. . . "1470"^^ . . . . . . . "Maurice Sznycer est un historien, philologue, arch\u00E9ologue, \u00E9pigraphe et s\u00E9mitisant fran\u00E7ais n\u00E9 en Pologne le 29 janvier 1921 et mort \u00E0 Paris le 29 juillet 2010. Ses travaux ont port\u00E9 tant sur le monde proche-oriental que sur la civilisation carthaginoise."@fr . "51718027"^^ . . . . . . . . "Maurice Sznycer"@fr . "Maurice Sznycer est un historien, philologue, arch\u00E9ologue, \u00E9pigraphe et s\u00E9mitisant fran\u00E7ais n\u00E9 en Pologne le 29 janvier 1921 et mort \u00E0 Paris le 29 juillet 2010. Ses travaux ont port\u00E9 tant sur le monde proche-oriental que sur la civilisation carthaginoise. Apr\u00E8s son \u00E9lection \u00E0 l\u2019\u00C9cole pratique des hautes \u00E9tudes comme directeur d'\u00E9tudes, il a publi\u00E9 dans les ann\u00E9es 1970 plusieurs ouvrages et articles de r\u00E9f\u00E9rence, qui font toujours autorit\u00E9 et sont consacr\u00E9s aux Ph\u00E9niciens \u00E0 Chypre, \u00E0 l'expansion ph\u00E9nico-punique dans la M\u00E9diterran\u00E9e occidentale ou aux toponymes ph\u00E9niciens en M\u00E9diterran\u00E9e occidentale."@fr . . . . "Maurice Sznycer"@en . "1084617083"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Maurice Sznycer (1921 in Poland \u2013 29 July 2010, Paris) was a French historian, philologist, archaeologist, epigrapher and specialist of the Semitic world. His work focused as much on near East world as on ancient Carthage. He lived as a Partisan during the 1940s, along with his brother, Selim."@en . . . "Maurice Sznycer (1921 in Poland \u2013 29 July 2010, Paris) was a French historian, philologist, archaeologist, epigrapher and specialist of the Semitic world. His work focused as much on near East world as on ancient Carthage. He lived as a Partisan during the 1940s, along with his brother, Selim. After he was elected \"directeur d'\u00E9tudes\" at the \u00C9cole pratique des hautes \u00E9tudes (IVth section), he published in the 1970s several reference books and articles devoted to the Phoenicians in Cyprus, the Phoenician-Punic expansion in the western Mediterranean or Phoenician toponyms in the Western Mediterranean."@en . . . . . . .