. . . . . "44263407"^^ . "Lejja is a community comprising 33 villages in Enugu State of South-Eastern Nigeria. It is populated by the Igbo people and located about 14 Kilometers from Nsukka. It is the location of a prehistoric archaeological site which contains iron smelting furnaces and slag dated to 2000 BC. The village square at Otobo ugwu which is likely the first village square in lejja contains over 800 blocks of slag with an average weight of between 34 and 57 kg. Geophysical investigations have Located buried iron slag in several other locations in the community."@en . "July 2022"@en . . . . . . . . . . "2463"^^ . . . "medic"@en . . . . "Lejja is a community comprising 33 villages in Enugu State of South-Eastern Nigeria. It is populated by the Igbo people and located about 14 Kilometers from Nsukka. It is the location of a prehistoric archaeological site which contains iron smelting furnaces and slag dated to 2000 BC. The village square at Otobo ugwu which is likely the first village square in lejja contains over 800 blocks of slag with an average weight of between 34 and 57 kg. Geophysical investigations have Located buried iron slag in several other locations in the community."@en . "Lejja"@pt . . . . . "Lejja"@en . . "Lejja \u00E9 uma comunidade que compreende 33 aldeias no estado de Enugu no sudeste da Nig\u00E9ria. \u00C9 povoada pelos ibos e localizado aproximadamente 14 quil\u00F4metros do Nsukka. \u00C9 a localiza\u00E7\u00E3o de um s\u00EDtio arqueol\u00F3gico pr\u00E9-hist\u00F3rico que cont\u00E9m fornos de fundi\u00E7\u00E3o de ferro e esc\u00F3ria datada de 2 000 a.C.. A pra\u00E7a da aldeia cont\u00E9m mais de 800 blocos de esc\u00F3ria com um peso m\u00E9dio entre 34 e 57 kg. As investiga\u00E7\u00F5es geof\u00EDsicas localizaram enterradas esc\u00F3rias de ferro em v\u00E1rios outros locais da comunidade."@pt . "1113060802"^^ . . . "Lejja \u00E9 uma comunidade que compreende 33 aldeias no estado de Enugu no sudeste da Nig\u00E9ria. \u00C9 povoada pelos ibos e localizado aproximadamente 14 quil\u00F4metros do Nsukka. \u00C9 a localiza\u00E7\u00E3o de um s\u00EDtio arqueol\u00F3gico pr\u00E9-hist\u00F3rico que cont\u00E9m fornos de fundi\u00E7\u00E3o de ferro e esc\u00F3ria datada de 2 000 a.C.. A pra\u00E7a da aldeia cont\u00E9m mais de 800 blocos de esc\u00F3ria com um peso m\u00E9dio entre 34 e 57 kg. As investiga\u00E7\u00F5es geof\u00EDsicas localizaram enterradas esc\u00F3rias de ferro em v\u00E1rios outros locais da comunidade."@pt . . .