. . "Master Olof (Swedish: M\u00E4ster Olof) is a historical drama in five acts by the Swedish playwright August Strindberg. The story is about the reformer Olaus Petri's struggle against the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century. First written in 1872, Strindberg rewrote it many times in both prose and verse. Ludvig Josephson (the new artistic director of Stockholm's New Theatre) agreed to stage Master Olof, eventually opting for the prose version\u2014the five-hour-long premi\u00E8re opened on 30 December 1881 under the direction of August Lindberg to favourable reviews. This production represented Strindberg's breakthrough in the theatre."@en . . . . "Mistrz Olof"@pl . . . . . . "Master Olof"@en . . . . "M\u00E4ster Olof"@sv . . . . . . . "Mastro Olof \u00E8 un dramma in cinque atti del drammaturgo svedese August Strindberg. Scritto nel 1872, questo dramma racconta la vicenda di Olaus Petri, nella sua battaglia protestante contro la Chiesa cattolica romana. Strindberg lo riscrisse molte volte."@it . . . . . "1097231138"^^ . . . "Maestro Olof"@it . . . . . . . . "1951"^^ . . . "Master Olof (Swedish: M\u00E4ster Olof) is a historical drama in five acts by the Swedish playwright August Strindberg. The story is about the reformer Olaus Petri's struggle against the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century. First written in 1872, Strindberg rewrote it many times in both prose and verse."@en . . . . "M\u00E4ster Olof \u00E4r ett sk\u00E5despel i fem akter av August Strindberg och ett av den svenska litteraturens mest analyserade verk. Det historiska dramats huvudperson \u00E4r den svenske reformatorn Olaus Petri och handlingen \u00E4r f\u00F6rlagd till 1520-talet och koncentreras kring n\u00E5gra v\u00E4l valda scener i M\u00E4ster Olofs kamp om att f\u00F6rnya det gamla. Man kan utg\u00E5 ifr\u00E5n att f\u00F6rfattaren i Olaus Petri \u2013 en ung man som k\u00E4mpar f\u00F6r f\u00F6rnyelse mot en of\u00F6rst\u00E5ende omgivning \u2013 s\u00E5g en sj\u00E4lsfr\u00E4nde."@sv . . . . . "M\u00E4ster Olof \u00E4r ett sk\u00E5despel i fem akter av August Strindberg och ett av den svenska litteraturens mest analyserade verk. Det historiska dramats huvudperson \u00E4r den svenske reformatorn Olaus Petri och handlingen \u00E4r f\u00F6rlagd till 1520-talet och koncentreras kring n\u00E5gra v\u00E4l valda scener i M\u00E4ster Olofs kamp om att f\u00F6rnya det gamla. Man kan utg\u00E5 ifr\u00E5n att f\u00F6rfattaren i Olaus Petri \u2013 en ung man som k\u00E4mpar f\u00F6r f\u00F6rnyelse mot en of\u00F6rst\u00E5ende omgivning \u2013 s\u00E5g en sj\u00E4lsfr\u00E4nde."@sv . "Mastro Olof \u00E8 un dramma in cinque atti del drammaturgo svedese August Strindberg. Scritto nel 1872, questo dramma racconta la vicenda di Olaus Petri, nella sua battaglia protestante contro la Chiesa cattolica romana. Strindberg lo riscrisse molte volte."@it . . "Mistrz Olof (szw. M\u00E4ster Olof) \u2013 szwedzki dramat historyczny Augusta Strindberga z 1872 roku. Jeden ze znawc\u00F3w tw\u00F3rczo\u015Bci Strindberga, profesor wspomina w swoich pracach, \u017Ce \u201ENowa Gazeta Ilustrowana\u201D (szw. Ny Illustrerad Tidning) uzna\u0142a \u201EMistrza Olofa\u201D, \u201Enajwspanialszym dzie\u0142em szwedzkiej dramaturgii\u201D."@pl . "10321713"^^ . . . . "Mistrz Olof (szw. M\u00E4ster Olof) \u2013 szwedzki dramat historyczny Augusta Strindberga z 1872 roku. Jeden ze znawc\u00F3w tw\u00F3rczo\u015Bci Strindberga, profesor wspomina w swoich pracach, \u017Ce \u201ENowa Gazeta Ilustrowana\u201D (szw. Ny Illustrerad Tidning) uzna\u0142a \u201EMistrza Olofa\u201D, \u201Enajwspanialszym dzie\u0142em szwedzkiej dramaturgii\u201D."@pl . . . .