. "Neil Sidney Trudinger (* 20. Juni 1942 in Ballarat, Australien) ist ein australischer Mathematiker, der sich mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen besch\u00E4ftigt. Trudinger studierte an der University of New England in Australien und promovierte 1966 an der Stanford University bei David Gilbarg (Quasilinear Elliptical Partial Differential Equations in n Variables). Danach war er als Post-Doc am Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University, 1967 an der Universit\u00E4t Pisa, 1968 bis 1970 an der Macquarie University in Australien, an der University of Queensland und 1971 an der University of Minnesota und der Stanford University, bevor er ab 1973 Professor an der Australian National University in Canberra wurde, wo er seitdem lehrte. 1989 bis 1993 war er au\u00DFerdem Professor an der Northwestern University. 1973 bis 1980 war er Direktor der Abteilung Reine Mathematik, 1982 bis 1990 Direktor des Commonwealth Research Center for Mathematical Analysis und 1992 bis 2000 war er Dekan der mathematischen Fakult\u00E4t in Canberra. Er war Gastprofessor an verschiedenen Universit\u00E4ten in Asien, Europa und den USA. Trudinger ist Mitglied der Australischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und ist Fellow der Royal Society of London. 1981 wurde er mit der ersten Medaille der Australian Mathematical Society ausgezeichnet und erhielt 1996 die Hannan Medaille der Australischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Er ist Fellow der American Mathematical Society. 2008 erhielt er f\u00FCr sein Buch mit Gilbarg \u00FCber die Theorie (nichtlinearer) elliptischer partieller Differentialgleichungen den Leroy P. Steele Prize. 2006 war er Invited Speaker auf dem Internationalen Mathematikerkongress in Madrid (Recent developments in elliptic partial differential equations of Monge-Ampere type). F\u00FCr 2012 erhielt er die George Szekeres Medal zugesprochen. 2008/09 und 2009/2010 war er im Abel-Preis-Komitee."@de . . . . . . . . . . . "Neil Trudinger"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Neil Trudinger"@it . "Neil Trudinger"@pt . . . . . . . . "Neil S. Trudinger"@en . . . . . . . "15173259"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Neil Sidney Trudinger (Ballarat, Austr\u00E1lia, 20 de junho de 1942) \u00E9 um matem\u00E1tico australiano. Trudinger estudou na Universidade da Nova Inglaterra, obtendo um doutorado em 1966 na Universidade Stanford, orientado por David Gilbarg, com a tese Quasilinear Elliptical Partial Differential Equations in n Variables. Em seguida foi p\u00F3s-doutor no Instituto Courant de Ci\u00EAncias Matem\u00E1ticas, em 1967 trabalhou na Universidade de Pisa, de 1968 a 1970 esteve na Universidade Macquarie, na Universidade de Queensland e em 1971 na Universidade de Minnesota e na Universidade Stanford, antes de ser professor na Universidade Nacional da Austr\u00E1lia em Camberra, onde est\u00E1 atualmente. De 1989 a 1993 foi tamb\u00E9m professor na Universidade Northwestern. Em 2008 recebeu o Pr\u00EAmio Leroy P. Steele, por seu livro em co-autoria com Gilbarg. Em 2006 foi palestrante convidado (\"Invited Speaker\") no Congresso Internacional de Matem\u00E1ticos em Madri (Recent developments in elliptic partial differential equations of Monge-Ampere type)."@pt . . "Neil Trudinger"@de . . . . . . . "Neil Trudinger in 2007"@en . . . "1942-06-20"^^ . . . . "1942-06-20"^^ . . . . . . "Neil Trudinger"@en . "Neil Sidney Trudinger (born 20 June 1942) is an Australian mathematician, known particularly for his work in the field of nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations. After completing his B.Sc at the University of New England (Australia) in 1962, he continued his graduate studies at Stanford University.He was awarded a Ph.D in 1966 for his thesis \"Quasilinear Elliptical Partial Differential Equations in n Variables\".After the award of his doctorate from Stanford University, Trudinger became a Courant Instructor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University during the academic year 1966\u201367. He then returned to Australia where he was appointed as a lecturer at Macquarie University in 1967. In 1970, he moved to University of Queensland where he was first appointed as a Reader, then as Professor. In 1973 he moved to the Australian National University. In 2016 he moved to the University of Wollongong, where he is currently appointed as a Distinguished Professor. At the ANU Trudinger served as Head of the Department of Pure Mathematics, as Director of the Centre for Mathematical Analysis and as Director of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, before becoming Dean of the School of Mathematical Sciences in 1992. He currently coordinates ANU's Applied and Nonlinear Analysis program. He is co-author, together with his thesis advisor, David Gilbarg, of the book Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order."@en . . . . . . . "Neil Sidney Trudinger (Ballarat, 20 giugno 1942) \u00E8 un matematico australiano, conosciuto per i suoi lavori sulle equazioni alle derivate parziali nonlineari."@it . "4405"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Neil Sidney Trudinger, n\u00E9 le 20 juin 1942 \u00E0 Ballarat dans l'\u00C9tat de Victoria, est un math\u00E9maticien australien, particuli\u00E8rement connu pour ses travaux dans le domaine des \u00E9quations aux d\u00E9riv\u00E9es partielles elliptiques non lin\u00E9aires."@fr . "Neil Sidney Trudinger (born 20 June 1942) is an Australian mathematician, known particularly for his work in the field of nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations. After completing his B.Sc at the University of New England (Australia) in 1962, he continued his graduate studies at Stanford University.He was awarded a Ph.D in 1966 for his thesis \"Quasilinear Elliptical Partial Differential Equations in n Variables\".After the award of his doctorate from Stanford University, Trudinger became a Courant Instructor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University during the academic year 1966\u201367. He then returned to Australia where he was appointed as a lecturer at Macquarie University in 1967. In 1970, he moved to University of Queensland where he was first appoi"@en . . . . . "Ballarat, Victoria, Australia"@en . . . . . "Neil Sidney Trudinger (Ballarat, Austr\u00E1lia, 20 de junho de 1942) \u00E9 um matem\u00E1tico australiano. Trudinger estudou na Universidade da Nova Inglaterra, obtendo um doutorado em 1966 na Universidade Stanford, orientado por David Gilbarg, com a tese Quasilinear Elliptical Partial Differential Equations in n Variables. Em seguida foi p\u00F3s-doutor no Instituto Courant de Ci\u00EAncias Matem\u00E1ticas, em 1967 trabalhou na Universidade de Pisa, de 1968 a 1970 esteve na Universidade Macquarie, na Universidade de Queensland e em 1971 na Universidade de Minnesota e na Universidade Stanford, antes de ser professor na Universidade Nacional da Austr\u00E1lia em Camberra, onde est\u00E1 atualmente. De 1989 a 1993 foi tamb\u00E9m professor na Universidade Northwestern."@pt . . . . "Neil Trudinger"@fr . . . "1114299284"^^ . . . . . . . "Neil Sidney Trudinger (Ballarat, 20 giugno 1942) \u00E8 un matematico australiano, conosciuto per i suoi lavori sulle equazioni alle derivate parziali nonlineari."@it . "Neil Sidney Trudinger, n\u00E9 le 20 juin 1942 \u00E0 Ballarat dans l'\u00C9tat de Victoria, est un math\u00E9maticien australien, particuli\u00E8rement connu pour ses travaux dans le domaine des \u00E9quations aux d\u00E9riv\u00E9es partielles elliptiques non lin\u00E9aires."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Neil Sidney Trudinger (* 20. Juni 1942 in Ballarat, Australien) ist ein australischer Mathematiker, der sich mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen besch\u00E4ftigt. Trudinger studierte an der University of New England in Australien und promovierte 1966 an der Stanford University bei David Gilbarg (Quasilinear Elliptical Partial Differential Equations in n Variables). Danach war er als Post-Doc am Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University, 1967 an der Universit\u00E4t Pisa, 1968 bis 1970 an der Macquarie University in Australien, an der University of Queensland und 1971 an der University of Minnesota und der Stanford University, bevor er ab 1973 Professor an der Australian National University in Canberra wurde, wo er seitdem lehrte. 1989 bis 1993 war er au\u00DFerdem Professor an "@de . "Neil S. Trudinger"@en . .