. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Una concessione terriera \u00E8 il dono di un possedimento - terreno o privilegio di utilizzo \u2013 fatto da un governo o da una autorit\u00E0 come incentivo (inteso al miglioramento) o come ricompensa per un individuo, in particolare per motivi legati al servizio militare. Le concessioni terriere possono essere fatte a singoli o a compagnie di persone come incentivo allo sfruttamento di aree non popolate. Gli Stati Uniti storicamente ebbero numerose concessioni terriere ad individui, con l'intento di lavorare le terre locali e renderle abitabili e fruttuose. La rivoluzione industriale americana venne guidata da una serie di atti legislativi (ad esempio il del 1826) per promuovere il commercio o lo sviluppo di trasporti ed infrastrutture come la , il , il e le linee ferroviarie per unire i diversi sta"@it . . . "A land grant is a gift of real estate\u2014land or its use privileges\u2014made by a government or other authority as an incentive, means of enabling works, or as a reward for services to an individual, especially in return for military service. Grants of land are also awarded to individuals and companies as incentives to develop unused land in relatively unpopulated countries; the process of awarding land grants are not limited to the countries named below. The United States historically gave out numerous land grants as Homesteads to individuals desiring to prove a farm. The American Industrial Revolution was guided by many supportive acts of legislatures (for example, the Main Line of Public Works legislation of 1826) promoting commerce or transportation infrastructure development by private companies, such as the Cumberland Road turnpike, the Lehigh Canal, the Schuylkill Canal and the many railroads that tied the young United States together."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Land grant"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1002568"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Land grant"@fr . "1115197042"^^ . . . . . . "A land grant is a gift of real estate\u2014land or its use privileges\u2014made by a government or other authority as an incentive, means of enabling works, or as a reward for services to an individual, especially in return for military service. Grants of land are also awarded to individuals and companies as incentives to develop unused land in relatively unpopulated countries; the process of awarding land grants are not limited to the countries named below. The United States historically gave out numerous land grants as Homesteads to individuals desiring to prove a farm. The American Industrial Revolution was guided by many supportive acts of legislatures (for example, the Main Line of Public Works legislation of 1826) promoting commerce or transportation infrastructure development by private compa"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Concessione terriera"@it . . . . . "16689"^^ . . . "Mit dem Begriff Land-grant oder vereinfacht Grant werden Landvergaben in den neuenglischen Kolonien von Nordamerika bezeichnet. Diese Landvergaben beinhalten die Vergabe von Land als Geschenk oder g\u00FCnstiges Kaufangebot oder die Vergabe von Nutzungsprivilegien. Auch die Vergabe als Belohnung f\u00FCr Dienstleistungen oder als Gegenleistung f\u00FCr geleisteten Milit\u00E4rdienst war m\u00F6glich. Dies geht zur\u00FCck auf das Aerarium militare, bei denen im R\u00F6mischen Reich Veteranen vom Staat Land als Pension \u00FCbereignet bekamen."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Le terme land grant, (en fran\u00E7ais : \"don de terrain\" ou \"concession de terre\"), est, dans les pays anglo-saxons, une concession de terres, accord\u00E9e \u00E0 une personne morale ou physique en remerciement de services rendus ou afin de l'inciter \u00E0 d\u00E9velopper \u00E9conomiquement une certaine r\u00E9gion. La Couronne britannique accorda, d\u00E8s le XVIe si\u00E8cle des land grants en Am\u00E9rique du Nord, \u00E0 des nobles, afin de coloniser le continent. Elle accorda, au XVIIIe si\u00E8cle, ce m\u00EAme droit, \u00E0 des condamn\u00E9s ayant purg\u00E9 leur peine, en Australie. Cette pratique fut \u00E9galement en cours au Canada sous le terme de \"Concession de terres\"."@fr . . . . . . . . . "Le terme land grant, (en fran\u00E7ais : \"don de terrain\" ou \"concession de terre\"), est, dans les pays anglo-saxons, une concession de terres, accord\u00E9e \u00E0 une personne morale ou physique en remerciement de services rendus ou afin de l'inciter \u00E0 d\u00E9velopper \u00E9conomiquement une certaine r\u00E9gion."@fr . "Una concessione terriera \u00E8 il dono di un possedimento - terreno o privilegio di utilizzo \u2013 fatto da un governo o da una autorit\u00E0 come incentivo (inteso al miglioramento) o come ricompensa per un individuo, in particolare per motivi legati al servizio militare. Le concessioni terriere possono essere fatte a singoli o a compagnie di persone come incentivo allo sfruttamento di aree non popolate. Gli Stati Uniti storicamente ebbero numerose concessioni terriere ad individui, con l'intento di lavorare le terre locali e renderle abitabili e fruttuose. La rivoluzione industriale americana venne guidata da una serie di atti legislativi (ad esempio il del 1826) per promuovere il commercio o lo sviluppo di trasporti ed infrastrutture come la , il , il e le linee ferroviarie per unire i diversi stati."@it . . . . . . . . . "Land-grant"@de . . . . . . . . "Mit dem Begriff Land-grant oder vereinfacht Grant werden Landvergaben in den neuenglischen Kolonien von Nordamerika bezeichnet. Diese Landvergaben beinhalten die Vergabe von Land als Geschenk oder g\u00FCnstiges Kaufangebot oder die Vergabe von Nutzungsprivilegien. Auch die Vergabe als Belohnung f\u00FCr Dienstleistungen oder als Gegenleistung f\u00FCr geleisteten Milit\u00E4rdienst war m\u00F6glich. Dies geht zur\u00FCck auf das Aerarium militare, bei denen im R\u00F6mischen Reich Veteranen vom Staat Land als Pension \u00FCbereignet bekamen."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . .