. . . . "Karl Hess (25 de maio de 1923 - 22 de abril de 1994) foi um redator de discursos de n\u00EDvel nacional e autor estadunidense. Ele tamb\u00E9m foi um fil\u00F3sofo pol\u00EDtico, editor, soldador, motociclista, sonegador de impostos, ateu e libertarianista."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . "1994"^^ . . . "Therese"@en . . "24294"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Karl Hess"@en . . . . "Karl Hess (born Carl Hess III; May 25, 1923 \u2013 April 22, 1994) was an American speechwriter and author. He was also a political philosopher, editor, welder, motorcycle racer, tax resister, and libertarian activist. His career included stints on the Republican right and the New Left before embracing a mix of left-libertarianism and laissez-faire anarcho-capitalism. Later in life, he summed up his role in the economy by remarking \"I am by occupation a free marketer (crafts and ideas, woodworking, welding, and writing).\""@en . . "Speechwriter"@en . . . . . "Karl Hess (25 de mayo de 1923 - 22 de abril de 1994) fue un redactor de discursos, editor, fil\u00F3sofo pol\u00EDtico, objetor fiscal y activista libertario. Su carrera incluy\u00F3 actuaciones en la derecha republicana y la Nueva Izquierda antes de que se convirtiera en un te\u00F3rico anarquista de mercado."@es . "Carl Hess III"@en . . . . . . . "Karl Hess"@es . . . . . . ""@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Karl Hess"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . "Karl Hess (born Carl Hess III; May 25, 1923 \u2013 April 22, 1994) was an American speechwriter and author. He was also a political philosopher, editor, welder, motorcycle racer, tax resister, and libertarian activist. His career included stints on the Republican right and the New Left before embracing a mix of left-libertarianism and laissez-faire anarcho-capitalism. Later in life, he summed up his role in the economy by remarking \"I am by occupation a free marketer (crafts and ideas, woodworking, welding, and writing).\""@en . . . . . . "2005-11-15"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Karl Hess (ur. 25 maja 1923 w Waszyngtonie, zm. 22 kwietnia 1994) \u2013 ameryka\u0144ski filozof polityki, krytyk systemu podatkowego, dziennikarz, redaktor, jeden ze wsp\u00F3\u0142tw\u00F3rc\u00F3w anarchokapitalizmu, ateista, autor kilkunastu ksi\u0105\u017Cek w tym Mostly on the Edge, Dear America, Community Technology i Capitalism for Kids oraz dziesi\u0105tek przem\u00F3wie\u0144 dla wszystkich najwa\u017Cniejszych Republikan\u00F3w po\u0142owy XX wieku \u2013 Richarda Nixona, Dwighta Eisenhowera, Geralda Forda i Barry\u2019ego Goldwatera, kt\u00F3ry okre\u015Bla\u0142 go mianem wsp\u00F3\u0142czesnego Szekspira."@pl . . . . . . . . . . "\u5361\u723E\u00B7\u6D77\u7D72\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AKarl Hess\uFF0C1923\u5E745\u670825\u65E5\uFF0D1994\u5E744\u670822\u65E5\uFF09\uFF0C\u7F8E\u56FD\u653F\u6CBB\u7406\u8BBA\u5BB6\uFF0C\u73B0\u4EE3\u81EA\u7531\u610F\u5FD7\u4E3B\u7FA9\u548C\u7121\u653F\u5E9C\u8CC7\u672C\u4E3B\u7FA9\u7684\u79EF\u6781\u63A8\u52A8\u8005\u3002\u4ED6\u66FE\u62C5\u4EFB1964\u5E74\u7F8E\u56FD\u5171\u548C\u515A\u603B\u7EDF\u5019\u9009\u4EBA\u8C9D\u5229\u00B7\u9AD8\u83EF\u5FB7\u7684\u6F14\u8BF4\u64B0\u7A3F\u4EBA\u548C\u653F\u6CBB\u987E\u95EE\uFF0C\u652F\u6301\u4FDD\u5B88\u4E3B\u4E49\u3002\u4F46\u540E\u6765\u6D77\u4E1D\u56E0\u53CD\u5BF9\u8D8A\u5357\u6218\u4E89\u800C\u4E0E\u4FDD\u5B88\u5171\u548C\u515A\u4EBA\u5206\u9053\u626C\u9573\uFF0C\u8F6C\u5411\u81EA\u7531\u610F\u5FD7\u4E3B\u4E49\u3002\u5728\u6B64\u671F\u95F4\u4ED6\u548C\u7A46\u745E\u00B7\u7F85\u65AF\u5DF4\u5FB7\u79EF\u6781\u5408\u4F5C\uFF0C\u5E76\u53C2\u4E0E\u4E86\u7F8E\u56FD\u81EA\u7531\u515A\u7684\u521B\u5EFA\u5DE5\u4F5C\u3002"@zh . . . . . . "1923-05-25"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1923"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Karl Hess (25 de maio de 1923 - 22 de abril de 1994) foi um redator de discursos de n\u00EDvel nacional e autor estadunidense. Ele tamb\u00E9m foi um fil\u00F3sofo pol\u00EDtico, editor, soldador, motociclista, sonegador de impostos, ateu e libertarianista."@pt . . . "Karl Hess (Washington, 25 maggio 1923 \u2013 22 aprile 1994) \u00E8 stato un editore statunitense, famoso per il suo attivismo politico in un'ottica libertarian partendo inizialmente da posizioni repubblicane ultraconservatrici, passando per la nuova destra statunitense, e aderendo infine al Libertarian Party di cui si ricordano azioni dirette di attivismo politico come la resistenza fiscale. Fu un teorico e un filosofo politico anarco-capitalista."@it . . . . . . . "1123542476"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Karl Hess, IV"@en . . . . . . . . . . "1994-04-22"^^ . "330964"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "LP News Jun94 \u2013 Karl Hess 1923\u20131994"@en . . . . . "Karl Hess"@en . . "\u5361\u723E\u00B7\u6D77\u7D72"@zh . . . . . . . . . . . "Karl Hess"@pt . . "Karl Hess (Washington, 25 maggio 1923 \u2013 22 aprile 1994) \u00E8 stato un editore statunitense, famoso per il suo attivismo politico in un'ottica libertarian partendo inizialmente da posizioni repubblicane ultraconservatrici, passando per la nuova destra statunitense, e aderendo infine al Libertarian Party di cui si ricordano azioni dirette di attivismo politico come la resistenza fiscale. Fu un teorico e un filosofo politico anarco-capitalista."@it . . . . . . . "1940"^^ . . . . . "\u5361\u723E\u00B7\u6D77\u7D72\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AKarl Hess\uFF0C1923\u5E745\u670825\u65E5\uFF0D1994\u5E744\u670822\u65E5\uFF09\uFF0C\u7F8E\u56FD\u653F\u6CBB\u7406\u8BBA\u5BB6\uFF0C\u73B0\u4EE3\u81EA\u7531\u610F\u5FD7\u4E3B\u7FA9\u548C\u7121\u653F\u5E9C\u8CC7\u672C\u4E3B\u7FA9\u7684\u79EF\u6781\u63A8\u52A8\u8005\u3002\u4ED6\u66FE\u62C5\u4EFB1964\u5E74\u7F8E\u56FD\u5171\u548C\u515A\u603B\u7EDF\u5019\u9009\u4EBA\u8C9D\u5229\u00B7\u9AD8\u83EF\u5FB7\u7684\u6F14\u8BF4\u64B0\u7A3F\u4EBA\u548C\u653F\u6CBB\u987E\u95EE\uFF0C\u652F\u6301\u4FDD\u5B88\u4E3B\u4E49\u3002\u4F46\u540E\u6765\u6D77\u4E1D\u56E0\u53CD\u5BF9\u8D8A\u5357\u6218\u4E89\u800C\u4E0E\u4FDD\u5B88\u5171\u548C\u515A\u4EBA\u5206\u9053\u626C\u9573\uFF0C\u8F6C\u5411\u81EA\u7531\u610F\u5FD7\u4E3B\u4E49\u3002\u5728\u6B64\u671F\u95F4\u4ED6\u548C\u7A46\u745E\u00B7\u7F85\u65AF\u5DF4\u5FB7\u79EF\u6781\u5408\u4F5C\uFF0C\u5E76\u53C2\u4E0E\u4E86\u7F8E\u56FD\u81EA\u7531\u515A\u7684\u521B\u5EFA\u5DE5\u4F5C\u3002"@zh . . . . . "Karl Hess (ur. 25 maja 1923 w Waszyngtonie, zm. 22 kwietnia 1994) \u2013 ameryka\u0144ski filozof polityki, krytyk systemu podatkowego, dziennikarz, redaktor, jeden ze wsp\u00F3\u0142tw\u00F3rc\u00F3w anarchokapitalizmu, ateista, autor kilkunastu ksi\u0105\u017Cek w tym Mostly on the Edge, Dear America, Community Technology i Capitalism for Kids oraz dziesi\u0105tek przem\u00F3wie\u0144 dla wszystkich najwa\u017Cniejszych Republikan\u00F3w po\u0142owy XX wieku \u2013 Richarda Nixona, Dwighta Eisenhowera, Geralda Forda i Barry\u2019ego Goldwatera, kt\u00F3ry okre\u015Bla\u0142 go mianem wsp\u00F3\u0142czesnego Szekspira."@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "welder"@en . . . . "American"@en . . . . "1994-04-22"^^ . "1994"^^ . . . "Karl Hess"@en . . "author"@en . "Carl Hess III"@en . . . . . . . . "Karl Hess"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Karl Hess (25 de mayo de 1923 - 22 de abril de 1994) fue un redactor de discursos, editor, fil\u00F3sofo pol\u00EDtico, objetor fiscal y activista libertario. Su carrera incluy\u00F3 actuaciones en la derecha republicana y la Nueva Izquierda antes de que se convirtiera en un te\u00F3rico anarquista de mercado."@es . . . . . . . . . . . "1940"^^ . . . . . "Karl Hess"@it . "1923-05-25"^^ . . . . .