. . "Leonardo Salviati (* 1540 in Florenz; \u2020 19. September 1589 ebenda) war ein italienischer Humanist, Romanist, Grammatiker und Lexikograf."@de . . . . . "Lionardo Salviati (1540-1589), fue un escritor y fil\u00F3logo italiano,\u200B uno de los organizadores florentinos de la Accademia della Crusca y de su Vocabolario della Crusca donde se le conoci\u00F3 como l'Infarinato. Fue asimismo autor de dos comedias (Il Granchio y La Spina) siguiendo en parte modelos latinos. Prepar\u00F3 para su edici\u00F3n en 1582 una edici\u00F3n expurgada del Decamer\u00F3n y con otro acad\u00E9mico de la Crusca, Bastiano dei Rossi, una cr\u00EDtica de la Gerusalemme liberata de Torquato Tasso. Como fil\u00F3logo fue purista y defensor de la primac\u00EDa ling\u00FC\u00EDstica del uso de Florencia, que defendi\u00F3 en su Orazione in lode della fiorentina favella ya en 1564. Su obra fundamental es Avvertimenti della lingua sopra'l Decamerone (1584-1586) destacada por la exactitud y precisi\u00F3n de sus observaciones gramaticales. \u200B"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "Lionardo Salviati"@en . . . . "Leonardo Salviati"@fr . . "Lionardo Salviati (1539\u20131589) was a leading Italian philologist of the sixteenth century. He came from an illustrious Florentine family closely linked with the Medici. Salviati became consul of the Florentine Academy in 1566, and played a key role in the founding of the Accademia della Crusca, with its project of creating a dictionary, which was completed after his death. Salviati immersed himself in philological and linguistic research from a young age and produced a number of works. Some of these were published during his lifetime, such as the Oration in Praise of Florentine Speech (1564) and Remarks on the Language of the Decameron (2 vols, 1584-1586). Salviati also published two comedies, The Crab (1566) and The Thorn (1592), lessons, treatises, and editions of texts by other authors. He also wrote numerous polemical pamphlets against Torquato Tasso under different pseudonyms, mostly using the nickname he adopted on joining the Accademia della Crusca, 'Infarinato' ('covered in flour'). Other works remained unpublished and exist only in manuscript form, such as his grammar Rules of Tuscan Speech (1576-1577), a translation and commentary on Aristotle's Poetics (preserved at the National Library of Florence), a collection of Tuscan proverbs (preserved at the Biblioteca Comunale Ariostea in Ferrara) and linguistic corrections to Il Pastor Fido by Giovanni Battista Guarini (1586). Salviati was recognized by his contemporaries as a master of oratory and many of his speeches were published both as one-off pamphlets and in a larger anthology: The first book of the Speeches of Cavalier Lionardo Salviati (Florence 1575). Particularly noteworthy are his speeches delivered at important events, in particular at the funerals of Benedetto Varchi, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Piero Vettori and the Grand Duke Cosimo de 'Medici."@en . . . . . . "Lionardo Salviati"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lionardo Salviati (Firenze, 27 giugno 1539 \u2013 Firenze, 12 luglio 1589) \u00E8 stato un umanista, filologo e scrittore italiano."@it . . . . "Lionardo Salviati (Firenze, 27 giugno 1539 \u2013 Firenze, 12 luglio 1589) \u00E8 stato un umanista, filologo e scrittore italiano."@it . . . . . . . . "Lionardo Salviati (1540-1589), fue un escritor y fil\u00F3logo italiano,\u200B uno de los organizadores florentinos de la Accademia della Crusca y de su Vocabolario della Crusca donde se le conoci\u00F3 como l'Infarinato. Fue asimismo autor de dos comedias (Il Granchio y La Spina) siguiendo en parte modelos latinos. Prepar\u00F3 para su edici\u00F3n en 1582 una edici\u00F3n expurgada del Decamer\u00F3n y con otro acad\u00E9mico de la Crusca, Bastiano dei Rossi, una cr\u00EDtica de la Gerusalemme liberata de Torquato Tasso. Como fil\u00F3logo fue purista y defensor de la primac\u00EDa ling\u00FC\u00EDstica del uso de Florencia, que defendi\u00F3 en su Orazione in lode della fiorentina favella ya en 1564. Su obra fundamental es Avvertimenti della lingua sopra'l Decamerone (1584-1586) destacada por la exactitud y precisi\u00F3n de sus observaciones gramaticales. \u200B"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lionardo Salviati"@it . "Leonardo Salviati est un philologue et critique italien, n\u00E9 \u00E0 Florence le 27 juin 1539, mort le 12 juillet 1589 dans la m\u00EAme ville."@fr . . . . "1092799041"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Leonardo Salviati est un philologue et critique italien, n\u00E9 \u00E0 Florence le 27 juin 1539, mort le 12 juillet 1589 dans la m\u00EAme ville."@fr . . . "Leonardo Salviati"@de . "Leonardo Salviati (* 1540 in Florenz; \u2020 19. September 1589 ebenda) war ein italienischer Humanist, Romanist, Grammatiker und Lexikograf."@de . . . . . "59290751"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lionardo Salviati (1539\u20131589) was a leading Italian philologist of the sixteenth century. He came from an illustrious Florentine family closely linked with the Medici. Salviati became consul of the Florentine Academy in 1566, and played a key role in the founding of the Accademia della Crusca, with its project of creating a dictionary, which was completed after his death."@en . "31925"^^ .