. . . . . "0.05000000074505806"^^ . . "Meru County"@en . . "Meru adalah salah satu county di Kenya. Ibu kota county berkode ISO 3166 KE-26 ini terletak di . Menurut sensus 2009, jumlah penduduk county dengan luas 6.930,1 km2 ini adalah 1.356.301 jiwa."@in . "7006.0"^^ . . . "1545714"^^ . "\u30E1\u30EB\u30FC\uFF08\u30B9\u30EF\u30D2\u30EA\u8A9E: Wilaya ya Meru\u3001\u82F1\u8A9E: Meru County\uFF09\u306F\u30B1\u30CB\u30A2\u306E\u6771\u90E8\u5DDE\u4E2D\u592E\u306E\u30AB\u30A6\u30F3\u30C6\u30A3\u3002\u4E2D\u5FC3\u90FD\u5E02\u306F\u30022009\u5E74\u306E\u4EBA\u53E3\u306F135\u4E076301\u4EBA\u3002"@ja . "\u30E1\u30EB\u30FC (\u30AB\u30A6\u30F3\u30C6\u30A3)"@ja . . "El condado de Meru es un condado de Kenia. Se sit\u00FAa en el centro del pa\u00EDs y su capital es Meru. La poblaci\u00F3n total del condado es de 1 356 301 habitantes seg\u00FAn el censo de 2009.\u200B Se extiende por un \u00E1rea de 6936,2 km\u00B2.\u200B\u200B Se encuentra circundado, en sentido horario y empezando por el norte, por los condados de Isiolo, Kitui, , Kirinyaga, Nyeri y Laikipia.\u200B"@es . . . . . . . . "Comt\u00E9 de Meru"@fr . "Miiru"@en . "Meru County (bis 2010 Meru District) ist ein County in Kenia. Im Meru County lebten 2019 1.545.714 Menschen auf 6.936 km\u00B2. Die Hauptstadt ist Meru. Meru grenzt an 4 weitere Counties; Isiolo County im Norden, Nyeri County im S\u00FCdwesten, Tharaka-Nithi County im S\u00FCdwesten und Laikipia County im Westen. Meru County besteht aus neun Wahlkreisen; Igembe S\u00FCd, Igembe Zentral, Igembe Nord, Tigania West, Tigania Ost, Nord Imenti, Buuri, Imenti Zentral und Imenti South."@de . . "La contea di Meru \u00E8 una della 47 contee del Kenya situata nell'ex provincia Orientale."@it . "0.05 37.63333333333333" . . . "Meru \u2013 jedno z 47 hrabstw Kenii, le\u017C\u0105ce na obszarze dawnej Prowincji Wschodniej. Jego stolic\u0105 jest Meru. Ma populacj\u0119 ponad 1,5 mln mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w, z czego wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 stanowi ludno\u015B\u0107 Meru. Inne znaczne plemiona to: Kikuju, i Kamba. Meru graniczy z czterema innymi hrabstwami: Isiolo na p\u00F3\u0142nocy, Nyeri na po\u0142udniowym zachodzie, Tharaka-Nithi na po\u0142udniowym zachodzie i Laikipia na zachodzie. W Meru znajduje si\u0119 wiele atrakcji turystycznych, w tym s\u0142ynny Park Narodowy Meru."@pl . "Contea di Meru"@it . . . "Lake Michaelson is in the background"@en . "20081"^^ . "+3"@en . . . . . . "Meru County"@de . . . . . . . . . "\uBA54\uB8E8\uD604"@ko . . . . . . . "Meru County"@nl . "2013-03-04"^^ . "120"^^ . . "Meru County"@en . "La contea di Meru \u00E8 una della 47 contee del Kenya situata nell'ex provincia Orientale."@it . . "Flag of Meru County.png"@en . . "\u6885\u9B6F\u90E1"@zh . . . . "\u6885\u9B6F\u90E1\uFF08\u65AF\u74E6\u5E0C\u91CC\u8A9E\uFF1AKaunti ya Meru\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u80AF\u5C3C\u4E9E\u7684\u4E00\u500B\u90E1\uFF0C\u4F4D\u65BC\u8A72\u570B\u6771\u90E8\uFF0C\u7531\u6771\u90E8\u7701\u8CA0\u8CAC\u7BA1\u8F44\uFF0C\u9996\u5E9C\u8A2D\u65BC\u6885\u9B6F\uFF0C\u59CB\u5EFA\u65BC2013\u5E743\u67084\u65E5\uFF0C\u9762\u7A4D6,936\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C2009\u5E74\u4EBA\u53E31,356,301\uFF0C\u4EBA\u53E3\u5BC6\u5EA6\u6BCF\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC195.55\u4EBA\u3002"@zh . . . "Le comt\u00E9 de Meru est l'un des 47 comt\u00E9s du Kenya. Situ\u00E9 dans l'ancienne province orientale du Kenya, sa population est de 1,55 million d'habitants sur 6 936 km2. Le si\u00E8ge du comt\u00E9 est situ\u00E9 dans la ville de Meru. Le gouverneur du comt\u00E9 est lKiraitu Murungi du Parti du Jubil\u00E9. Le comt\u00E9 de Meru touche 4 autres comt\u00E9s; le comt\u00E9 d'Isiolo au nord, le comt\u00E9 de Nyeri au sud-ouest, le comt\u00E9 de Tharaka-Nithi au sud-ouest et le comt\u00E9 de Laikipia \u00E0 l'ouest. Il comprend neuf circonscriptions : Igembe Sud, Igembe Central, Igembe North, Tigania West, Tigania East, North Imenti, Buuri, Imenti Central et Imenti South ."@fr . . . . "\u6885\u9B6F\u90E1\uFF08\u65AF\u74E6\u5E0C\u91CC\u8A9E\uFF1AKaunti ya Meru\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u80AF\u5C3C\u4E9E\u7684\u4E00\u500B\u90E1\uFF0C\u4F4D\u65BC\u8A72\u570B\u6771\u90E8\uFF0C\u7531\u6771\u90E8\u7701\u8CA0\u8CAC\u7BA1\u8F44\uFF0C\u9996\u5E9C\u8A2D\u65BC\u6885\u9B6F\uFF0C\u59CB\u5EFA\u65BC2013\u5E743\u67084\u65E5\uFF0C\u9762\u7A4D6,936\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C2009\u5E74\u4EBA\u53E31,356,301\uFF0C\u4EBA\u53E3\u5BC6\u5EA6\u6BCF\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC195.55\u4EBA\u3002"@zh . "1109527142"^^ . "Meru (l\u00E4n)"@sv . . . . . . "37.63333511352539"^^ . . "Meru County is een van de 47 county's van Kenia in de voormalige provincie Eastern Province. Het vroegere district Meru is in 1992 gesplitst in , , Meru South en Tharaka. In 1998 werd het district Tharaka gesplitst in (kleiner) Tharaka en Nithi. De splitsingen werden in 2009 ongrondwettelijk verklaard, en uiteindelijk ontstond Meru County uit en ."@nl . . . . . . . "Le comt\u00E9 de Meru est l'un des 47 comt\u00E9s du Kenya. Situ\u00E9 dans l'ancienne province orientale du Kenya, sa population est de 1,55 million d'habitants sur 6 936 km2. Le si\u00E8ge du comt\u00E9 est situ\u00E9 dans la ville de Meru. Le gouverneur du comt\u00E9 est lKiraitu Murungi du Parti du Jubil\u00E9."@fr . "Meru adalah salah satu county di Kenya. Ibu kota county berkode ISO 3166 KE-26 ini terletak di . Menurut sensus 2009, jumlah penduduk county dengan luas 6.930,1 km2 ini adalah 1.356.301 jiwa."@in . . "El condado de Meru es un condado de Kenia. Se sit\u00FAa en el centro del pa\u00EDs y su capital es Meru. La poblaci\u00F3n total del condado es de 1 356 301 habitantes seg\u00FAn el censo de 2009.\u200B Se extiende por un \u00E1rea de 6936,2 km\u00B2.\u200B\u200B Se encuentra circundado, en sentido horario y empezando por el norte, por los condados de Isiolo, Kitui, , Kirinyaga, Nyeri y Laikipia.\u200B"@es . "Country"@en . "Meru County is een van de 47 county's van Kenia in de voormalige provincie Eastern Province. Het vroegere district Meru is in 1992 gesplitst in , , Meru South en Tharaka. In 1998 werd het district Tharaka gesplitst in (kleiner) Tharaka en Nithi. De splitsingen werden in 2009 ongrondwettelijk verklaard, en uiteindelijk ontstond Meru County uit en ."@nl . "Meru County is one of the 47 counties of Kenya, located in the former Eastern Province. The county lies between 0\u00B0 6\u2032 North and 0\u00B0 1\u2032 South and between latitudes 37\u00B0 West and 38\u00B0 East. It borders Isiolo County to the North, Tharaka/Nithi County to the East, Nyeri County to the South West and Laikipia County to the West. It covers a total area of 7,006 Km2 out of which with part of it 972.3Km2 being gazetted as forest. It has a population of 1.55 million people. Meru County is the home of the Ngaa people (Meru), who are related to other ethnicities living around the Mount Kenya region: the Kikuyu, Embu people and to some extent the Kamba people Also, peoples from the east coast of Kenya, along the Indian Ocean, like the Bajuni, Swahili, Mijikenda, and further inland, the Taita, Taveta and westwards to the , the Kisii and Maragoli as well as other Luhya people, are all related to the Meru. The county headquarters is in the town of Meru. The current governor of Meru County is Hon. of ."@en . . "Location of Meru County in Kenya"@en . "Coat of Arms of Meru County.png"@en . . . . "Mt kenya the temple.jpg"@en . . . . . . "7006000000.0"^^ . "\uBA54\uB8E8\uD604(Meru County)\uC740 \uCF00\uB0D0\uB97C \uAD6C\uC131\uD558\uB294 47\uAC1C \uD604 \uAC00\uC6B4\uB370 \uD558\uB098\uB85C \uD604\uB3C4\uB294 \uBA54\uB8E8\uC774\uBA70 \uBA74\uC801\uC740 6,936km2, \uC778\uAD6C\uB294 1,356,301\uBA85(2009\uB144 \uAE30\uC900)\uC774\uB2E4. 2013\uB144\uC5D0 \uC2E4\uC2DC\uB41C \uD589\uC815 \uAD6C\uC5ED \uAC1C\uD3B8\uC5D0 \uB530\uB77C \uB3D9\uBD80\uC8FC\uC5D0\uC11C \uBD84\uB9AC\uB418\uC5B4 \uC2E0\uC124\uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4. \uBD81\uCABD\uACFC \uB3D9\uCABD\uC73C\uB85C\uB294 \uC774\uC2DC\uC62C\uB85C\uD604, \uB0A8\uCABD\uC73C\uB85C\uB294 \uD0C0\uB77C\uCE74\uB2C8\uD2F0\uD604, \uC5E0\uBD80\uD604, \uD0A4\uB9AC\uB2C8\uC544\uAC00\uD604, \uB0A8\uC11C\uCABD\uC73C\uB85C\uB294 \uB2C8\uC5D0\uB9AC\uD604, \uC11C\uCABD\uC73C\uB85C\uB294 \uB77C\uC774\uD0A4\uD53C\uC544\uD604\uACFC \uC811\uD55C\uB2E4."@ko . "Meru County in Kenya.svg"@en . . . . . . "150"^^ . "Capital and largest town"@en . . . "Meru County"@en . . . . . . . . "+3" . "1545714"^^ . . "2019"^^ . "County Meru"@in . . . "Condado de Meru"@es . . . . . . . "Meru County (bis 2010 Meru District) ist ein County in Kenia. Im Meru County lebten 2019 1.545.714 Menschen auf 6.936 km\u00B2. Die Hauptstadt ist Meru. Meru grenzt an 4 weitere Counties; Isiolo County im Norden, Nyeri County im S\u00FCdwesten, Tharaka-Nithi County im S\u00FCdwesten und Laikipia County im Westen. Meru County besteht aus neun Wahlkreisen; Igembe S\u00FCd, Igembe Zentral, Igembe Nord, Tigania West, Tigania Ost, Nord Imenti, Buuri, Imenti Zentral und Imenti South."@de . "7006"^^ . "\u30E1\u30EB\u30FC\uFF08\u30B9\u30EF\u30D2\u30EA\u8A9E: Wilaya ya Meru\u3001\u82F1\u8A9E: Meru County\uFF09\u306F\u30B1\u30CB\u30A2\u306E\u6771\u90E8\u5DDE\u4E2D\u592E\u306E\u30AB\u30A6\u30F3\u30C6\u30A3\u3002\u4E2D\u5FC3\u90FD\u5E02\u306F\u30022009\u5E74\u306E\u4EBA\u53E3\u306F135\u4E076301\u4EBA\u3002"@ja . . "Meru \u00E4r ett l\u00E4n i Kenya. Det ligger i den centrala delen av landet, 160 km nordost om huvudstaden Nairobi. Antalet inv\u00E5nare \u00E4r 1 356 301. Arean \u00E4r 6,9 kvadratkilometer. Terr\u00E4ngen i Meru \u00E4r platt \u00F6sterut, men v\u00E4sterut \u00E4r den kuperad. F\u00F6ljande samh\u00E4llen finns i Meru: \n* Meru I \u00F6vrigt finns f\u00F6ljande i Meru: \n* V\u00E5tmarker: \n* (ett tr\u00E4sk) \n* Isformationer: \n* Gregory Glacier (en glaci\u00E4r) \n* (en glaci\u00E4r) \n* (en glaci\u00E4r) \n* Vulkaner: \n* Kirima-Itune (en krater) \n* Mbarwa (en krater) \n* Dalar: \n* (en dal) \n* (en dal) \n* (en dal) \n* (en dal) \n* Skogar: \n* (en skog) \n* (en skog) \n* (en skog) \n* (en skog) \n* (en skog) \n* (en skog) \n* (en skog) \n* (en skog) \n* Berg: \n* Coryndon Peak (en bergstopp) \n* Delamere Peak (en bergstopp) \n* (en bergstopp) \n* Grigg Peak (en bergstopp) \n* (en bergstopp) \n* Macmillan Peak (en bergstopp) \n* (ett berg) \n* Pillar (en bergstopp) \n* Point Lenana (en bergstopp) \n* Point Thompson (en bergstopp) \n* (en bergstopp) \n* Sendeyo (en bergstopp) \n* Terere (en bergstopp) \n* Thompson Flake (en bergstopp) \n* Three Sisters (en bergstopp) \n* Tooth (en bergstopp) \n* Bergspass: \n* (ett bergspass)"@sv . "Meru \u00E4r ett l\u00E4n i Kenya. Det ligger i den centrala delen av landet, 160 km nordost om huvudstaden Nairobi. Antalet inv\u00E5nare \u00E4r 1 356 301. Arean \u00E4r 6,9 kvadratkilometer. Terr\u00E4ngen i Meru \u00E4r platt \u00F6sterut, men v\u00E4sterut \u00E4r den kuperad. F\u00F6ljande samh\u00E4llen finns i Meru: \n* Meru I \u00F6vrigt finns f\u00F6ljande i Meru:"@sv . "Miiru"@en . . "Meru \u2013 jedno z 47 hrabstw Kenii, le\u017C\u0105ce na obszarze dawnej Prowincji Wschodniej. Jego stolic\u0105 jest Meru. Ma populacj\u0119 ponad 1,5 mln mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w, z czego wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 stanowi ludno\u015B\u0107 Meru. Inne znaczne plemiona to: Kikuju, i Kamba. Meru graniczy z czterema innymi hrabstwami: Isiolo na p\u00F3\u0142nocy, Nyeri na po\u0142udniowym zachodzie, Tharaka-Nithi na po\u0142udniowym zachodzie i Laikipia na zachodzie. W Meru znajduje si\u0119 wiele atrakcji turystycznych, w tym s\u0142ynny Park Narodowy Meru."@pl . "Formed"@en . "Meru County is one of the 47 counties of Kenya, located in the former Eastern Province. The county lies between 0\u00B0 6\u2032 North and 0\u00B0 1\u2032 South and between latitudes 37\u00B0 West and 38\u00B0 East. It borders Isiolo County to the North, Tharaka/Nithi County to the East, Nyeri County to the South West and Laikipia County to the West. It covers a total area of 7,006 Km2 out of which with part of it 972.3Km2 being gazetted as forest. The county headquarters is in the town of Meru. The current governor of Meru County is Hon. of ."@en . . "Meru (hrabstwo)"@pl . "auto"@en . . . "2013-03-04"^^ . . . . "POINT(37.633335113525 0.050000000745058)"^^ . . . . . . . . . "2198294"^^ . "\uBA54\uB8E8\uD604(Meru County)\uC740 \uCF00\uB0D0\uB97C \uAD6C\uC131\uD558\uB294 47\uAC1C \uD604 \uAC00\uC6B4\uB370 \uD558\uB098\uB85C \uD604\uB3C4\uB294 \uBA54\uB8E8\uC774\uBA70 \uBA74\uC801\uC740 6,936km2, \uC778\uAD6C\uB294 1,356,301\uBA85(2009\uB144 \uAE30\uC900)\uC774\uB2E4. 2013\uB144\uC5D0 \uC2E4\uC2DC\uB41C \uD589\uC815 \uAD6C\uC5ED \uAC1C\uD3B8\uC5D0 \uB530\uB77C \uB3D9\uBD80\uC8FC\uC5D0\uC11C \uBD84\uB9AC\uB418\uC5B4 \uC2E0\uC124\uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4. \uBD81\uCABD\uACFC \uB3D9\uCABD\uC73C\uB85C\uB294 \uC774\uC2DC\uC62C\uB85C\uD604, \uB0A8\uCABD\uC73C\uB85C\uB294 \uD0C0\uB77C\uCE74\uB2C8\uD2F0\uD604, \uC5E0\uBD80\uD604, \uD0A4\uB9AC\uB2C8\uC544\uAC00\uD604, \uB0A8\uC11C\uCABD\uC73C\uB85C\uB294 \uB2C8\uC5D0\uB9AC\uD604, \uC11C\uCABD\uC73C\uB85C\uB294 \uB77C\uC774\uD0A4\uD53C\uC544\uD604\uACFC \uC811\uD55C\uB2E4."@ko . . .