"Kond (\u00BF-?), uno de los siete jefes tribales h\u00FAngaros que movilizaron a su naci\u00F3n en el siglo X hacia Europa desde Asia."@es . . . . . . "Kond (K\u00F6nd, K\u00FCnd, Kund, Kend, Kende or Kursz\u00E1n) was \u2013 according to chronicler Anonymus \u2013 one of the seven chieftains of the Magyars (Hungarians), who led the Hungarians to the Carpathian Basin in 895. Probably he was the father of Kursz\u00E1n. His second son, Kaplon was the founder of the kindred of Kaplon."@en . . "Kond fou un dels set caps tribals hongaresos que mobilitzaren el poble hongar\u00E8s al segle x des d'\u00C0sia fins a Europa."@ca . . . . "\uCF58\uB4DC"@ko . "\uCF58\uB4DC(\uD5DD\uAC00\uB9AC\uC5B4: Kond)\uB294 \uC544\uB178\uB2C8\uBB34\uC2A4 \uB178\uD0C0\uB9AC\uC6B0\uC2A4\uAC00 \uBE44\uC815\uD55C \uBA38\uC800\uB974 7\uAD70\uC7A5 \uC911 \uD55C \uBA85\uC774\uB2E4. \uCFE0\uB974\uC0B0\uACFC \uC758 \uC544\uBC84\uC9C0\uB77C\uACE0 \uD55C\uB2E4. \uCE74\uD50C\uB860\uC740 \uC758 \uC2DC\uC870\uAC00 \uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4."@ko . . . "Kond"@ca . . "\uCF58\uB4DC(\uD5DD\uAC00\uB9AC\uC5B4: Kond)\uB294 \uC544\uB178\uB2C8\uBB34\uC2A4 \uB178\uD0C0\uB9AC\uC6B0\uC2A4\uAC00 \uBE44\uC815\uD55C \uBA38\uC800\uB974 7\uAD70\uC7A5 \uC911 \uD55C \uBA85\uC774\uB2E4. \uCFE0\uB974\uC0B0\uACFC \uC758 \uC544\uBC84\uC9C0\uB77C\uACE0 \uD55C\uB2E4. \uCE74\uD50C\uB860\uC740 \uC758 \uC2DC\uC870\uAC00 \uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4."@ko . "Kond fou un dels set caps tribals hongaresos que mobilitzaren el poble hongar\u00E8s al segle x des d'\u00C0sia fins a Europa."@ca . . . . . "Kond (K\u00F6nd, Kund, Kend, Kende ou Kursz\u00E1n) \u00E9tait, selon le chroniqueur Anonymus de la Gesta Hungarorum, l'un des sept chefs de tribu magyare qui ont conquis en 895 apr\u00E8s J.-C. la plaine de Pannonie o\u00F9 se trouve aujourd'hui la Hongrie. Il fut probablement le p\u00E8re de Kursz\u00E1n. Son fils, Kaplon, fut le fondateur du clan Kaplon."@fr . . "Kond"@it . . "Kond (chieftain)"@en . "1123204404"^^ . . . . "Kond"@fr . "Kond"@es . "Kond (K\u00F6nd, K\u00FCnd, Kund, Kend, Kende or Kursz\u00E1n) was \u2013 according to chronicler Anonymus \u2013 one of the seven chieftains of the Magyars (Hungarians), who led the Hungarians to the Carpathian Basin in 895. Probably he was the father of Kursz\u00E1n. His second son, Kaplon was the founder of the kindred of Kaplon."@en . . "Kond, riportato anche nelle forme K\u00F6nd, Kund, Kend, Kende o Kursz\u00E1n (... \u2013 ...; fl. IX secolo), fu, secondo l'anonimo cronista autore delle Gesta Hungarorum, uno dei sette capitrib\u00F9 magiari che condusse il suo popolo nel bacino dei Carpazi nell'895. Probabile padre di Kursz\u00E1n, il suo secondogenito, Kaplon, fu il capostipite della nobile famiglia dei Kaplon."@it . . "Kond (\u00BF-?), uno de los siete jefes tribales h\u00FAngaros que movilizaron a su naci\u00F3n en el siglo X hacia Europa desde Asia."@es . . "Kond (K\u00F6nd, Kund, Kend, Kende ou Kursz\u00E1n) \u00E9tait, selon le chroniqueur Anonymus de la Gesta Hungarorum, l'un des sept chefs de tribu magyare qui ont conquis en 895 apr\u00E8s J.-C. la plaine de Pannonie o\u00F9 se trouve aujourd'hui la Hongrie. Il fut probablement le p\u00E8re de Kursz\u00E1n. Son fils, Kaplon, fut le fondateur du clan Kaplon."@fr . . . "979"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "38364660"^^ . . . . . "Kond, riportato anche nelle forme K\u00F6nd, Kund, Kend, Kende o Kursz\u00E1n (... \u2013 ...; fl. IX secolo), fu, secondo l'anonimo cronista autore delle Gesta Hungarorum, uno dei sette capitrib\u00F9 magiari che condusse il suo popolo nel bacino dei Carpazi nell'895. Probabile padre di Kursz\u00E1n, il suo secondogenito, Kaplon, fu il capostipite della nobile famiglia dei Kaplon."@it . . .