. . . . "Michael Ellman Soul\u00E9 (May 28, 1936 \u2013 June 17, 2020) was an American biologist, known for his work in promoting the idea of conservation biology. Soul\u00E9 was born in San Diego, California, the son of Berenice (Ellman) and Herman Herzoff. His father died when he was two, and he was adopted by his stepfather Alan Soul\u00E9. He earned a Ph.D. in 1964 at Stanford University in Biology under Paul R. Ehrlich, and later became Research Professor (Emeritus) in Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz. His Ph.D. thesis of 167 pages was entitled: Evolution and population phenetics of the side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana and its relatives) on the islands in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Soul\u00E9 was a cofounder and first president of the Society for Conservation Biology, founded in 1985. He served on the board of Round River Conservation Studies and the Wildlands Network. Soul\u00E9 co-edited with Gary Lease a book of essays titled Reinventing nature?: responses to postmodern deconstruction (1995), which was a response to the arguments presented by environmental historian William Cronon and others in Uncommon ground: toward reinventing nature (1995). He has most recently spoken out against approaches to environmental conservation that discount the value of species diversity."@en . . . . "2225929"^^ . . "Michael E. Soul\u00E9 (San Diego (California), 28 de mayo de 1936-Estados Unidos,17 de junio de 2020)\u200B fue un bi\u00F3logo estadounidense, conocido por su trabajo en la promoci\u00F3n de la idea de la Biolog\u00EDa de la conservaci\u00F3n. Obtuvo el doctorado en Biolog\u00EDa de poblaciones en la Universidad Stanford bajo la tutela de Paul R. Ehrlich . Coedit\u00F3 en 1995 con Gary Lease el libro de ensayos titulado \u00BFReinventando la naturaleza?: respuestas a la deconstrucci\u00F3n posmoderna que surgi\u00F3 como una respuesta a los argumentos presentados por el historiador ambiental y otros investigadores en el libro Uncommon ground: toward reinventing nature (1995).\u200B En 1985 public\u00F3 la investigaci\u00F3n cient\u00EDfica titulada What is Conservation Biology?, en la cual defini\u00F3 el concepto de Conservaci\u00F3n ambiental.\u200B Este trabajo tiene m\u00E1s de 1600 citas.\u200B Fue profesor investigador em\u00E9rito en Estudios Ambientales de la Universidad de California en Santa Cruz.\u200B Fue cofundador de la y fue miembro de la junta de Round River Conservation Studies y Wildlands Network.\u200B Se ha pronunciado en contra de los enfoques de conservaci\u00F3n ambiental que descuentan el valor de la diversidad de especies.\u200B\u200B Falleci\u00F3 en California a los ochenta y cuatro a\u00F1os el 17 de junio de 2020.\u200B"@es . "Michael Ellman Soul\u00E9 (* 28. Mai 1936 in San Diego, Kalifornien; \u2020 17. Juni 2020 in Grand Junction, Colorado) war ein US-amerikanischer Biologe. Er war einer der Bekanntesten Vertreter der Naturschutzbiologie."@de . . "Michael E. Soul\u00E9 (San Diego (California), 28 de mayo de 1936-Estados Unidos,17 de junio de 2020)\u200B fue un bi\u00F3logo estadounidense, conocido por su trabajo en la promoci\u00F3n de la idea de la Biolog\u00EDa de la conservaci\u00F3n. En 1985 public\u00F3 la investigaci\u00F3n cient\u00EDfica titulada What is Conservation Biology?, en la cual defini\u00F3 el concepto de Conservaci\u00F3n ambiental.\u200B Este trabajo tiene m\u00E1s de 1600 citas.\u200B Fue profesor investigador em\u00E9rito en Estudios Ambientales de la Universidad de California en Santa Cruz.\u200B Falleci\u00F3 en California a los ochenta y cuatro a\u00F1os el 17 de junio de 2020.\u200B"@es . . . . . . . "Michael E. Soul\u00E9"@en . . . . . "Michael Soul\u00E9"@it . . . . . . . . . "Michael E. Soul\u00E9 (San Diego, 28 maggio 1936 \u2013 17 giugno 2020) \u00E8 stato un biologo statunitense, noto soprattutto per il suo lavoro di promozione del concetto di biologia della conservazione."@it . . . . . . "3071"^^ . . . . "Michael E. Soul\u00E9 (San Diego, 28 maggio 1936 \u2013 17 giugno 2020) \u00E8 stato un biologo statunitense, noto soprattutto per il suo lavoro di promozione del concetto di biologia della conservazione."@it . . . . . . . "Michael Ellman Soul\u00E9, n\u00E9 le 28 mai 1936 \u00E0 San Diego (Californie) et mort le 17 juin 2020, est un biologiste am\u00E9ricain."@fr . . . . "Michael Ellman Soul\u00E9 (May 28, 1936 \u2013 June 17, 2020) was an American biologist, known for his work in promoting the idea of conservation biology. Soul\u00E9 was born in San Diego, California, the son of Berenice (Ellman) and Herman Herzoff. His father died when he was two, and he was adopted by his stepfather Alan Soul\u00E9. He earned a Ph.D. in 1964 at Stanford University in Biology under Paul R. Ehrlich, and later became Research Professor (Emeritus) in Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz. His Ph.D. thesis of 167 pages was entitled: Evolution and population phenetics of the side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana and its relatives) on the islands in the Gulf of California, Mexico."@en . . . "1106317364"^^ . . . "Michael E. Soul\u00E9"@fr . "Michael Ellman Soul\u00E9, n\u00E9 le 28 mai 1936 \u00E0 San Diego (Californie) et mort le 17 juin 2020, est un biologiste am\u00E9ricain."@fr . "Michael E. Soul\u00E9"@de . . . . . . . "Michael E. Soul\u00E9"@es . "Michael Ellman Soul\u00E9 (* 28. Mai 1936 in San Diego, Kalifornien; \u2020 17. Juni 2020 in Grand Junction, Colorado) war ein US-amerikanischer Biologe. Er war einer der Bekanntesten Vertreter der Naturschutzbiologie."@de . . . . . . . .