. "ISO 37001"@fr . "53445692"^^ . "ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management systems - Requirements with guidance for use, is a management system standard published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 2016. As the title suggests, this standard sets out the requirements for the establishment, implementation, operation, maintenance, and continual improvement of an anti-bribery management system (ABMS). It also provides guidance on the actions and approaches organizations can take to adhere to the requirements of this standard [1]. This management system standard has been developed by ISO Project Committee ISO/PC 278, Anti-bribery management systems [2]. More recently, technical committee ISO/TC 309 Governance of organizations has been created and the maintenance and future development of ISO 37001 will be undertaken by members of this committee [3]. An anti-bribery management system intends to help organizations in the fight against bribery, by establishing the procedures, policies and controls that help foster a culture of integrity, transparency and compliance. ISO 37001 is applicable only to bribery, and the ABMS intended to improve the organization's ability to prevent, detect, and respond to bribery and comply with anti-bribery laws and commitments that the organization had adhere to. Furthermore, ISO 37001 does not specifically address fraud, cartels, money-laundering, or other activities related to corrupt practices [4]. The anti-bribery management system can be stand-alone system or integrated into an already implemented management system such as the Quality Management System ISO 9001. An organization can choose to implement the anti-bribery management system in conjunction with or as part of other systems, such as those relating to the quality, environment and safety."@en . "6529"^^ . . . . . "ISO 37001"@en . . . "La Norma ISO 37001 Sistemas de gesti\u00F3n antisoborno, identifica un est\u00E1ndar de gesti\u00F3n para ayudar a las organizaciones en la lucha contra la corrupci\u00F3n mediante el establecimiento de una cultura de integridad, transparencia y cumplimiento. El sistema de gesti\u00F3n antisoborno puede ser un sistema independiente o integrado en un sistema de gesti\u00F3n ya implementado, como el ISO 9001. Una organizaci\u00F3n puede optar por implementar el sistema de gesti\u00F3n antisoborno junto con otros sistemas, o como parte de ellos, como los relacionados con la calidad, el medio ambiente y la seguridad. La implementaci\u00F3n correcta proporciona la posibilidad de que la empresa sea certificada por un organismo de certificaci\u00F3n acreditado internacionalmente."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "ISO 37001"@it . "La norma ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management systems in italiano Sistemi di gestione per la prevenzione della corruzione, identifica uno standard di gestione per aiutare le organizzazioni nella lotta contro la corruzione, istituendo una cultura di integrit\u00E0, trasparenza e conformit\u00E0. La norma pu\u00F2 fornire un importante aiuto nell\u2019implementazione di misure efficaci per prevenire ed affrontare fenomeni di corruzione. L\u2019anti-bribery management system pu\u00F2 essere un sistema a s\u00E9 stante oppure integrato in un sistema di gestione gi\u00E0 implementato come ad esempio il Sistema di gestione qualit\u00E0 ISO 9001. L\u2019Organizzazione pu\u00F2 infatti scegliere di attuare il sistema di gestione sull\u2019anticorruzione insieme a, o come parte di altri sistemi, come quelli riguardanti la qualit\u00E0, l\u2019ambiente e la sicurezza. In particolare, con riguardo alle organizzazioni soggette alla legge italiana, pu\u00F2 essere parte del \u00ABModello di Organizzazione e Gestione\u00BB adottato ai sensi del Decreto legislativo 8 giugno 2001, n. 231. La ISO 37001 \u00E8 stata pubblicata per la prima volta il 15 ottobre 2016. Lo standard ISO 37001 \u00E8 stato tradotto in lingua italiana con pubblicazione avvenuta nel dicembre 2016 diventando cos\u00EC norma UNI ISO 37001. Non risulta invece ancora recepito in Europa come standard EN."@it . . . "1104985510"^^ . . . . "L\u2019ISO 37001 est une norme provenant de l'Organisation internationale de normalisation relative \u00E0 la lutte contre la corruption. Elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 adopt\u00E9e le 14 octobre 2016 sur la base d\u2019un travail collaboratif conduit par des d\u00E9l\u00E9gations de vingt pays. Elle appartient aux corpus des normes dites de syst\u00E8mes de management, comme l\u2019ISO 9001 ou l\u2019ISO 14001. \u00C0 ce titre, elle est construite selon la structure HLS (High Level Structure) : cette structure permet d\u2019aborder la norme de fa\u00E7on autonome ou int\u00E9gr\u00E9e dans un syst\u00E8me de management plus large. Cette norme a \u00E9t\u00E9 \u00E9labor\u00E9e sous la responsabilit\u00E9 du Comit\u00E9 technique ISO/TC 309 qui supervise les normes relatives \u00E0 la gouvernance et \u00E0 la conformit\u00E9 au sein de l'ISO."@fr . . "L\u2019ISO 37001 est une norme provenant de l'Organisation internationale de normalisation relative \u00E0 la lutte contre la corruption. Elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 adopt\u00E9e le 14 octobre 2016 sur la base d\u2019un travail collaboratif conduit par des d\u00E9l\u00E9gations de vingt pays. Elle appartient aux corpus des normes dites de syst\u00E8mes de management, comme l\u2019ISO 9001 ou l\u2019ISO 14001. \u00C0 ce titre, elle est construite selon la structure HLS (High Level Structure) : cette structure permet d\u2019aborder la norme de fa\u00E7on autonome ou int\u00E9gr\u00E9e dans un syst\u00E8me de management plus large."@fr . . . . . . . "ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management systems - Requirements with guidance for use, is a management system standard published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 2016. As the title suggests, this standard sets out the requirements for the establishment, implementation, operation, maintenance, and continual improvement of an anti-bribery management system (ABMS). It also provides guidance on the actions and approaches organizations can take to adhere to the requirements of this standard [1]."@en . . . . . . . "La norma ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management systems in italiano Sistemi di gestione per la prevenzione della corruzione, identifica uno standard di gestione per aiutare le organizzazioni nella lotta contro la corruzione, istituendo una cultura di integrit\u00E0, trasparenza e conformit\u00E0. La norma pu\u00F2 fornire un importante aiuto nell\u2019implementazione di misure efficaci per prevenire ed affrontare fenomeni di corruzione. L\u2019anti-bribery management system pu\u00F2 essere un sistema a s\u00E9 stante oppure integrato in un sistema di gestione gi\u00E0 implementato come ad esempio il Sistema di gestione qualit\u00E0 ISO 9001."@it . "La Norma ISO 37001 Sistemas de gesti\u00F3n antisoborno, identifica un est\u00E1ndar de gesti\u00F3n para ayudar a las organizaciones en la lucha contra la corrupci\u00F3n mediante el establecimiento de una cultura de integridad, transparencia y cumplimiento. El sistema de gesti\u00F3n antisoborno puede ser un sistema independiente o integrado en un sistema de gesti\u00F3n ya implementado, como el ISO 9001. Una organizaci\u00F3n puede optar por implementar el sistema de gesti\u00F3n antisoborno junto con otros sistemas, o como parte de ellos, como los relacionados con la calidad, el medio ambiente y la seguridad. La implementaci\u00F3n correcta proporciona la posibilidad de que la empresa sea certificada por un organismo de certificaci\u00F3n acreditado internacionalmente."@es . "ISO 37001"@es . . . . . .