"National Highway 5 or National Road No.5 (10005) is one of the national highways of Cambodia. With a length of 407.45 km (253.18 mi), it connects the capital of Phnom Penh with Thailand. NH5 leaves Phnom Penh in a north to northwest direction, it first borders the Tonle Sap, three bridges the Chroy Changvar, the Prek Kdam and the Prek Pnov link the Est of the country. Then it moves away from the river/lake because the land there is flooded part of the year and it exits Kandal Province and traverses Kampong Chhnang Province from the junction with Road 51, north to Kampong Chhnang City, then northwest to Baribour District where it crosses into Pursat Province. From there, it skirts the Tonle Sap lake and continues west to Pursat town, the provincial capital. Leaving Pursat, NH5 again turns n"@en . . . . . . "National Highway 5 or National Road No.5 (10005) is one of the national highways of Cambodia. With a length of 407.45 km (253.18 mi), it connects the capital of Phnom Penh with Thailand. NH5 leaves Phnom Penh in a north to northwest direction, it first borders the Tonle Sap, three bridges the Chroy Changvar, the Prek Kdam and the Prek Pnov link the Est of the country. Then it moves away from the river/lake because the land there is flooded part of the year and it exits Kandal Province and traverses Kampong Chhnang Province from the junction with Road 51, north to Kampong Chhnang City, then northwest to Baribour District where it crosses into Pursat Province. From there, it skirts the Tonle Sap lake and continues west to Pursat town, the provincial capital. Leaving Pursat, NH5 again turns northwest and leads to Battambang Province, passing through another provincial capital at Battambang city and continuing on to Serei Saophoan District in Banteay Meanchey Province where it meets the terminus of NH6 and bends westward towards its own terminus at Poipet on the Thai border."@en . . "1106389465"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "National Highway 5 (Cambodia)"@en . "2116"^^ . . . "5\u865F\u570B\u9053 (\u67EC\u57D4\u5BE8)"@zh . "La route nationale 5 est une des routes nationales du Cambodge. D'une longueur de 407 kilom\u00E8tres, elle relie la capitale cambodgienne jusqu'\u00E0 la fronti\u00E8re avec la Tha\u00EFlande. En quittant Phnom Penh vers le nord, la route longe le Tonl\u00E9 Sap sur lequel trois ponts se dressent le Chroy Changvar, le Prek Pnov et le Prek Kdam. Puis elle s'\u00E9loigne du grand lac puisque les terrains \u00E0 proximit\u00E9 sont inondables, elle traverse successivement les provinces de Kandal, de Kampong Chhnang, de Battambang et de Banteay Mean Chey."@fr . . "National highway 5 at Kilimetric Point 58 to Kampong Chhnang.jpg"@en . . . . "Der National Highway 5 (NH 5) ist eine von acht National-Fernstra\u00DFen in Kambodscha und in ihrem gesamten Verlauf Teil des Asian Highways 1 (AH 1). Sie f\u00FChrt auf einer Strecke von 407 Kilometer von der Hauptstadt Phnom Penh in nordwestlicher Richtung zur thail\u00E4ndischen Grenze."@de . . "Hwy"@en . "La strada nazionale 5 (spesso indicata sulle mappe come NH5, \"National Highway 5\") \u00E8 una delle arterie principali della Cambogia. Ha una lunghezza di 407,45 km e connette la capitale Phnom Penh al confine con la Thailandia presso Poipet. Lungo il tragitto serve le citt\u00E0 di Kampong Chhnang, Pursat e Battambang, ed incrocia la strada nazionale 6 presso Sisophon."@it . . "12479747"^^ . . "5\u865F\u570B\u9053\u662F\u67EC\u57D4\u5BE8\u4E00\u689D\u570B\u5BB6\u7D1A\u516C\u8DEF\uFF0C\u6771\u8D77\u9996\u90FD\u91D1\u908A\uFF0C\u6CBF\u6D1E\u91CC\u85A9\u6E56\u5357\u5CB8\u800C\u884C\uFF0C\u897F\u81F3\u73ED\u8FED\u68C9\u5409\u7701\u3001\u6CF0\u570B\u908A\u5883\u4E0A\u7684\u6CE2\u8C9D\uFF0C\u5168\u9577407.45\u516C\u91CC\u3002\u5728\u4E9E\u862D\u8207\u76F8\u63A5\u3002 \u662F\u6CDB\u4E9A\u516C\u8DEF1\u53F7\u7EBF\u7684\u4E00\u90E8\u4EFD\u3002"@zh . . "Route nationale 5 (Cambodge)"@fr . . "Strada nazionale 5 (Cambogia)"@it . . . . . . . "5\u865F\u570B\u9053\u662F\u67EC\u57D4\u5BE8\u4E00\u689D\u570B\u5BB6\u7D1A\u516C\u8DEF\uFF0C\u6771\u8D77\u9996\u90FD\u91D1\u908A\uFF0C\u6CBF\u6D1E\u91CC\u85A9\u6E56\u5357\u5CB8\u800C\u884C\uFF0C\u897F\u81F3\u73ED\u8FED\u68C9\u5409\u7701\u3001\u6CF0\u570B\u908A\u5883\u4E0A\u7684\u6CE2\u8C9D\uFF0C\u5168\u9577407.45\u516C\u91CC\u3002\u5728\u4E9E\u862D\u8207\u76F8\u63A5\u3002 \u662F\u6CDB\u4E9A\u516C\u8DEF1\u53F7\u7EBF\u7684\u4E00\u90E8\u4EFD\u3002"@zh . . . "La route nationale 5 est une des routes nationales du Cambodge. D'une longueur de 407 kilom\u00E8tres, elle relie la capitale cambodgienne jusqu'\u00E0 la fronti\u00E8re avec la Tha\u00EFlande. En quittant Phnom Penh vers le nord, la route longe le Tonl\u00E9 Sap sur lequel trois ponts se dressent le Chroy Changvar, le Prek Pnov et le Prek Kdam. Puis elle s'\u00E9loigne du grand lac puisque les terrains \u00E0 proximit\u00E9 sont inondables, elle traverse successivement les provinces de Kandal, de Kampong Chhnang, de Battambang et de Banteay Mean Chey."@fr . "5"^^ . . . "Der National Highway 5 (NH 5) ist eine von acht National-Fernstra\u00DFen in Kambodscha und in ihrem gesamten Verlauf Teil des Asian Highways 1 (AH 1). Sie f\u00FChrt auf einer Strecke von 407 Kilometer von der Hauptstadt Phnom Penh in nordwestlicher Richtung zur thail\u00E4ndischen Grenze."@de . "National highway 5 at Kilometric Point 58 to Kampong Chhnang"@en . "La strada nazionale 5 (spesso indicata sulle mappe come NH5, \"National Highway 5\") \u00E8 una delle arterie principali della Cambogia. Ha una lunghezza di 407,45 km e connette la capitale Phnom Penh al confine con la Thailandia presso Poipet. Lungo il tragitto serve le citt\u00E0 di Kampong Chhnang, Pursat e Battambang, ed incrocia la strada nazionale 6 presso Sisophon."@it . . . . "Nationalstra\u00DFe 5 (Kambodscha)"@de . "5" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hwy" . "KHM"@en . . . . . . . .