. "Johann Georg Lickl (Korneuburg, 11 d'abril de 1769 - P\u00E9cs, 12 de maig de 1843) fou un organista i compositor austr\u00EDac. Es don\u00E0 con\u00E8ixer a Viena com a notable organista, compositor i professor de piano, i el 1806 fou nomenat mestre de capella de la principal esgl\u00E9sia de F\u00FCntkirchen. Va escriure un gran nombre de composicions religioses, com misses, vespres, lletanies, salms, etc.; sonates, quintets, quartets, dues s\u00E8ries d'harmonies, valsos, etc., i les \u00F2peres , , , , , , , i . Els seus fills, Carl Georg Lickl (1801, Viena-1877, Viena) i \u00C4gidius Karl Lickl (1803, Viena-1864, Trieste), tamb\u00E9 van ser compositors, la producci\u00F3 dels quals inclou obres per a piano i per a la fisarm\u00F2nica , incloent una transcripci\u00F3 de la missa de Beethoven en C major per a la fisarm\u00F2nica i el piano."@ca . . . . . . . "Johann Georg Lickl, also Ligkl, Hans-Georg Lickl, Hungarian: Lickl Gy\u00F6rgy (11 April 1769 \u2013 12 May 1843) was an Austrian composer, organist, Kapellmeister in the main church of P\u00E9cs, and piano teacher. Lickl was born in Korneuburg, Lower Austria, and orphaned as a child. He studied under Witzig, who was the organist at the church of Korneuburg. He relocated to Vienna in 1785 and studied under Albrechtsberger and Joseph Haydn. Later in the 1780s, he became organist at the Carmelite church in Leopoldstadt. He collaborated with Emanuel Schikaneder on a number of Singspiele in the 1790s, working in the Theater auf der Wieden. He died, aged 74, in F\u00FCnfkirchen (Hungarian: P\u00E9cs), southern Royal Hungary, Imperial Austria. He wrote operas, one wind quintet, three string quartets, and served as a Kapellmeister at several churches. From 1807 until his death he was choirmaster at what is now P\u00E9cs. A large portion of his output is sacred music, including masses and requiems. In 1843, some of his piano- and chamber music works were published by Tobias Haslinger (Vienna), Johann Anton Andr\u00E9 (Offenbach) and (Augsburg). His sons, Karl Georg Lickl (1801, Vienna \u2013 1877, Vienna) and \u00C4gid(ius Ferdinand) Karl Lickl (1803, Vienna \u2013 1864, Trieste), were also composers, whose output includes works for piano and for physharmonica, including a transcription of Beethoven's Mass in C major for physharmonica and piano."@en . . . . . . "Johann Georg Lickl"@sv . "1113365344"^^ . . . . "Johann-Georg Lickl (auch Ligkl) (* 11. April 1769 in Korneuburg, Nieder\u00F6sterreich; \u2020 12. Mai 1843 in P\u00E9cs (F\u00FCnfkirchen), K\u00F6nigreich Ungarn) war ein \u00F6sterreichischer Komponist."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Johann-Georg Lickl (auch Ligkl) (* 11. April 1769 in Korneuburg, Nieder\u00F6sterreich; \u2020 12. Mai 1843 in P\u00E9cs (F\u00FCnfkirchen), K\u00F6nigreich Ungarn) war ein \u00F6sterreichischer Komponist."@de . "Johann Georg Lickl"@ca . . . . . . "Johann Georg Lickl, f\u00F6dd den 11 april 1769 i Wien, d\u00F6d den 12 maj 1843 i F\u00FCnfkirchen, var en \u00F6sterrikisk tons\u00E4ttare. Han var far till Carl Georg Lickl. Lickl erh\u00F6ll som korgosse musikundervisning av kordirigenten och blev senare kordirigent vid katedralen i F\u00FCnfkirchen i Ungern. Lickl skrev operor och s\u00E5nger samt verk f\u00F6r fysharmonika, piano och harmonium."@sv . . . . . . . "Johann Georg Lickl, \u00E9galement connu sous les noms Ligkl, Hans-Georg Lickl et hongrois : Lickl Gy\u00F6rgy (n\u00E9 le 11 avril 1769 \u2013 mort le 12 mai 1843) est un compositeur, organiste, ma\u00EEtre de chapelle et enseignant de piano autrichien. Il a compos\u00E9 plusieurs \u0153uvres, dont des op\u00E9ras, une \u0153uvres pour quintette \u00E0 vent et trois pour quatuor \u00E0 cordes. Une bonne partie de ces derni\u00E8res sont li\u00E9es \u00E0 la religion, Lickl ayant compos\u00E9 des messes et des requiems."@fr . . . . . "Johann Georg Lickl, also Ligkl, Hans-Georg Lickl, Hungarian: Lickl Gy\u00F6rgy (11 April 1769 \u2013 12 May 1843) was an Austrian composer, organist, Kapellmeister in the main church of P\u00E9cs, and piano teacher. Lickl was born in Korneuburg, Lower Austria, and orphaned as a child. He studied under Witzig, who was the organist at the church of Korneuburg. He wrote operas, one wind quintet, three string quartets, and served as a Kapellmeister at several churches. From 1807 until his death he was choirmaster at what is now P\u00E9cs. A large portion of his output is sacred music, including masses and requiems."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Johann Georg Lickl, \u00E9galement connu sous les noms Ligkl, Hans-Georg Lickl et hongrois : Lickl Gy\u00F6rgy (n\u00E9 le 11 avril 1769 \u2013 mort le 12 mai 1843) est un compositeur, organiste, ma\u00EEtre de chapelle et enseignant de piano autrichien. Il a compos\u00E9 plusieurs \u0153uvres, dont des op\u00E9ras, une \u0153uvres pour quintette \u00E0 vent et trois pour quatuor \u00E0 cordes. Une bonne partie de ces derni\u00E8res sont li\u00E9es \u00E0 la religion, Lickl ayant compos\u00E9 des messes et des requiems."@fr . . . . . . "Johann Georg Lickl, f\u00F6dd den 11 april 1769 i Wien, d\u00F6d den 12 maj 1843 i F\u00FCnfkirchen, var en \u00F6sterrikisk tons\u00E4ttare. Han var far till Carl Georg Lickl. Lickl erh\u00F6ll som korgosse musikundervisning av kordirigenten och blev senare kordirigent vid katedralen i F\u00FCnfkirchen i Ungern. Lickl skrev operor och s\u00E5nger samt verk f\u00F6r fysharmonika, piano och harmonium."@sv . . . . . . "\u30E8\u30CF\u30F3\u30FB\u30B2\u30AA\u30EB\u30AF\u30FB\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u30EB"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Johann Georg Lickl"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u30E8\u30CF\u30F3\u30FB\u30B2\u30AA\u30EB\u30AF\u30FB\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u30EB\uFF08Johann Georg Lickl\uFF09\u3082\u3057\u304F\u306F\u30CF\u30F3\u30B9\uFF1D\u30B2\u30AA\u30EB\u30AF\u30FB\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u30EB\uFF08Hans-Georg Ligkl, 1769\u5E744\u670811\u65E5 \u30CB\u30FC\u30C0\u30FC\u30A8\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30E9\u30A4\u30D2\u5DDE\u30B3\u30EB\u30CE\u30A4\u30D6\u30EB\u30AF - 1843\u5E745\u670812\u65E5 \u30D5\u30E5\u30F3\u30D5\u30AD\u30EB\u30D2\u30A7\u30F3\uFF08\u73FE\u30CF\u30F3\u30AC\u30EA\u30FC\u9818\u30DA\u30FC\u30C1\uFF09\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30AA\u30FC\u30B9\u30C8\u30EA\u30A2\u5E1D\u56FD\u306E\u4F5C\u66F2\u5BB6\u3002\u30A6\u30A3\u30FC\u30F3\u3067\u30AF\u30E9\u30F4\u30A3\u30FC\u30A2\u6559\u5E2B\u3068\u3057\u3066\u6D3B\u52D5\u3057\u3001\u4E00\u76EE\u7F6E\u304B\u308C\u308B\u30AA\u30EB\u30AC\u30CB\u30B9\u30C8\u306B\u5927\u6210\u3057\u305F\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . "Johann Georg Lickl (Korneuburg, 11 d'abril de 1769 - P\u00E9cs, 12 de maig de 1843) fou un organista i compositor austr\u00EDac. Es don\u00E0 con\u00E8ixer a Viena com a notable organista, compositor i professor de piano, i el 1806 fou nomenat mestre de capella de la principal esgl\u00E9sia de F\u00FCntkirchen. Va escriure un gran nombre de composicions religioses, com misses, vespres, lletanies, salms, etc.; sonates, quintets, quartets, dues s\u00E8ries d'harmonies, valsos, etc., i les \u00F2peres , , , , , , , i ."@ca . . . . . . . . "\u30E8\u30CF\u30F3\u30FB\u30B2\u30AA\u30EB\u30AF\u30FB\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u30EB\uFF08Johann Georg Lickl\uFF09\u3082\u3057\u304F\u306F\u30CF\u30F3\u30B9\uFF1D\u30B2\u30AA\u30EB\u30AF\u30FB\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u30EB\uFF08Hans-Georg Ligkl, 1769\u5E744\u670811\u65E5 \u30CB\u30FC\u30C0\u30FC\u30A8\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30E9\u30A4\u30D2\u5DDE\u30B3\u30EB\u30CE\u30A4\u30D6\u30EB\u30AF - 1843\u5E745\u670812\u65E5 \u30D5\u30E5\u30F3\u30D5\u30AD\u30EB\u30D2\u30A7\u30F3\uFF08\u73FE\u30CF\u30F3\u30AC\u30EA\u30FC\u9818\u30DA\u30FC\u30C1\uFF09\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30AA\u30FC\u30B9\u30C8\u30EA\u30A2\u5E1D\u56FD\u306E\u4F5C\u66F2\u5BB6\u3002\u30A6\u30A3\u30FC\u30F3\u3067\u30AF\u30E9\u30F4\u30A3\u30FC\u30A2\u6559\u5E2B\u3068\u3057\u3066\u6D3B\u52D5\u3057\u3001\u4E00\u76EE\u7F6E\u304B\u308C\u308B\u30AA\u30EB\u30AC\u30CB\u30B9\u30C8\u306B\u5927\u6210\u3057\u305F\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . "Johann Georg Lickl"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . "15601785"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "4164"^^ . "Johann Georg Lickl"@en .