. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Arnaud Petit"@en . . ""@en . "The International Grains Council (IGC) is an intergovernmental organization which oversees the Grains Trade Convention and seeks to promote cooperation in the global grain trade. It\u2019s tasked with enhancing market stability and world food security through providing impartial analysis on supply and demand fundamentals in the grains and oilseed sectors and improving transparency through regular reporting on market and policy developments. The definition of \u201Cgrains\u201D was formally expanded to include rice (1 July 2009) and oilseeds (1 July 2013)."@en . . . . . . . "5944"^^ . . . . . . . "International Grains Council"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "yes"@en . . . "International Grains Council logo.jpg"@en . "Il Consiglio internazionale dei cereali (International Grains Council), sigla IGC, \u00E8 un'organizzazione intergovernativa che promuove la cooperazione nel mercato internazionale dei cereali."@it . . . . . "1899472"^^ . . "Conseil international des c\u00E9r\u00E9ales"@fr . . . . . . . . "Le Conseil international des c\u00E9r\u00E9ales (CIC) est une organisation internationale fond\u00E9e le 23 mars 1949 sous le nom de Conseil international du bl\u00E9 (CIB) \u00E0 l'initiative du gouvernement am\u00E9ricain dans le but d'assurer une distribution \u00E9galitaire de bl\u00E9 aux pays en \u00E9tat d'urgence.Cet organisme faisait partie du annonc\u00E9 par le pr\u00E9sident des \u00C9tats-Unis, Harry S. Truman, le 20 janvier 1949 pour am\u00E9liorer la situation \u00E9conomique des pays pauvres. Parmi les membres du CIB figuraient la R\u00E9publique d'Irlande (depuis 1951), Isra\u00EBl (depuis 1949), l'Allemagne de l'Ouest (depuis 1951) et le Japon (depuis 1951). En 1995, l'organisation fut renomm\u00E9e \u00AB Conseil international des c\u00E9r\u00E9ales \u00BB."@fr . . . . . . "1025065301"^^ . ""@en . . . . . "December 2009"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "1949-03-23"^^ . . "London, England"@en . . . . "Consiglio internazionale dei cereali"@it . . . . . . . "International Grains Council"@en . "Logo"@en . "International Wheat Council"@en . . . "International Grains Council"@en . . ""@en . . . . "Il Consiglio internazionale dei cereali (International Grains Council), sigla IGC, \u00E8 un'organizzazione intergovernativa che promuove la cooperazione nel mercato internazionale dei cereali."@it . . . . . . . . . "Headquarters"@en . . . "1995-07-01"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Executive Director"@en . . "The International Grains Council (IGC) is an intergovernmental organization which oversees the Grains Trade Convention and seeks to promote cooperation in the global grain trade. It\u2019s tasked with enhancing market stability and world food security through providing impartial analysis on supply and demand fundamentals in the grains and oilseed sectors and improving transparency through regular reporting on market and policy developments. The IGC's data, analysis and reporting are used by member governments, private organizations and other international bodies concerned with grain market developments. The IGC's benchmark Grains and Oilseeds Index, which tracks international grain and oilseed prices, is publicly available on the organization's website. The IGC Secretariat also administers the Food Assistance Convention, provides administrative services to the Food Assistance Committee and forms part of the secretariat of Agricultural Market Information System. The headquarters are in London, where the IGC hosts the annual Grains Conference which brings international buyers and sellers, industry representatives and policy makers together. The definition of \u201Cgrains\u201D was formally expanded to include rice (1 July 2009) and oilseeds (1 July 2013). The Food Aid Convention of 1995 added pulses to the list. This Convention was subsequently renegotiated and replaced by the Food Aid Convention of 1999, which considerably broadened the list of eligible products. The Food Aid Convention, 1999 expired on 30 June 2012 and a new Food Assistance Convention entered into force on 1 January 2013. The new Food Assistance Convention is a separate legal instrument, independent of the GTC. At the 35th IGC Council Session in June 2012 members approved a request that the IGC Secretariat continue to provide administrative services to the new Food Assistance Committee."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Le Conseil international des c\u00E9r\u00E9ales (CIC) est une organisation internationale fond\u00E9e le 23 mars 1949 sous le nom de Conseil international du bl\u00E9 (CIB) \u00E0 l'initiative du gouvernement am\u00E9ricain dans le but d'assurer une distribution \u00E9galitaire de bl\u00E9 aux pays en \u00E9tat d'urgence.Cet organisme faisait partie du annonc\u00E9 par le pr\u00E9sident des \u00C9tats-Unis, Harry S. Truman, le 20 janvier 1949 pour am\u00E9liorer la situation \u00E9conomique des pays pauvres. Parmi les membres du CIB figuraient la R\u00E9publique d'Irlande (depuis 1951), Isra\u00EBl (depuis 1949), l'Allemagne de l'Ouest (depuis 1951) et le Japon (depuis 1951). En 1995, l'organisation fut renomm\u00E9e \u00AB Conseil international des c\u00E9r\u00E9ales \u00BB."@fr . . .