. . . . "28760414"^^ . . . . . . "1082091704"^^ . . . . . . . "-0.02596000023186207"^^ . "Abadia de Humberston"@pt . . "53.53406143188477"^^ . . . "Humberston Abbey was an abbey in Humberston, Lincolnshire, England. The Benedictine Abbey of Saint Mary and Saint Peter was founded in 1160 by William son of Ralf, son of Drogo, son of Hermer, as an abbey of the Tironensian Order. In 1305 the monastic buildings were destroyed by fire, and the brethren were obliged to beg alms and sell the advowson of one of their churches to the prior of Holy Trinity, Norwich before they could rebuild them. It adopted Benedictine orders sometime after 1413, as the Bishop of Lincoln in 1422 said that the monks of Humberston took their origin from St. Mary's, Hamby in the Diocese of Coutances. The abbey was never taken into the king's hands as an Alien house. The abbey was dissolved in 1536. The abbey buildings were located to the south of St Peter's Church in Humberston."@en . . . . "53.53406 -0.02596" . . . "Humberston Abbey"@en . . . . . "A Abadia de Humberston foi uma abadia em Humberston, Lincolnshire, na Inglaterra. A Abadia Beneditina de Santa Maria e S\u00E3o Pedro foi fundada em 1160 por William, filho de Ralf, filho de Drogo, filho de Hermer, como uma abadia da Ordem Tironense. Em 1305, os edif\u00EDcios mon\u00E1sticos foram destru\u00EDdos por um inc\u00EAndio e os irm\u00E3os foram obrigados a pedir esmolas e vender bens antes que pudessem reconstruir os edif\u00EDcios novamente. Adotou ordens beneditinas algum tempo depois de 1413, quando o bispo de Lincoln em 1422 disse que os monges de Humberston tiveram a sua origem em Santa Maria, Hamby, na Diocese de Coutances. A abadia nunca foi entregue \u00E0s m\u00E3os do rei como uma casa controlada por uma ordem externa. A abadia foi dissolvida em 1536. Os edif\u00EDcios da abadia estavam localizados ao sul da igreja de S\u00E3o Pedro em Humberston."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . "1502"^^ . . . . "A Abadia de Humberston foi uma abadia em Humberston, Lincolnshire, na Inglaterra. A Abadia Beneditina de Santa Maria e S\u00E3o Pedro foi fundada em 1160 por William, filho de Ralf, filho de Drogo, filho de Hermer, como uma abadia da Ordem Tironense. Em 1305, os edif\u00EDcios mon\u00E1sticos foram destru\u00EDdos por um inc\u00EAndio e os irm\u00E3os foram obrigados a pedir esmolas e vender bens antes que pudessem reconstruir os edif\u00EDcios novamente. A abadia foi dissolvida em 1536. Os edif\u00EDcios da abadia estavam localizados ao sul da igreja de S\u00E3o Pedro em Humberston."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . "POINT(-0.025960000231862 53.534061431885)"^^ . . . "Humberston Abbey was an abbey in Humberston, Lincolnshire, England. The Benedictine Abbey of Saint Mary and Saint Peter was founded in 1160 by William son of Ralf, son of Drogo, son of Hermer, as an abbey of the Tironensian Order. In 1305 the monastic buildings were destroyed by fire, and the brethren were obliged to beg alms and sell the advowson of one of their churches to the prior of Holy Trinity, Norwich before they could rebuild them. The abbey was dissolved in 1536. The abbey buildings were located to the south of St Peter's Church in Humberston."@en .