. "Kilometroak est une f\u00EAte annuelle en faveur de la langue basque, organis\u00E9e par les ikastola du Guipuscoa. Depuis 1977, des milliers de gens se r\u00E9unissent le 1er dimanche d'octobre. L\u2019argent recueilli est destin\u00E9 d\u2019une part \u00E0 financer le nouveau b\u00E2timent de l\u2019ikastola et d\u2019autre part \u00E0 promouvoir le nouveau projet \u00E9ducatif. Bien que la f\u00EAte officielle du Kilometroak se concentre sur un jour, les activit\u00E9s continuent tout au long de l\u2019ann\u00E9e : d\u00E9veloppement \u00E0 la culture basque, parit\u00E9 entre femmes et hommes, inclusion, respect \u00E0 la nature et pluralit\u00E9."@fr . "3744"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kilometroak"@eu . . . . . "Annual"@en . "Kilometroak es una fiesta que se celebra el primer domingo de octubre en la provincia vasca de Guip\u00FAzcoa, Pa\u00EDs Vasco. Para recaudar fondos con el objetivo de ayudar a la ikastola de la localidad organizadora, la cual var\u00EDa en cada edici\u00F3n. Esta fiesta data de 1977 y desde entonces se ha ido celebrando cada a\u00F1o."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kilometroak"@fr . "Kilometroak est une f\u00EAte annuelle en faveur de la langue basque, organis\u00E9e par les ikastola du Guipuscoa. Depuis 1977, des milliers de gens se r\u00E9unissent le 1er dimanche d'octobre. L\u2019argent recueilli est destin\u00E9 d\u2019une part \u00E0 financer le nouveau b\u00E2timent de l\u2019ikastola et d\u2019autre part \u00E0 promouvoir le nouveau projet \u00E9ducatif. Bien que la f\u00EAte officielle du Kilometroak se concentre sur un jour, les activit\u00E9s continuent tout au long de l\u2019ann\u00E9e : d\u00E9veloppement \u00E0 la culture basque, parit\u00E9 entre femmes et hommes, inclusion, respect \u00E0 la nature et pluralit\u00E9."@fr . "Kilometroak (Basque for 'kilometers') is a festival organized every year on the first Sunday of October to reach out to the ikastolas (Basque language schools) in Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain. Kilometroak consists of walking down a circuit of 5-10 kilometers, one dotted with food stands and entertainment. Participants sometimes represent a certain organization, and the money collected is used to assist the Basque language schools in the province of Gipuzkoa. It also aims at raising Basque culture and language awareness, as well as highlighting community bonds. Each year a different town organizes the event. Parents, teachers and students volunteer and plan ahead to have everything arranged for the day of the festival, and contribute until it is over at dusk."@en . "Kilometroak"@es . . "Kilometroak (Basque for 'kilometers') is a festival organized every year on the first Sunday of October to reach out to the ikastolas (Basque language schools) in Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain. Kilometroak consists of walking down a circuit of 5-10 kilometers, one dotted with food stands and entertainment. Participants sometimes represent a certain organization, and the money collected is used to assist the Basque language schools in the province of Gipuzkoa. It also aims at raising Basque culture and language awareness, as well as highlighting community bonds. Each year a different town organizes the event. Parents, teachers and students volunteer and plan ahead to have everything arranged for the day of the festival, and contribute until it is over at dusk."@en . . "Kilometroak"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kilometroak es una fiesta que se celebra el primer domingo de octubre en la provincia vasca de Guip\u00FAzcoa, Pa\u00EDs Vasco. Para recaudar fondos con el objetivo de ayudar a la ikastola de la localidad organizadora, la cual var\u00EDa en cada edici\u00F3n. Esta fiesta data de 1977 y desde entonces se ha ido celebrando cada a\u00F1o."@es . . . "1977"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "42190766"^^ . "1026572699"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kilometroak, Gipuzkoako ikastolen jaia da. Urtero ospatzen da 1977az geroztik. Milaka eta milaka euskalzale biltzen dira urriko lehen igandean antolaketak prestatutako ibilbidea egin eta Gipuzkoako ikastolei bultzada emateko asmoz. Normalean urriko lehen igandean ospatzen da."@eu . . . "1977"^^ . "First Sunday of October"@en . "Kilometroak, Gipuzkoako ikastolen jaia da. Urtero ospatzen da 1977az geroztik. Milaka eta milaka euskalzale biltzen dira urriko lehen igandean antolaketak prestatutako ibilbidea egin eta Gipuzkoako ikastolei bultzada emateko asmoz. Normalean urriko lehen igandean ospatzen da."@eu . .