. "Kakuma"@en . . . "KE-Kakuma.png"@en . "Kenya"@en . "Metric"@en . . "Kakuma"@it . . . "bottom"@en . . . . . . "1119860820"^^ . "Kakuma \u00E4r en ort i distriktet Turkana i provinsen Rift Valley i Kenya. Utanf\u00F6r Kakuma finns sedan 1992 ett stort flyktingl\u00E4ger d\u00E4r flyktingar fr\u00E5n omgivande l\u00E4nder bor, fr\u00E4mst folk som flytt undan hungersn\u00F6d i Somalia och torka och strider i Sydsudan och Darfur, men ocks\u00E5 politiska dissidenter fr\u00E5n Etiopien, Eritrea och Uganda samt flyktingar fr\u00E5n konflikterna i Rwanda, Burundi och Kongo-Kinshasa. Stadens namn \u00E4r swahili f\u00F6r 'ingenstans' och syftar till det \u00F6dsliga l\u00E4get."@sv . "60000"^^ . "\u30AB\u30AF\u30DE(Kakuma)\u306F\u3001\u30B1\u30CB\u30A2\u897F\u90E8\u306E\u65E7\u30EA\u30D5\u30C8\u30D0\u30EC\u30FC\u5DDE\u5317\u90E8\u306E\u30C8\u30A5\u30EB\u30AB\u30CA (\u30AB\u30A6\u30F3\u30C6\u30A3)\u306E\u90FD\u5E02\u30022009\u5E74\u306E\u4EBA\u53E3\u306F3\u4E071962\u4EBA\u3002"@ja . . . "Kakuma es una localidad de Kenia perteneciente al condado de Turkana. Tiene 65 814 habitantes seg\u00FAn el censo de 2009.\u200B Desde 1991 se estableci\u00F3 en este lugar un campo de refugiados, principalmente habitado por quienes huyen de las guerras en lo que ahora es Sud\u00E1n del Sur. En 2015 hab\u00EDa aqu\u00ED 185 000 refugiados. Muchos son refugiados de larga duraci\u00F3n que no han conocido una vida distinta a este sufrimiento.\u200B\u200B\u200B"@es . . "3.716666698455811"^^ . . . . . . . "POINT(34.866664886475 3.7166666984558)"^^ . . "Town"@en . . . . . "\u5361\u5EAB\u99AC"@zh . "Kakuma est une ville dans le comt\u00E9 de Turkana au Kenya. C\u2019est le site d\u2019un camp de r\u00E9fugi\u00E9s de l\u2019UNHCR fond\u00E9 en 1992. La population de Kakuma est d\u2019environ 60 000 habitants en 2014, alors qu\u2019elle n\u2019en avait que 8 000 en 1990. Les r\u00E9fugi\u00E9s qui habitent le camp sont surtout des mineurs non accompagn\u00E9s qui ont fui la guerre au Soudan."@fr . . . . "Kakuma"@en . . . "Kakuma"@fr . . . . . . . "Kakuma"@sv . . . . . . . . "Kakuma"@de . "Kakuma es una localidad de Kenia perteneciente al condado de Turkana. Tiene 65 814 habitantes seg\u00FAn el censo de 2009.\u200B Desde 1991 se estableci\u00F3 en este lugar un campo de refugiados, principalmente habitado por quienes huyen de las guerras en lo que ahora es Sud\u00E1n del Sur. En 2015 hab\u00EDa aqu\u00ED 185 000 refugiados. Muchos son refugiados de larga duraci\u00F3n que no han conocido una vida distinta a este sufrimiento.\u200B\u200B\u200B"@es . . . . "Location in Kenya"@en . . . . . "Kakuma\u200B Kakuma ist ein Fl\u00FCchtlingslager im Turkana County ca. 120 km n\u00F6rdlich von Lodwar im Norden Kenias mit \u00FCber 100.000 Einwohnern. Das Lager wurde 1992 f\u00FCr zun\u00E4chst etwa 30.000\u201340.000 Kinder und Jugendliche aus S\u00FCdsudan, die sogenannten \u201ELost Boys\u201C, eingerichtet. Heute sind die Lagerbewohner der lokalen Turkana-Bev\u00F6lkerung in der d\u00FCnn besiedelten W\u00FCstenregion zahlenm\u00E4\u00DFig weit \u00FCberlegen. Etwa 70 % von ihnen stammen aus S\u00FCdsudan. Weitere gr\u00F6\u00DFere Anteile stellen \u00C4thiopier und Somalier, ferner leben in Kakuma Eritreer, Burundier, Ruander, Ugander und Kongolesen. Im Jahr 2000 wurden etwa 3500 Lost Boys aus Kakuma in die USA umgesiedelt. Seit Ende des Krieges im S\u00FCdsudan 2005 hat die R\u00FCckf\u00FChrung von S\u00FCdsudanesen aus Kakuma begonnen. Im April 2021 einigten sich Kenia und die Vereinten Nationen auf die Schlie\u00DFung Kakumas bis zum 30. Juni 2022."@de . . "Kakuma \u00E8 un centro abitato del Kenya situato nella contea di Turkana, nella Rift Valley."@it . . . . . . "Kakuma \u00E8 un centro abitato del Kenya situato nella contea di Turkana, nella Rift Valley."@it . . "\u5361\u5EAB\u99AC\u662F\u6771\u975E\u570B\u5BB6\u80AF\u96C5\u7684\u57CE\u93AE\uFF0C\u7531\u88C2\u8C37\u7701\u8CA0\u8CAC\u7BA1\u8F44\uFF0C\u4F4D\u65BC\u8A72\u570B\u897F\u5317\u90E8\uFF0C\u8DDD\u96E2\u6D1B\u5FB7\u74E6\u723E\u7D04120\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u93AE\u4E0A\u7684\u96E3\u6C11\u71DF\u5EFA\u65BC1992\uFF0C\u6536\u7559\u8D85\u904E70,000\u540D\u4F86\u81EA\u8607\u4E39\u3001\u7D22\u99AC\u91CC\u3001\u57C3\u585E\u4FC4\u6BD4\u4E9E\u7B49\u9130\u8FD1\u570B\u5BB6\u7684\u96E3\u6C11\u3002"@zh . "\u5361\u5EAB\u99AC\u662F\u6771\u975E\u570B\u5BB6\u80AF\u96C5\u7684\u57CE\u93AE\uFF0C\u7531\u88C2\u8C37\u7701\u8CA0\u8CAC\u7BA1\u8F44\uFF0C\u4F4D\u65BC\u8A72\u570B\u897F\u5317\u90E8\uFF0C\u8DDD\u96E2\u6D1B\u5FB7\u74E6\u723E\u7D04120\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u93AE\u4E0A\u7684\u96E3\u6C11\u71DF\u5EFA\u65BC1992\uFF0C\u6536\u7559\u8D85\u904E70,000\u540D\u4F86\u81EA\u8607\u4E39\u3001\u7D22\u99AC\u91CC\u3001\u57C3\u585E\u4FC4\u6BD4\u4E9E\u7B49\u9130\u8FD1\u570B\u5BB6\u7684\u96E3\u6C11\u3002"@zh . . . . . "Country"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u30AB\u30AF\u30DE(Kakuma)\u306F\u3001\u30B1\u30CB\u30A2\u897F\u90E8\u306E\u65E7\u30EA\u30D5\u30C8\u30D0\u30EC\u30FC\u5DDE\u5317\u90E8\u306E\u30C8\u30A5\u30EB\u30AB\u30CA (\u30AB\u30A6\u30F3\u30C6\u30A3)\u306E\u90FD\u5E02\u30022009\u5E74\u306E\u4EBA\u53E3\u306F3\u4E071962\u4EBA\u3002"@ja . "60000"^^ . "Kakuma \u2013 miasto w Kenii, w hrabstwie Turkana. Liczy 23 tys. mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w."@pl . "\u30AB\u30AF\u30DE"@ja . "Kakuma est une ville dans le comt\u00E9 de Turkana au Kenya. C\u2019est le site d\u2019un camp de r\u00E9fugi\u00E9s de l\u2019UNHCR fond\u00E9 en 1992. La population de Kakuma est d\u2019environ 60 000 habitants en 2014, alors qu\u2019elle n\u2019en avait que 8 000 en 1990. Les r\u00E9fugi\u00E9s qui habitent le camp sont surtout des mineurs non accompagn\u00E9s qui ont fui la guerre au Soudan."@fr . . "Kakuma\u200B Kakuma ist ein Fl\u00FCchtlingslager im Turkana County ca. 120 km n\u00F6rdlich von Lodwar im Norden Kenias mit \u00FCber 100.000 Einwohnern. Das Lager wurde 1992 f\u00FCr zun\u00E4chst etwa 30.000\u201340.000 Kinder und Jugendliche aus S\u00FCdsudan, die sogenannten \u201ELost Boys\u201C, eingerichtet. Heute sind die Lagerbewohner der lokalen Turkana-Bev\u00F6lkerung in der d\u00FCnn besiedelten W\u00FCstenregion zahlenm\u00E4\u00DFig weit \u00FCberlegen. Etwa 70 % von ihnen stammen aus S\u00FCdsudan. Weitere gr\u00F6\u00DFere Anteile stellen \u00C4thiopier und Somalier, ferner leben in Kakuma Eritreer, Burundier, Ruander, Ugander und Kongolesen."@de . "1014939"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Kakuma"@en . "34.86666488647461"^^ . . . "Location of Kakuma in Kenya"@en . "Kakuma"@pl . . . . . "Kakuma is a town in northwestern Turkana County, Kenya. It is the site of a UNHCR refugee camp, established in 1992. The population of Kakuma town was 60,000 in 2014, having grown from around 8,000 in 1990. In 1991, the camp was established to host unaccompanied minors who had fled the war in Sudan and from camps in Ethiopia. It was estimated that there were 12,000 \"lost boys and girls\" who had fled here via Egypt in 1990/91."@en . . . . . . . "Kakuma is a town in northwestern Turkana County, Kenya. It is the site of a UNHCR refugee camp, established in 1992. The population of Kakuma town was 60,000 in 2014, having grown from around 8,000 in 1990. In 1991, the camp was established to host unaccompanied minors who had fled the war in Sudan and from camps in Ethiopia. It was estimated that there were 12,000 \"lost boys and girls\" who had fled here via Egypt in 1990/91. Kakuma is situated in the second poorest region in Kenya and as a result of this poverty, there are ongoing tensions between the refugees and the local community that has occasionally resulted in violence. Compared to the wider region, the Kakuma camp has better health facilities and a higher percentage of children in full-time education, which resulted in a general notion that the refugees were better off than the locals. The host community is composed largely of nomadic pastoralists who stick to their traditions and do not co-operate with refugees. Camp is becoming a normal part of the regional socio-economic landscape and a part of livelihood options available in the region. Kakuma is one of two large refugee camps in Kenya; the second and bigger one is Dadaab. Malnutrition, communicable disease outbreaks, and malaria are all ongoing problems, while donor support has faltered due to conflicts in other parts of the world. Many people in Kakuma are long-term refugees, living in hopelessness and desperation. The situation is particularly bad for young people. Many of the refugees hope to leave Kakuma for third country resettlement in another country. For example, the \"Lost Boys of Sudan\" were a special group who were resettled from the camp to the United States."@en . . . . . "Kakuma \u2013 miasto w Kenii, w hrabstwie Turkana. Liczy 23 tys. mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w."@pl . . . . . "Kakuma \u00E4r en ort i distriktet Turkana i provinsen Rift Valley i Kenya. Utanf\u00F6r Kakuma finns sedan 1992 ett stort flyktingl\u00E4ger d\u00E4r flyktingar fr\u00E5n omgivande l\u00E4nder bor, fr\u00E4mst folk som flytt undan hungersn\u00F6d i Somalia och torka och strider i Sydsudan och Darfur, men ocks\u00E5 politiska dissidenter fr\u00E5n Etiopien, Eritrea och Uganda samt flyktingar fr\u00E5n konflikterna i Rwanda, Burundi och Kongo-Kinshasa. Stadens namn \u00E4r swahili f\u00F6r 'ingenstans' och syftar till det \u00F6dsliga l\u00E4get."@sv . . . "25953"^^ . . . "Kakuma"@es . . . . "3.716666666666667 34.86666666666667" .