"Mike Baker"@pt . . "3638"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1090590154"^^ . "Mike Baker (journalist)"@en . . . . . . "Michael Baker (Colchester, 16 de fevereiro de 1957 - 22 de setembro de 2012) foi um jornalista brit\u00E2nico mais conhecido por seu trabalho com a BBC. Entrou para a BBC como estagi\u00E1rio de p\u00F3s-gradua\u00E7\u00E3o em 1980. Foi correspondente de educa\u00E7\u00E3o, de 1989 at\u00E9 2007, quando deixou a BBC. Antes disso, foi correspondente pol\u00EDtico da BBC, de 1980 a 1989 e tamb\u00E9m passou breves per\u00EDodos como correspondente estrangeiro e vice editor de not\u00EDcias na BBC. Baker foi um colunista semanal para BBC News Online. Apresentou v\u00E1rias s\u00E9ries de programas de TV. Baker foi diagnosticado com c\u00E2ncer de pulm\u00E3o em 2011 e morreu em setembro de 2012, aos 55 anos."@pt . . "Michael Baker (16 February 1957 \u2013 22 September 2012) was a British journalist best known for his work with the BBC. Educated at Colchester Royal Grammar School in Essex and Emmanuel College, Cambridge, he joined the BBC on their graduate trainee scheme in 1980. He was the Corporation's Education Correspondent from 1989 until 2007, when he left the BBC's staff. Before that he was a BBC Political Correspondent from 1980 to 1989 and also spent brief periods as a Foreign Correspondent and Deputy Home News Editor at the BBC. Baker was a regular columnist for BBC News Online, the EducationGuardian, and the Education Journal. He presented several series of programmes on Teachers TV. Baker's publications include Who Rules Our Schools (Hodder & Stoughton) and A Parents' Guide to the New Curriculum (BBC Books). He was the first journalist to be appointed Visiting Professor at the Institute of Education. Baker held a 2000 Michigan Journalism Fellowship at the University of Michigan and was a Reuters Fellow at Green College, Oxford. He was also an Honorary Fellow of the College of Teachers and was the CIPR Education Journalist of the Year in 2008. Baker died in September 2012, aged 55. He had been receiving treatment for lung cancer, which he wrote about publicly in his blog."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Mike Baker (16 de febrero de 1957\u200B - 21 de septiembre de 2012)\u200B fue un periodista brit\u00E1nico conocido por su trabajo con la BBC. Educado en Colchester Royal Grammar School en Essex y Emmanuel College, Cambridge, se uni\u00F3 a la BBC en 1980.\u200B Fue corresponsal de la Corporaci\u00F3n de Educaci\u00F3n desde 1989 hasta 2007, cuando abandon\u00F3 el personal de la BBC.\u200B Eso fue antes de que fuera corresponsal de pol\u00EDticas de la BBC desde 1980 a 1989 y como corresponsal y editor adjunto de noticias locales de la BBC. Baker fue un columnista habitual de la BBC News Online, el EducationGuardian, y la revista Education Journal. Present\u00F3 varias series de programas en Teachers TV.\u200B Baker muri\u00F3 el 21 de septiembre de 2012, a los 55 a\u00F1os de edad. \u00C9l hab\u00EDa recibido un tratamiento para el c\u00E1ncer, as\u00ED lo escribi\u00F3 en su blog.\u200B"@es . . "Mike Baker (16 de febrero de 1957\u200B - 21 de septiembre de 2012)\u200B fue un periodista brit\u00E1nico conocido por su trabajo con la BBC. Educado en Colchester Royal Grammar School en Essex y Emmanuel College, Cambridge, se uni\u00F3 a la BBC en 1980.\u200B Fue corresponsal de la Corporaci\u00F3n de Educaci\u00F3n desde 1989 hasta 2007, cuando abandon\u00F3 el personal de la BBC.\u200B Eso fue antes de que fuera corresponsal de pol\u00EDticas de la BBC desde 1980 a 1989 y como corresponsal y editor adjunto de noticias locales de la BBC. Baker fue un columnista habitual de la BBC News Online, el EducationGuardian, y la revista Education Journal. Present\u00F3 varias series de programas en Teachers TV.\u200B"@es . . . . . . . . "Mike Baker"@es . . . "Michael Baker (16 February 1957 \u2013 22 September 2012) was a British journalist best known for his work with the BBC. Educated at Colchester Royal Grammar School in Essex and Emmanuel College, Cambridge, he joined the BBC on their graduate trainee scheme in 1980. He was the Corporation's Education Correspondent from 1989 until 2007, when he left the BBC's staff. Before that he was a BBC Political Correspondent from 1980 to 1989 and also spent brief periods as a Foreign Correspondent and Deputy Home News Editor at the BBC. Baker was a regular columnist for BBC News Online, the EducationGuardian, and the Education Journal. He presented several series of programmes on Teachers TV."@en . "Michael Baker (Colchester, 16 de fevereiro de 1957 - 22 de setembro de 2012) foi um jornalista brit\u00E2nico mais conhecido por seu trabalho com a BBC. Entrou para a BBC como estagi\u00E1rio de p\u00F3s-gradua\u00E7\u00E3o em 1980. Foi correspondente de educa\u00E7\u00E3o, de 1989 at\u00E9 2007, quando deixou a BBC. Antes disso, foi correspondente pol\u00EDtico da BBC, de 1980 a 1989 e tamb\u00E9m passou breves per\u00EDodos como correspondente estrangeiro e vice editor de not\u00EDcias na BBC. Baker foi um colunista semanal para BBC News Online. Apresentou v\u00E1rias s\u00E9ries de programas de TV."@pt . . . . . . . . "20785054"^^ . . . . . .