. . . . "England"@en . . . . . "Hatfield Chase"@es . . . . "SE734040" . "Yorkshire and the Humber"@en . . . "Idle Bank - geograph.org.uk - 910503.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hatfield Chase is a low-lying area in South Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, England, which was often flooded. It was a royal hunting ground until Charles I appointed the Dutch engineer Cornelius Vermuyden to drain it in 1626. The work involved the re-routing of the Rivers Don, Idle, and Torne, and the construction of drainage channels. It was not wholly successful, but changed the whole nature of a wide swathe of land including the Isle of Axholme, and caused legal disputes for the rest of the century. The civil engineer John Smeaton looked at the problem of wintertime flooding in the 1760s, and some remedial work was carried out."@en . . "53.528 -0.893" . . . . "Hatfield Chase es un \u00E1rea baja en South Yorkshire y North Lincolnshire, Inglaterra. A menudo se inundaba. Hatfield Chase era un coto de caza real hasta que Charles I trat\u00F3 de drenarlo. Contrat\u00F3 a un holand\u00E9s para drenar el agua en 1626.\u200B El nombre del ingeniero era Cornelius Vermuyden. Tambi\u00E9n cambi\u00F3 el curso de los r\u00EDos Don, Idle y . Esto incluy\u00F3 hacer canales de drenaje. Pero el proyecto no fue completamente exitoso. En la d\u00E9cada de 1760 se trabaj\u00F3 m\u00E1s para resolver el problema de las inundaciones invernales. Las bombas modernas ahora trabajan para drenar el \u00E1rea. La historia de la persecuci\u00F3n de Hatfield se remonta al final de la Gran Breta\u00F1a romana."@es . . . . . . . . . "Hatfield Chase est une zone de basses terres situ\u00E9e dans le Yorkshire du Sud et le Lincolnshire du Nord en Angleterre, qui a \u00E9t\u00E9 souvent inond\u00E9e. C'\u00E9tait un terrain de chasse royal jusqu'\u00E0 ce que le roi Charles I demande \u00E0 l'ing\u00E9nieur hollandais Cornelius Vermuyden de le drainer en 1626. Hatfield Chase se trouve \u00E0 la convergence de trois rivi\u00E8re, le Don, le Torne, et l'Idle. La plus grande partie de la zone, \u00E0 part l'\u00EEle d'Axholme, se trouve \u00E0 3 m en-dessous du niveau de la mer. Hatfield Chase est devenu dans les ann\u00E9es 1970 une zone de loisirs, de sports nautiques, de camping et de p\u00EAche"@fr . . . . . "3143607"^^ . . . "Hatfield Chase es un \u00E1rea baja en South Yorkshire y North Lincolnshire, Inglaterra. A menudo se inundaba. Hatfield Chase era un coto de caza real hasta que Charles I trat\u00F3 de drenarlo. Contrat\u00F3 a un holand\u00E9s para drenar el agua en 1626.\u200B El nombre del ingeniero era Cornelius Vermuyden. Tambi\u00E9n cambi\u00F3 el curso de los r\u00EDos Don, Idle y . Esto incluy\u00F3 hacer canales de drenaje. Pero el proyecto no fue completamente exitoso. En la d\u00E9cada de 1760 se trabaj\u00F3 m\u00E1s para resolver el problema de las inundaciones invernales. Las bombas modernas ahora trabajan para drenar el \u00E1rea. La historia de la persecuci\u00F3n de Hatfield se remonta al final de la Gran Breta\u00F1a romana."@es . . . . . . . . . . "Hatfield Chase"@en . . . . . . . . . "The South Idle Bank drain looking towards Tunnel Pits"@en . . . . . "Hatfield Chase"@fr . . "Hatfield Chase is a low-lying area in South Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, England, which was often flooded. It was a royal hunting ground until Charles I appointed the Dutch engineer Cornelius Vermuyden to drain it in 1626. The work involved the re-routing of the Rivers Don, Idle, and Torne, and the construction of drainage channels. It was not wholly successful, but changed the whole nature of a wide swathe of land including the Isle of Axholme, and caused legal disputes for the rest of the century. The civil engineer John Smeaton looked at the problem of wintertime flooding in the 1760s, and some remedial work was carried out. Under an Act of Parliament of 1813, Commissioners were appointed, and improvements to the drainage included the first steam pumping engine. The Corporation of the Level of Hatfield Chase was established in 1862, and another pumping engine was installed. The drains ran to the northeastern corner of the Chase and continued to sluices at Althorpe on the River Trent. Discharge to the Trent was subsequently moved to Keadby, and the gravity drainage was supplemented by pumps when a pumping station was built in 1940. Steam engines were gradually replaced by diesel engines, and later by electric pumps. The Environment Agency maintains eight pumping stations on the Chase, in addition to Keadby, and there are several smaller installations managed by the Corporation of the Level of Hatfield Chase Internal Drainage Board. Some of the pumping stations are reversible, allowing water to be extracted from the drains into the main rivers in winter, and pumped from the rivers into the drains for irrigation in summer."@en . . . . "24671"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "SE734040"@en . . "Hatfield Chase"@en . . . . . "left"@en . . . . . "Yes"@en . . "1110684461"^^ . "-0.8930000066757202"^^ . . . "53.52799987792969"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hatfield Chase adalah daerah dataran rendah di Yorkshire Selatan dan Lincolnshire utara, Inggris. Sering kebanjiran. Hatfield Chase adalah tempat berburu kerajaan sampai Charles I mencoba mengurasnya. Dia menyewa seorang insinyur Belanda untuk mengalirkan air pada tahun 1626. Nama insinyur itu . Itu juga mengubah aliran , Idle dan . Termasuk membuat saluran drainase. Tetapi proyek itu tidak sepenuhnya berhasil. Pada 1760-an, lebih banyak pekerjaan dilakukan untuk memecahkan masalah banjir musim dingin. Pompa modern sekarang bekerja untuk mengeringkan area tersebut. Sejarah penganiayaan Hatfield berawal dari akhir Romawi."@in . . . . . . . "Hatfield Chase"@en . . . . . "Hatfield Chase est une zone de basses terres situ\u00E9e dans le Yorkshire du Sud et le Lincolnshire du Nord en Angleterre, qui a \u00E9t\u00E9 souvent inond\u00E9e. C'\u00E9tait un terrain de chasse royal jusqu'\u00E0 ce que le roi Charles I demande \u00E0 l'ing\u00E9nieur hollandais Cornelius Vermuyden de le drainer en 1626. Hatfield Chase se trouve \u00E0 la convergence de trois rivi\u00E8re, le Don, le Torne, et l'Idle. La plus grande partie de la zone, \u00E0 part l'\u00EEle d'Axholme, se trouve \u00E0 3 m en-dessous du niveau de la mer. Hatfield Chase est devenu dans les ann\u00E9es 1970 une zone de loisirs, de sports nautiques, de camping et de p\u00EAche"@fr . . . . "Hatfield Chase"@in . . . . "POINT(-0.89300000667572 53.52799987793)"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Hatfield Chase adalah daerah dataran rendah di Yorkshire Selatan dan Lincolnshire utara, Inggris. Sering kebanjiran. Hatfield Chase adalah tempat berburu kerajaan sampai Charles I mencoba mengurasnya. Dia menyewa seorang insinyur Belanda untuk mengalirkan air pada tahun 1626. Nama insinyur itu . Itu juga mengubah aliran , Idle dan . Termasuk membuat saluran drainase. Tetapi proyek itu tidak sepenuhnya berhasil. Pada 1760-an, lebih banyak pekerjaan dilakukan untuk memecahkan masalah banjir musim dingin. Pompa modern sekarang bekerja untuk mengeringkan area tersebut. Sejarah penganiayaan Hatfield berawal dari akhir Romawi."@in . .