"Military of England"@en . "As For\u00E7as Armadas da Inglaterra fazem parte das For\u00E7as Armadas do Reino Unido desde que o Ato de Uni\u00E3o foi assinado, em 1707. Anteriormente, constituindo ainda uma for\u00E7a separada, participou de in\u00FAmeras guerras e batalhas desde as invas\u00F5es romanas, at\u00E9 o \u00FAltimo grande conflito em solo ingl\u00EAs, a Guerra Civil Inglesa."@pt . . . . . . . . . "16348707"^^ . . . . . "16"^^ . . . . "For\u00E7as Armadas da Inglaterra"@pt . . . . "The English military existed while England was an independent state and at war with other states. However, it was not until the 16th century that standing armed forces were established: the Royal Navy and the English Army. The commander-in-chief of His/Her Majesty's Armed Forces was the English monarch. Under English constitutional law, the armed forces were subordinate to the Crown. However under the 1689 Bill of Rights no standing army was to be maintained during time of peace without the consent of Parliament."@en . . . "1079349650"^^ . "Commander-in-Chief"@en . "Her Majesty's Armed Forces"@en . . . . . "The English military existed while England was an independent state and at war with other states. However, it was not until the 16th century that standing armed forces were established: the Royal Navy and the English Army. The commander-in-chief of His/Her Majesty's Armed Forces was the English monarch. Under English constitutional law, the armed forces were subordinate to the Crown. However under the 1689 Bill of Rights no standing army was to be maintained during time of peace without the consent of Parliament."@en . . "Her Majesty's Armed Forces"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "As For\u00E7as Armadas da Inglaterra fazem parte das For\u00E7as Armadas do Reino Unido desde que o Ato de Uni\u00E3o foi assinado, em 1707. Anteriormente, constituindo ainda uma for\u00E7a separada, participou de in\u00FAmeras guerras e batalhas desde as invas\u00F5es romanas, at\u00E9 o \u00FAltimo grande conflito em solo ingl\u00EAs, a Guerra Civil Inglesa."@pt . . . . . . "1583"^^ .