. . . . "Lientur (del mapuche: Lientur \u2018'churrete plateado'\u2019), apodado El Duende por los espa\u00F1oles\u200B fue un toqui, o jefe militar supremo del pueblo mapuche (de 1621 a 1629), que luch\u00F3 en la Guerra de Arauco. Su mayor victoria fue la Batalla de las Cangrejeras en 1629. Su actividad b\u00E9lica concluy\u00F3 cuando llev\u00F3 a que los espa\u00F1oles firmaran paces temporales con la naci\u00F3n mapuche en el Parlamento de Quill\u00EDn."@es . . . . . "Lientur (del mapuche: Lientur \u2018'churrete plateado'\u2019), apodado El Duende por los espa\u00F1oles\u200B fue un toqui, o jefe militar supremo del pueblo mapuche (de 1621 a 1629), que luch\u00F3 en la Guerra de Arauco. Su mayor victoria fue la Batalla de las Cangrejeras en 1629. Su actividad b\u00E9lica concluy\u00F3 cuando llev\u00F3 a que los espa\u00F1oles firmaran paces temporales con la naci\u00F3n mapuche en el Parlamento de Quill\u00EDn."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lientur"@en . . . . . . "18720334"^^ . . . "3182"^^ . "Lientur was the Mapuche toqui from 1618 to 1625. He was the successor to . Lientur with his vice toqui Levipillan was famed for his rapid mal\u00F3ns or raids. Because of his ability to slip back and forth over the Spanish border between its fortresses and patrols and raid deep into Spanish territory north of the Bio-Bio River without losses he was called the Wizard by the Spanish."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Lientur was the Mapuche toqui from 1618 to 1625. He was the successor to . Lientur with his vice toqui Levipillan was famed for his rapid mal\u00F3ns or raids. Because of his ability to slip back and forth over the Spanish border between its fortresses and patrols and raid deep into Spanish territory north of the Bio-Bio River without losses he was called the Wizard by the Spanish. In 1625 his successor Butapich\u00F3n was elected when he resigned his office when he felt himself to be too old and tired to continue as before. However a cacique named Lientur continued to lead troops in the field. He was present leading troops at the . A cacique of that name also participated in the Parliament of Quill\u00EDn in 1641."@en . . . . . . . . . . "1070750362"^^ . . . . . "Lientur"@es . . .