. . . . . . . . . . "Flare II \u00E9tait une entreprise qui exer\u00E7ait son activit\u00E9 dans le domaine de la fabrication d'ordinateur personnel bas\u00E9e \u00E0 Cambridge en Angleterre. L'entreprise est fond\u00E9e en 1986 sous l\u2019appellation Flare Technology par Martin Brennan, Ben Cheese et John Mathieson, des anciens ing\u00E9nieurs de Sinclair Research, ayant travaill\u00E9 sur l'ordinateur prototype . L\u2019entreprise cr\u00E9\u00E9 un autre ordinateur prototype nomm\u00E9e \u00AB Flare One \u00BB, dont la technologie est d'abord utilis\u00E9e dans un projet avort\u00E9 de console de jeu vid\u00E9o appel\u00E9e , puis est rachet\u00E9 par pour devenir une base de syst\u00E8mes d\u2019arcade. En association avec Atari Corporation, l'entreprise est stopp\u00E9e et renomm\u00E9e Flare II en juin 1989 sous contr\u00F4le d'Atari, pour produire des syst\u00E8mes de jeux vid\u00E9o et informatique pour cette derni\u00E8re. Flare II cr\u00E9\u00E9 deux consoles, la Panther qui sera abandonn\u00E9e et la Jaguar."@fr . . . . . . . . . "Flare Technology was a computer hardware company based in Cambridge, United Kingdom. It was founded in 1986 by Martin Brennan, Ben Cheese, and John Mathieson, former engineers at Sinclair Research. Flare Technology first worked for Amstrad before developing a technology-demonstrator system called Flare One. The Flare One was intended as a home computer or games console with extensive audio and video capabilities. It was related to the Loki project they had worked on previously at Sinclair Research, which in turn was derived from the ZX Spectrum home computer. The Flare One was used in some arcade game cabinets including a line of video quiz machines produced by Bellfruit. The Flare 1 chipset was further developed into the Konix Multisystem Slipstream prototype. In 1989 Martin Brennan was contracted by Atari Corp. to complete and implement the chip design of the unreleased Atari Panther. Martin Brennan and John Mathieson went on to design the Flare II, which was purchased by Atari and became Atari Jaguar."@en . . . . . . "996475995"^^ . "Flare Technology"@en . . . "Flare II \u00E9tait une entreprise qui exer\u00E7ait son activit\u00E9 dans le domaine de la fabrication d'ordinateur personnel bas\u00E9e \u00E0 Cambridge en Angleterre. L'entreprise est fond\u00E9e en 1986 sous l\u2019appellation Flare Technology par Martin Brennan, Ben Cheese et John Mathieson, des anciens ing\u00E9nieurs de Sinclair Research, ayant travaill\u00E9 sur l'ordinateur prototype . L\u2019entreprise cr\u00E9\u00E9 un autre ordinateur prototype nomm\u00E9e \u00AB Flare One \u00BB, dont la technologie est d'abord utilis\u00E9e dans un projet avort\u00E9 de console de jeu vid\u00E9o appel\u00E9e , puis est rachet\u00E9 par pour devenir une base de syst\u00E8mes d\u2019arcade. En association avec Atari Corporation, l'entreprise est stopp\u00E9e et renomm\u00E9e Flare II en juin 1989 sous contr\u00F4le d'Atari, pour produire des syst\u00E8mes de jeux vid\u00E9o et informatique pour cette derni\u00E8re. Flare II cr\u00E9\u00E9 "@fr . . . . . . . . "Flare II"@fr . . . . . . . "2070"^^ . . . . . . . "55899"^^ . . . "Flare Technology was a computer hardware company based in Cambridge, United Kingdom. It was founded in 1986 by Martin Brennan, Ben Cheese, and John Mathieson, former engineers at Sinclair Research. Flare Technology first worked for Amstrad before developing a technology-demonstrator system called Flare One. The Flare One was intended as a home computer or games console with extensive audio and video capabilities. It was related to the Loki project they had worked on previously at Sinclair Research, which in turn was derived from the ZX Spectrum home computer."@en . . . .