continue wearing them under a grandfather clause; Scott Player was the last player in professional football to wear the single-bar, finishing his career in 2009.Initially, face masks were clear lucite. They then became brown through the use of a rubber coating, which covered the metal bars; the brown later became a neutral gray, and would remain as such until 1974, when the then-San Diego Chargers and Kansas City Chiefs introduced the first colored facemasks to football; the two teams rolled out yellow and white facemasks, respectively. This opened the door to many teams at all levels of football changing the facemask color, but some have retained gray ones since (the Arizona Cardinals, Dallas Cowboys and Las Vegas Raiders have never worn a color other than gray)."@en . . . . "Facemask"@de . . . . . . . . . "Au football am\u00E9ricain, on appelle face mask le fait d'attraper, d\u2019agripper la grille de protection faciale du casque d'un adversaire. Le geste pouvant causer de graves blessures, la faute est s\u00E9v\u00E8rement punie, soit 15 yards de p\u00E9nalit\u00E9 et un 1er down automatique. En High School, la p\u00E9nalit\u00E9 est r\u00E9duite \u00E0 5 yards si la faute est accidentelle."@fr . . "Die Facemask ist ein gitterf\u00F6rmiges Visier des Helms beim American Football.Es gibt je nach Position unterschiedlich geformte Facemasks, ein Quarterback beispielsweise ben\u00F6tigt eine, durch die er sehr gut sehen kann und einen guten \u00DCberblick hat, das Helmgitter eines Offensive Lineman hingegen soll den Spieler maximal sch\u00FCtzen, weshalb es wesentlich schwerer und engmaschiger aufgebaut ist. Die Facemask ist nicht beweglich oder hochklappbar. Gegnerischen Spielern darf weder in die Facemask, noch in irgendeine \u00D6ffnung des Helms hinein gefasst werden, da dies zu Genickverletzungen f\u00FChren kann. Das dazugeh\u00F6rige Foul hei\u00DFt ebenfalls Facemask und wird nach den Regeln des American Football Verband Deutschland (AFVD) mit einer Strafe von 15 Yards und dem Verlust eines Downs bei Facemask durch die Offense bzw. ein automatisches First Down bei Facemask durch die Defense gegen das begehende Team geahndet. In der National Football League (NFL) gab es zeitweise die Unterscheidung zwischen einem \u201Ebeabsichtigtem\u201C und einem \u201Eunbeabsichtigtem\u201C Facemask-Foul, die entweder ebenfalls mit 15 Yards oder mit nur 5 Yards Raumverlust bestraft wurden. Allerdings wurden die unbeabsichtigten Facemask-Fouls in der NFL aufgehoben und somit gilt jedes Hineingreifen in die Facemask als beabsichtigt."@de .