. . "\u062C\u0628\u0627\u0644 \u0633\u0645\u0648\u0643\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0638\u064A\u0645\u0629 (\u0628\u0627\u0644\u0634\u064A\u0631\u0648\u0643\u064A: \u13A1\u13C6 \u13DA\u13E7\u13CD\u13DA \u13D9\u13D3\u13B8\u060C Equa Dutsusdu Dodalv) \u0647\u064A \u0633\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629 \u062C\u0628\u0627\u0644 \u062A\u0631\u062A\u0641\u0639 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0637\u0648\u0644 \u062D\u062F\u0648\u062F \u062A\u064A\u0646\u064A\u0633\u064A \u0648\u0643\u0627\u0631\u0648\u0644\u064A\u0646\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0645\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u062C\u0646\u0648\u0628 \u0634\u0631\u0642 \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0644\u0627\u064A\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u062D\u062F\u0629. \u0647\u064A \u0633\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629 \u0641\u0631\u0639\u064A \u0645\u0646 \u062C\u0628\u0627\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0628\u0627\u0644\u0627\u0634\u060C \u0648\u062A\u0634\u0643\u0644 \u062C\u0632\u0621\u064B\u0627 \u0645\u0646 \u0645\u0642\u0627\u0637\u0639\u0629 \u0628\u0644\u0648 \u0631\u064A\u062F\u062C \u0627\u0644\u0641\u064A\u0632\u064A\u0648\u062C\u0631\u0627\u0641\u064A\u0643. \u064A\u064F\u0637\u0644\u0642 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629 \u0623\u062D\u064A\u0627\u0646\u064B\u0627 \u0627\u0633\u0645 \u0633\u0645\u0648\u0643\u064A \u0645\u0627\u0648\u0646\u062A\u064A\u0646\u0632 \u0648\u0639\u0627\u062F\u0629 \u0645\u0627 \u064A\u064F\u062E\u062A\u0635\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0627\u0633\u0645 \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0633\u0645\u0648\u0643\u064A\u0633. \u062A\u0634\u062A\u0647\u0631 \u0633\u0645\u0648\u0643\u064A\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0638\u064A\u0645\u0629 \u0628\u0623\u0646\u0647\u0627 \u0645\u0648\u0637\u0646 \u062D\u062F\u064A\u0642\u0629 \u062C\u0628\u0627\u0644 \u063A\u0631\u064A\u062A \u0633\u0645\u0648\u0643\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0637\u0646\u064A\u0629\u060C \u0648\u0627\u0644\u062A\u064A \u062A\u062D\u0645\u064A \u0645\u0639\u0638\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0628\u0644\u064A\u0629. \u0623\u064F\u0646\u0634\u0623\u062A \u0627\u0644\u062D\u062F\u064A\u0642\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u0639\u0627\u0645 1934\u060C \u0648\u062A\u062D\u0638\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u062D\u062F\u064A\u0642\u0629 \u0628\u0623\u0643\u062B\u0631 \u0645\u0646 11 \u0645\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0646 \u0632\u064A\u0627\u0631\u0629 \u0633\u0646\u0648\u064A\u064B\u0627\u060C \u0641\u0647\u064A \u0627\u0644\u062D\u062F\u064A\u0642\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0637\u0646\u064A\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0643\u062B\u0631 \u0632\u064A\u0627\u0631\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0644\u0627\u064A\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u062D\u062F\u0629."@ar . "6.9"^^ . . "Las Monta\u00F1as Great Smoky (literalmente, \u00ABGrandes Monta\u00F1as Humeantes\u00BB) constituyen una cadena monta\u00F1osa situada en la frontera entre Tennessee y Carolina del Norte, en el sureste de Estados Unidos. Son parte del sistema monta\u00F1oso de los Montes Apalaches. Las Monta\u00F1as Humeantes son conocidas especialmente por el parque nacional del mismo nombre, fundado en 1934, cuyo territorio incluye gran parte de la cadena. El parque es uno de los parques nacionales m\u00E1s visitados de Estados Unidos y est\u00E1 calificado como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco."@es . . "65"^^ . "6643"^^ . "trace"@en . "36"^^ . "43"^^ . . . "57"^^ . . . . . "43"^^ . "26.5"^^ . . . . . . "52"^^ . . "73.5"^^ . . "Great Smoky Mountains, pot. Great Smokies lub the Smokies \u2013 \u0142a\u0144cuch g\u00F3rski zachodnich Appalach\u00F3w, przechodz\u0105cy w Pasmo B\u0142\u0119kitne (ang. Blue Ridge Mountains), na terenie wschodniego Tennessee i zachodniej Karoliny P\u00F3\u0142nocnej w USA. Od 1934 roku obj\u0119ty ochron\u0105 przez Park Narodowy Great Smoky Mountains, kt\u00F3ry w 1976 roku zosta\u0142 uznany za rezerwat biosfery, a w 1983 roku zosta\u0142 wpisany na list\u0119 \u015Bwiatowego dziedzictwa UNESCO."@pl . . . "71"^^ . "Appalachian map.svg"@en . "88"^^ . . . . "60"^^ . "50"^^ . . . . . . . . . "The Great Smoky Mountains (Cherokee: \u13A1\u13C6 \u13DA\u13E7\u13CD\u13DA \u13D9\u13D3\u13B8, Equa Dutsusdu Dodalv) are a mountain range rising along the Tennessee\u2013North Carolina border in the southeastern United States. They are a subrange of the Appalachian Mountains, and form part of the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. The range is sometimes called the Smoky Mountains and the name is commonly shortened to the Smokies. The Great Smokies are best known as the home of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which protects most of the range. The park was established in 1934, and, with over 11 million visits per year, it is the most visited national park in the United States."@en . . . . . . . . . . "24"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Great Smoky Mountains"@en . . . "83"^^ . . . . "2.3"^^ . . "79"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "61"^^ . . "\u5927\u70DF\u5C71"@zh . . . "34"^^ . . . "39"^^ . . "64.5"^^ . . "55"^^ . "60"^^ . . . . . . . "Las Monta\u00F1as Great Smoky (literalmente, \u00ABGrandes Monta\u00F1as Humeantes\u00BB) constituyen una cadena monta\u00F1osa situada en la frontera entre Tennessee y Carolina del Norte, en el sureste de Estados Unidos. Son parte del sistema monta\u00F1oso de los Montes Apalaches. Las Monta\u00F1as Humeantes son conocidas especialmente por el parque nacional del mismo nombre, fundado en 1934, cuyo territorio incluye gran parte de la cadena. El parque es uno de los parques nacionales m\u00E1s visitados de Estados Unidos y est\u00E1 calificado como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco."@es . . . . . . . "39.5"^^ . "71"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Die Great Smoky Mountains (kurz Smoky Mountains, umgangssprachlich Smokies) sind ein Gebirgszug entlang der Grenze zwischen Tennessee und North Carolina in den s\u00FCd\u00F6stlichen Vereinigten Staaten. Sie geh\u00F6ren zu den Appalachen und bilden einen Teil der Blue Ridge Mountains. Der Gebirgszug erlangte besondere Bekanntheit durch den Great-Smoky-Mountains-Nationalpark, der sich seit seiner Gr\u00FCndung im Jahr 1934 \u00FCber den gr\u00F6\u00DFten Teil des Gebirgszugs erstreckt und heute mit mehr als 11 Millionen Besuchern pro Jahr der am meisten besuchte Nationalpark der USA ist."@de . . . "47"^^ . . "5"^^ . "35.56277847290039"^^ . . "637198"^^ . "0"^^ . "The Smoky Mountains, viewed from atop Mount Le Conte, in April 2007"@en . . . . . . . . . . "3"^^ . "5.1"^^ . . . "Le Great Smoky Mountains (letteralmente \"Grandi Montagne Fumose\"), dette anche Smoky (o Smokey) Mountaines o informalmente Smokies, sono una catena montuosa situata sul confine fra Tennessee e Carolina del Nord, negli Stati Uniti sudorientali. Sono parte del pi\u00F9 ampio sistema dei Monti Appalachi. Le Smoky Mountains sono note soprattutto per il Parco nazionale omonimo, fondato nel 1934, il cui territorio include gran parte della catena."@it . . "Y"@en . . . . . . "35.562777777777775 -83.49861111111112" . "43"^^ . . . . . . "States"@en . . . . "trace"@en . . . . "57"^^ . . "-83.49861145019531"^^ . . . . . "20"^^ . . "United States"@en . . . . "Monta\u00F1as Great Smoky"@es . . . . . . "Y"@en . "\u062C\u0628\u0627\u0644 \u0633\u0645\u0648\u0643\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0638\u064A\u0645\u0629 (\u0628\u0627\u0644\u0634\u064A\u0631\u0648\u0643\u064A: \u13A1\u13C6 \u13DA\u13E7\u13CD\u13DA \u13D9\u13D3\u13B8\u060C Equa Dutsusdu Dodalv) \u0647\u064A \u0633\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629 \u062C\u0628\u0627\u0644 \u062A\u0631\u062A\u0641\u0639 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0637\u0648\u0644 \u062D\u062F\u0648\u062F \u062A\u064A\u0646\u064A\u0633\u064A \u0648\u0643\u0627\u0631\u0648\u0644\u064A\u0646\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0645\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u062C\u0646\u0648\u0628 \u0634\u0631\u0642 \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0644\u0627\u064A\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u062D\u062F\u0629. \u0647\u064A \u0633\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629 \u0641\u0631\u0639\u064A \u0645\u0646 \u062C\u0628\u0627\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0628\u0627\u0644\u0627\u0634\u060C \u0648\u062A\u0634\u0643\u0644 \u062C\u0632\u0621\u064B\u0627 \u0645\u0646 \u0645\u0642\u0627\u0637\u0639\u0629 \u0628\u0644\u0648 \u0631\u064A\u062F\u062C \u0627\u0644\u0641\u064A\u0632\u064A\u0648\u062C\u0631\u0627\u0641\u064A\u0643. \u064A\u064F\u0637\u0644\u0642 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629 \u0623\u062D\u064A\u0627\u0646\u064B\u0627 \u0627\u0633\u0645 \u0633\u0645\u0648\u0643\u064A \u0645\u0627\u0648\u0646\u062A\u064A\u0646\u0632 \u0648\u0639\u0627\u062F\u0629 \u0645\u0627 \u064A\u064F\u062E\u062A\u0635\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0627\u0633\u0645 \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0633\u0645\u0648\u0643\u064A\u0633. \u062A\u0634\u062A\u0647\u0631 \u0633\u0645\u0648\u0643\u064A\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0638\u064A\u0645\u0629 \u0628\u0623\u0646\u0647\u0627 \u0645\u0648\u0637\u0646 \u062D\u062F\u064A\u0642\u0629 \u062C\u0628\u0627\u0644 \u063A\u0631\u064A\u062A \u0633\u0645\u0648\u0643\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0637\u0646\u064A\u0629\u060C \u0648\u0627\u0644\u062A\u064A \u062A\u062D\u0645\u064A \u0645\u0639\u0638\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0628\u0644\u064A\u0629. \u0623\u064F\u0646\u0634\u0623\u062A \u0627\u0644\u062D\u062F\u064A\u0642\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u0639\u0627\u0645 1934\u060C \u0648\u062A\u062D\u0638\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u062D\u062F\u064A\u0642\u0629 \u0628\u0623\u0643\u062B\u0631 \u0645\u0646 11 \u0645\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0646 \u0632\u064A\u0627\u0631\u0629 \u0633\u0646\u0648\u064A\u064B\u0627\u060C \u0641\u0647\u064A \u0627\u0644\u062D\u062F\u064A\u0642\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0637\u0646\u064A\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0643\u062B\u0631 \u0632\u064A\u0627\u0631\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0644\u0627\u064A\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u062D\u062F\u0629."@ar . . . . "73.5"^^ . . . . . . . . "4.8"^^ . . . . "29"^^ . . "59"^^ . . . . . . . "40"^^ . . . . "De Great Smoky Mountains (ook wel The Smokies) is een gebergte in het zuiden van de Appalachen, op de grens tussen North Carolina en Tennessee, in het oosten van de Verenigde Staten. Het hoogste punt in het park is , die 2025 meter hoog is. De naam van het gebied komt van de nevel die vaak over de toppen van de bergen hangt. Een groot deel van het gebergte wordt beschermd in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, dat op de Werelderfgoedlijst van UNESCO staat."@nl . . . . . . . "0"^^ . . . . . "47.5"^^ . . "56.5"^^ . . . "Gatlinburg, Tennessee"@en . . . "green"@en . . . . . . . "72"^^ . . . . "27"^^ . "Great Smoky Mountains, pot. Great Smokies lub the Smokies \u2013 \u0142a\u0144cuch g\u00F3rski zachodnich Appalach\u00F3w, przechodz\u0105cy w Pasmo B\u0142\u0119kitne (ang. Blue Ridge Mountains), na terenie wschodniego Tennessee i zachodniej Karoliny P\u00F3\u0142nocnej w USA. Od 1934 roku obj\u0119ty ochron\u0105 przez Park Narodowy Great Smoky Mountains, kt\u00F3ry w 1976 roku zosta\u0142 uznany za rezerwat biosfery, a w 1983 roku zosta\u0142 wpisany na list\u0119 \u015Bwiatowego dziedzictwa UNESCO."@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . "POINT(-83.498611450195 35.5627784729)"^^ . "47"^^ . . . . . "56"^^ . . "35"^^ . . . "Great Smoky Mountains"@pl . "8.300000000000001"^^ . . . . . . . "41.5"^^ . . . "5.7"^^ . "5"^^ . . . "8"^^ . . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . . . . . . . "As Montanhas Great Smoky s\u00E3o uma cordilheira, parte dos Montes Apalaches, localizada nos estados de Tennessee e Carolina do Norte, nos Estados Unidos. O seu pico mais alto \u00E9 o , com seus 2 024 metros de altitude."@pt . . . . . . . . "0"^^ . . . . . . . "2.9"^^ . . . . . . "Monts Great Smoky"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2024.7864"^^ . "69"^^ . "trace"@en . "Les monts Great Smoky, en anglais Great Smoky Mountains, aussi appel\u00E9s Smokies, sont une cha\u00EEne de montagne de la Caroline du Nord et du Tennessee, aux \u00C9tats-Unis. La cha\u00EEne est une subdivision des montagnes Blue Ridge, elles-m\u00EAmes subdivision des Appalaches. Le parc national des Great Smoky Mountains englobe une partie de la cha\u00EEne. \n* Vue des monts Great Smoky depuis le mont Le Conte. \n* Le Gregory Bald vu depuis le mont Chilhowee."@fr . . . "\u5927\u96FE\u5C71\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AGreat Smoky Mountains\uFF1B\u5207\u7F85\u57FA\u8A9E\uFF1A\u13A1\u13C6 \u13DA\u13E7\u13CD\u13DA \u13D9\u13D3\u13B8\uFF09\u5750\u843D\u65BC\u7F8E\u570B\u6771\u5357\u90E8\u7530\u7D0D\u897F\u5DDE\u8207\u5317\u5361\u7F85\u4F86\u7D0D\u5DDE\u7684\u4EA4\u754C\u8655\uFF0C\u70BA\u963F\u5E15\u62C9\u5951\u5C71\u8108\u7684\u5206\u652F\u5C71\u8108\u3002\u4EE5\u5176\u70BA\u57FA\u790E\u7684\u5927\u96FE\u5C71\u570B\u5BB6\u516C\u5712\u65BC1934\u5EFA\u7ACB\uFF0C\u6BCF\u5E74\u7D04\u6709900\u842C\u4EBA\u6B21\u8A2A\u554F\u6B64\u516C\u5712\u3002 \u5927\u96FE\u5C71\u4EA6\u662F\u751F\u7269\u5708\u4FDD\u8B77\u5340\u6210\u54E1\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF0C\u4E26\u4E14\u767B\u5165\u4E16\u754C\u907A\u7522\u540D\u9304\u3002\u5927\u96FE\u5C71\u4E4B\u540D\u7A31\u4F86\u6E90\u65BC\u6771\u5357\u6EAB\u6696\u7684\u58A8\u897F\u54E5\u7063\u6C23\u6D41\u5728\u6CBF\u8457\u963F\u5E15\u62C9\u5951\u5C71\u8108\u4E0A\u5347\u904E\u7A0B\u4E2D\u5F62\u6210\u7684\u5927\u70DF\u5C9A\u73FE\u8C61\u3002\u9019\u7A2E\u73FE\u8C61\u5728\u6E05\u6668\u8207\u96E8\u5F8C\u683C\u5916\u660E\u986F\u3002"@zh . "41.5"^^ . "42"^^ . "1122453141"^^ . "18"^^ . . "Appalachian Mountain system"@en . . . "\u5927\u96FE\u5C71\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AGreat Smoky Mountains\uFF1B\u5207\u7F85\u57FA\u8A9E\uFF1A\u13A1\u13C6 \u13DA\u13E7\u13CD\u13DA \u13D9\u13D3\u13B8\uFF09\u5750\u843D\u65BC\u7F8E\u570B\u6771\u5357\u90E8\u7530\u7D0D\u897F\u5DDE\u8207\u5317\u5361\u7F85\u4F86\u7D0D\u5DDE\u7684\u4EA4\u754C\u8655\uFF0C\u70BA\u963F\u5E15\u62C9\u5951\u5C71\u8108\u7684\u5206\u652F\u5C71\u8108\u3002\u4EE5\u5176\u70BA\u57FA\u790E\u7684\u5927\u96FE\u5C71\u570B\u5BB6\u516C\u5712\u65BC1934\u5EFA\u7ACB\uFF0C\u6BCF\u5E74\u7D04\u6709900\u842C\u4EBA\u6B21\u8A2A\u554F\u6B64\u516C\u5712\u3002 \u5927\u96FE\u5C71\u4EA6\u662F\u751F\u7269\u5708\u4FDD\u8B77\u5340\u6210\u54E1\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF0C\u4E26\u4E14\u767B\u5165\u4E16\u754C\u907A\u7522\u540D\u9304\u3002\u5927\u96FE\u5C71\u4E4B\u540D\u7A31\u4F86\u6E90\u65BC\u6771\u5357\u6EAB\u6696\u7684\u58A8\u897F\u54E5\u7063\u6C23\u6D41\u5728\u6CBF\u8457\u963F\u5E15\u62C9\u5951\u5C71\u8108\u4E0A\u5347\u904E\u7A0B\u4E2D\u5F62\u6210\u7684\u5927\u70DF\u5C9A\u73FE\u8C61\u3002\u9019\u7A2E\u73FE\u8C61\u5728\u6E05\u6668\u8207\u96E8\u5F8C\u683C\u5916\u660E\u986F\u3002"@zh . . "4.8"^^ . . . "68126"^^ . . . . . . . . "Le Great Smoky Mountains (letteralmente \"Grandi Montagne Fumose\"), dette anche Smoky (o Smokey) Mountaines o informalmente Smokies, sono una catena montuosa situata sul confine fra Tennessee e Carolina del Nord, negli Stati Uniti sudorientali. Sono parte del pi\u00F9 ampio sistema dei Monti Appalachi. Le Smoky Mountains sono note soprattutto per il Parco nazionale omonimo, fondato nel 1934, il cui territorio include gran parte della catena."@it . . "4.5"^^ . "As Montanhas Great Smoky s\u00E3o uma cordilheira, parte dos Montes Apalaches, localizada nos estados de Tennessee e Carolina do Norte, nos Estados Unidos. O seu pico mais alto \u00E9 o , com seus 2 024 metros de altitude."@pt . "61"^^ . "\uADF8\uB808\uC774\uD2B8 \uC2A4\uBAA8\uD0A4 \uC0B0\uB9E5(Great Smoky Mountains)\uC740 \uBBF8\uAD6D \uC560\uD314\uB798\uCE58\uC544 \uC0B0\uB9E5 \uC911\uC758 \uD55C \uC0B0\uB9E5\uC774\uB2E4. \uC774 \uC0B0\uB9E5\uC758 \uB300\uBD80\uBD84\uC740 \uAD6D\uB9BD\uACF5\uC6D0\uC73C\uB85C \uC774\uC6A9\uB418\uACE0 \uC788\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . . . . . . "45.5"^^ . . "Great Smoky Mountains"@it . . . . . "The Great Smoky Mountains (Cherokee: \u13A1\u13C6 \u13DA\u13E7\u13CD\u13DA \u13D9\u13D3\u13B8, Equa Dutsusdu Dodalv) are a mountain range rising along the Tennessee\u2013North Carolina border in the southeastern United States. They are a subrange of the Appalachian Mountains, and form part of the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. The range is sometimes called the Smoky Mountains and the name is commonly shortened to the Smokies. The Great Smokies are best known as the home of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which protects most of the range. The park was established in 1934, and, with over 11 million visits per year, it is the most visited national park in the United States. The Great Smokies are part of an International Biosphere Reserve. The range is home to an estimated 187,000 acres (76,000 ha) of old growth forest, constituting the largest such stand east of the Mississippi River. The cove hardwood forests in the range's lower elevations are among the most diverse ecosystems in North America, and the Southern Appalachian spruce-fir forest that coats the range's upper elevations is the largest of its kind. The Great Smokies are also home to the densest black bear population in the Eastern United States and the most diverse salamander population outside of the tropics. Along with the Biosphere reserve, the Great Smokies have been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The U.S. National Park Service preserves and maintains 78 structures within the national park that were once part of the numerous small Appalachian communities scattered throughout the range's river valleys and coves. The park contains five historic districts and nine individual listings on the National Register of Historic Places. The name \"Smoky\" comes from the natural fog that often hangs over the range and presents as large smoke plumes from a distance. This fog is caused by the vegetation emitting volatile organic compounds, chemicals that have a high vapor pressure and easily form vapors at normal temperature and pressure."@en . . . "0"^^ . . . . . "4.5"^^ . . . . . . . "33"^^ . "73"^^ . . . "53.5"^^ . "28"^^ . . "Die Great Smoky Mountains (kurz Smoky Mountains, umgangssprachlich Smokies) sind ein Gebirgszug entlang der Grenze zwischen Tennessee und North Carolina in den s\u00FCd\u00F6stlichen Vereinigten Staaten. Sie geh\u00F6ren zu den Appalachen und bilden einen Teil der Blue Ridge Mountains. Der Gebirgszug erlangte besondere Bekanntheit durch den Great-Smoky-Mountains-Nationalpark, der sich seit seiner Gr\u00FCndung im Jahr 1934 \u00FCber den gr\u00F6\u00DFten Teil des Gebirgszugs erstreckt und heute mit mehr als 11 Millionen Besuchern pro Jahr der am meisten besuchte Nationalpark der USA ist. Die Great Smoky Mountains geh\u00F6ren zum Man and the Biosphere Programme der UNESCO und beheimaten einen rund 757 km\u00B2 gro\u00DFen Prim\u00E4rwald, der damit der gr\u00F6\u00DFte seiner Art \u00F6stlich des Mississippi River ist. Die Mischw\u00E4lder in den niedrigeren H\u00F6henlagen z\u00E4hlen zu den artenreichsten \u00D6kosystemen in Nordamerika, und der dortige Rotfichtenwald ist der gr\u00F6\u00DFte seiner Art weltweit. Die Great Smokies verf\u00FCgen zudem \u00FCber die gr\u00F6\u00DFte Populationsdichte an Schwarzb\u00E4ren der \u00F6stlichen USA und die gr\u00F6\u00DFte Vielfalt an Salamanderarten au\u00DFerhalb der Tropen. Der Gebirgszug ist zudem ein von der UNESCO anerkanntes Weltnaturerbe. Innerhalb des Nationalparks unterh\u00E4lt der National Park Service 78 St\u00E4tten, von denen neun im National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eingetragen sind. F\u00FCnf Bereiche innerhalb des Parks sind im NRHP als Historic District eingetragen. Die (Waldbr\u00E4nde) 2016 erregten internationales Medieninteresse."@de . . . "De Great Smoky Mountains (ook wel The Smokies) is een gebergte in het zuiden van de Appalachen, op de grens tussen North Carolina en Tennessee, in het oosten van de Verenigde Staten. Het hoogste punt in het park is , die 2025 meter hoog is. De naam van het gebied komt van de nevel die vaak over de toppen van de bergen hangt. Een groot deel van het gebergte wordt beschermd in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, dat op de Werelderfgoedlijst van UNESCO staat."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "3.1"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Great Smoky Mountains"@en . "50"^^ . . "Alleghenian"@en . . "6.8"^^ . . . "trace"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Great Smoky Mountains"@nl . . . . . "6.4"^^ . . . . . . "\u062C\u0628\u0627\u0644 \u0633\u0645\u0648\u0643\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0638\u064A\u0645\u0629"@ar . . "--11-25"^^ . "Clingmans Dome"@en . . . . "\uADF8\uB808\uC774\uD2B8 \uC2A4\uBAA8\uD0A4 \uC0B0\uB9E5(Great Smoky Mountains)\uC740 \uBBF8\uAD6D \uC560\uD314\uB798\uCE58\uC544 \uC0B0\uB9E5 \uC911\uC758 \uD55C \uC0B0\uB9E5\uC774\uB2E4. \uC774 \uC0B0\uB9E5\uC758 \uB300\uBD80\uBD84\uC740 \uAD6D\uB9BD\uACF5\uC6D0\uC73C\uB85C \uC774\uC6A9\uB418\uACE0 \uC788\uB2E4."@ko . . "0"^^ . "19"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "\uADF8\uB808\uC774\uD2B8\uC2A4\uBAA8\uD0A4\uC0B0\uB9E5"@ko . . "53"^^ . . . . . . . "28"^^ . "3.4"^^ . . "Les monts Great Smoky, en anglais Great Smoky Mountains, aussi appel\u00E9s Smokies, sont une cha\u00EEne de montagne de la Caroline du Nord et du Tennessee, aux \u00C9tats-Unis. La cha\u00EEne est une subdivision des montagnes Blue Ridge, elles-m\u00EAmes subdivision des Appalaches. Le parc national des Great Smoky Mountains englobe une partie de la cha\u00EEne. \n* Vue des monts Great Smoky depuis le mont Le Conte. \n* Le Gregory Bald vu depuis le mont Chilhowee."@fr . "8.199999999999999"^^ . . "5.2"^^ . "52"^^ . . . . "35"^^ . . . . . "38"^^ . . . . . . . . "43"^^ . . . . . "58"^^ . "29"^^ . "Montanhas Great Smoky"@pt . "51"^^ . "37"^^ . "6.5"^^ . . . . "21"^^ . . "26"^^ . "18"^^ . . "28"^^ . "Clifftops4-7-07.jpg"@en . . "0.7"^^ . . "54"^^ . "49"^^ . "42"^^ . . . . . . . "64"^^ . . . . . . . "35"^^ . . "34"^^ . . . . "53"^^ . . . . . . "59"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "87"^^ . . . . . "5.4"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "31.5"^^ . "58"^^ . "49"^^ . . "63"^^ . . "0"^^ . . "7.3"^^ . . . . "58"^^ . . "7"^^ . "Great Smoky Mountains"@de . . . . . . . . . . . "2"^^ . "Great Smoky Mountains"@en . . "5.3"^^ . . "8.199999999999999"^^ . . "5.3"^^ . . "6"^^ . "4.5"^^ . . . . . . . . . "50"^^ . . . "86"^^ . .