. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The phonology of Japanese features about 15 consonant phonemes, the cross-linguistically typical five-vowel system of /a, e, i, o, u/, and a relatively simple phonotactic distribution of phonemes allowing few consonant clusters. It is traditionally described as having a mora as the unit of timing, with each mora taking up about the same length of time, so that the disyllabic [\u0272ip.po\u0274] (\"Japan\") may be analyzed as /niQpoN/ and dissected into four moras, /ni/, /Q/, /po/, and /N/. Unless otherwise noted, the following describes the standard variety of Japanese based on the Tokyo dialect."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "\u0424\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0442\u0438\u043A\u0430 \u044F\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0441\u044C\u043A\u043E\u0457 \u043C\u043E\u0432\u0438"@uk . . . . . . . . . . "La fonologia della lingua giapponese studia il sistema fonologico della lingua giapponese standard. Su Wikipedia in italiano viene usata la traslitterazione Hepburn per rappresentare i suoni giapponesi con l'alfabeto latino. Notare che la traslitterazione dei kanji \u00E8 in corsivo, i fonemi sono posti tra /.../, i foni tra [...] e i grafemi tra \u27E8...\u27E9."@it . . . . . . . . . . "Fonologia della lingua giapponese"@it . . "Cet article traite de la prononciation du japonais. Rappelons que le japonais poss\u00E8de trois syst\u00E8mes d'\u00E9criture : \n* les kanas, syst\u00E8mes syllabiques, existant en deux formes : \n* hiragana pour noter la grammaire, ou des mots tr\u00E8s bien int\u00E9gr\u00E9s \u00E0 la langue japonaise ; \n* katakana pour les mots emprunt\u00E9s ou lorsqu'on travaille sur un support phon\u00E9tique (cette page utilisera tout de m\u00EAme plut\u00F4t les hiragana) ; \n* les kanjis, directement d'origine chinoise, qui peuvent avoir plusieurs prononciations en langue japonaise : \n* la prononciation \u00AB on'yomi \u00BB (\u97F3\u8AAD\u307F, \u00AB lecture sonore \u00BB), reproduisant approximativement la prononciation chinoise du sinogramme emprunt\u00E9, \n* une ou plusieurs prononciations \u00AB kun'yomi (\u8A13\u8AAD\u307F, \u00AB lecture s\u00E9mantique \u00BB), o\u00F9 l'utilisation du sinogramme est s\u00E9mantique : la prononcia"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u0424\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0442\u0438\u043A\u0430 \u044F\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0441\u044C\u043A\u043E\u0457 \u043C\u043E\u0432\u0438"@uk . . . . . "The phonology of Japanese features about 15 consonant phonemes, the cross-linguistically typical five-vowel system of /a, e, i, o, u/, and a relatively simple phonotactic distribution of phonemes allowing few consonant clusters. It is traditionally described as having a mora as the unit of timing, with each mora taking up about the same length of time, so that the disyllabic [\u0272ip.po\u0274] (\"Japan\") may be analyzed as /niQpoN/ and dissected into four moras, /ni/, /Q/, /po/, and /N/. Standard Japanese is a pitch-accent language, wherein the position or absence of a pitch drop may determine the meaning of a word: /ha\uA71Csi\u0261a/ \"chopsticks\", /hasi\uA71C\u0261a/ \"bridge\", /hasi\u0261a/ \"edge\" (see Japanese pitch accent). Unless otherwise noted, the following describes the standard variety of Japanese based on the Tokyo dialect."@en . . . . . . . . . . "\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\u306E\u97F3\u97FB\uFF08\u306B\u307B\u3093\u3054\u306E\u304A\u3093\u3044\u3093\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\u306B\u304A\u3044\u3066\u5225\u3005\u306E\u97F3\u3068\u5206\u6790\u3055\u308C\u308B\u62BD\u8C61\u7684\u306A\u97F3\u306E\u5168\u4F53\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u3053\u308C\u3089\u306E\u97F3\u97FB\u306F\u4E00\u3064\u306E\u4F53\u7CFB\u3092\u306A\u3059\u3002 \u672C\u8A18\u4E8B\u3067\u306F\u3001\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\u6771\u4EAC\u65B9\u8A00\u306E\u97F3\u97FB\u4F53\u7CFB\u3001\u307E\u305F\u3001\u97F3\u58F0\u5B66\u7684\u306B\u898B\u305F\u5B9F\u969B\u306E\u767A\u97F3\uFF08\u5358\u97F3\u30FB\u9023\u97F3\uFF09\u3092\u4E2D\u5FC3\u306B\u8AAC\u660E\u3059\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . . "1958451"^^ . . . . . . . . "\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\u306E\u97F3\u97FB\uFF08\u306B\u307B\u3093\u3054\u306E\u304A\u3093\u3044\u3093\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\u306B\u304A\u3044\u3066\u5225\u3005\u306E\u97F3\u3068\u5206\u6790\u3055\u308C\u308B\u62BD\u8C61\u7684\u306A\u97F3\u306E\u5168\u4F53\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u3053\u308C\u3089\u306E\u97F3\u97FB\u306F\u4E00\u3064\u306E\u4F53\u7CFB\u3092\u306A\u3059\u3002 \u672C\u8A18\u4E8B\u3067\u306F\u3001\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\u6771\u4EAC\u65B9\u8A00\u306E\u97F3\u97FB\u4F53\u7CFB\u3001\u307E\u305F\u3001\u97F3\u58F0\u5B66\u7684\u306B\u898B\u305F\u5B9F\u969B\u306E\u767A\u97F3\uFF08\u5358\u97F3\u30FB\u9023\u97F3\uFF09\u3092\u4E2D\u5FC3\u306B\u8AAC\u660E\u3059\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u65E5\u8A9E\u97F3\u7CFB\u662F\u65E5\u8A9E\u7684\u97F3\u97FB\u9AD4\u7CFB\uFF0C\u662F\u65E5\u8A9E\u97F3\u97FB\u5B78\u7684\u7814\u7A76\u5C0D\u8C61\uFF0C\u5305\u542B\u6709\u5927\u81F415\u500B\u8F14\u97F3\u97F3\u7D20\u548C\u4E00\u500B\u5178\u578B\u7684\u4E94\u5143\u97F3\u7CFB\u7D71\u3002\u672C\u689D\u76EE\u4E3B\u8981\u63CF\u8FF0\u57FA\u65BC\u65E5\u8A9E\u6771\u4EAC\u65B9\u8A00\u7684\u6A19\u6E96\u8A9E\uFF08\u5171\u901A\u8A9E\uFF09\u7684\u97F3\u7CFB\u548C\u5BE6\u969B\u8A9E\u97F3\u73FE\u8C61\u3002"@zh . . . "\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\u306E\u97F3\u97FB"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cet article traite de la prononciation du japonais. Rappelons que le japonais poss\u00E8de trois syst\u00E8mes d'\u00E9criture : \n* les kanas, syst\u00E8mes syllabiques, existant en deux formes : \n* hiragana pour noter la grammaire, ou des mots tr\u00E8s bien int\u00E9gr\u00E9s \u00E0 la langue japonaise ; \n* katakana pour les mots emprunt\u00E9s ou lorsqu'on travaille sur un support phon\u00E9tique (cette page utilisera tout de m\u00EAme plut\u00F4t les hiragana) ; \n* les kanjis, directement d'origine chinoise, qui peuvent avoir plusieurs prononciations en langue japonaise : \n* la prononciation \u00AB on'yomi \u00BB (\u97F3\u8AAD\u307F, \u00AB lecture sonore \u00BB), reproduisant approximativement la prononciation chinoise du sinogramme emprunt\u00E9, \n* une ou plusieurs prononciations \u00AB kun'yomi (\u8A13\u8AAD\u307F, \u00AB lecture s\u00E9mantique \u00BB), o\u00F9 l'utilisation du sinogramme est s\u00E9mantique : la prononciation est nativement japonaise."@fr . . . . . . . . "\u65E5\u8A9E\u97F3\u7CFB\u662F\u65E5\u8A9E\u7684\u97F3\u97FB\u9AD4\u7CFB\uFF0C\u662F\u65E5\u8A9E\u97F3\u97FB\u5B78\u7684\u7814\u7A76\u5C0D\u8C61\uFF0C\u5305\u542B\u6709\u5927\u81F415\u500B\u8F14\u97F3\u97F3\u7D20\u548C\u4E00\u500B\u5178\u578B\u7684\u4E94\u5143\u97F3\u7CFB\u7D71\u3002\u672C\u689D\u76EE\u4E3B\u8981\u63CF\u8FF0\u57FA\u65BC\u65E5\u8A9E\u6771\u4EAC\u65B9\u8A00\u7684\u6A19\u6E96\u8A9E\uFF08\u5171\u901A\u8A9E\uFF09\u7684\u97F3\u7CFB\u548C\u5BE6\u969B\u8A9E\u97F3\u73FE\u8C61\u3002"@zh . . . . . . "La fonologia della lingua giapponese studia il sistema fonologico della lingua giapponese standard. Su Wikipedia in italiano viene usata la traslitterazione Hepburn per rappresentare i suoni giapponesi con l'alfabeto latino. Notare che la traslitterazione dei kanji \u00E8 in corsivo, i fonemi sono posti tra /.../, i foni tra [...] e i grafemi tra \u27E8...\u27E9."@it . . . . . . . . "63692"^^ . "\u0424\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0442\u0438\u043A\u0430 \u044F\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0441\u044C\u043A\u043E\u0457 \u043C\u043E\u0432\u0438"@uk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Japanese phonology"@en . . . . . "\u042F\u043F\u043E\u043D\u0441\u043A\u0430\u044F \u0444\u043E\u043D\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0433\u0438\u044F"@ru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Prononciation du japonais"@fr . . . "\u65E5\u8A9E\u97F3\u7CFB"@zh . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1124702692"^^ .