. . "Folk songs"@en . "6336"^^ . . . . . . . "Part songs"@en . . "The composer ca. 1872"@en . "65"^^ . . . . . . . "Els Nous valsos amorosos (en alemany, Neue Liebeslieder-Walzer), Op. 65, de Johannes Brahms, \u00E9s una col\u00B7lecci\u00F3 de peces escrites per a quatre veus soles i piano a piano a quatre mans. Foren compostos entre 1869 i 1874 i editats per N. Simrock l'any 1875."@ca . . . . . . "Neue_Liebeslieder_Waltzes%2C_Op.65_"@en . . . . "Els Nous valsos amorosos (en alemany, Neue Liebeslieder-Walzer), Op. 65, de Johannes Brahms, \u00E9s una col\u00B7lecci\u00F3 de peces escrites per a quatre veus soles i piano a piano a quatre mans. Foren compostos entre 1869 i 1874 i editats per N. Simrock l'any 1875. S\u00F3n tamb\u00E9 coneguts com a Neue Liebesliederwalzer i tenien com a referent l'\u00E8xit dels populars Valsos amorosos (Liebeslieder-Walzer), Op. 52. El text de les can\u00E7ons \u00E9s una adaptaci\u00F3 de can\u00E7ons tradicionals de diversos pa\u00EFsos i regions d'Europa que inclou Turquia, Pol\u00F2nia, Let\u00F2nia i Sic\u00EDlia. El textos de les can\u00E7ons n\u00FAms. 1 a 14 foren tradu\u00EFts i compilats per Georg Friedrich Daumer en la seva s\u00E8rie de poemes, Polydora; el text de la can\u00E7\u00F3 n\u00FAm. 15 i la can\u00E7\u00F3 final, titulada \"Zum Schlu\u00DF\" (\"Conclusi\u00F3\"), pertany a Johann Wolfgang von Goethe."@ca . . . . . . . "1095356349"^^ . . . . . "four vocal parts and four-hand piano"@en . . . . . . . "New love songs"@en . . . "15748957"^^ . . . "Neue Liebeslieder (Nuove canzoni d'amore), Op. 65, scritta nel 1869-1874 da Johannes Brahms, \u00E8 una raccolta di brani per quattro voci soliste e pianoforte a quattro mani. I Neue Liebeslieder sono stati scritti dopo il successo dei popolari Liebeslieder Walzer, op. 52, dei quali costituiscono il proseguimento ideale."@it . . . . "Neue Liebeslieder"@it . . . . . . . . "\u20131874"@en . . . . . "Neue Liebeslieder (New Love Songs), Op. 65, written by Johannes Brahms, is a collection of Romantic pieces written for four solo voices and four hands on the piano. They are also known as Neue Liebesliederwalzer. Neue Liebeslieder were written during the Romantic period between 1869 and 1874. The text of the songs is adapted from folk songs of various areas of Europe including Turkey, Poland, Latvia and Sicily. The text for songs 1 through 14 were translated and compiled by Georg Friedrich Daumer in his poem series, Polydora; the text for the fifteenth and final song, entitled \"Zum Schlu\u00DF\" (\"In Conclusion\"), was written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Neue Liebeslieder were written following the success of the popular Liebeslieder Waltzes, Op. 52."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Nous valsos amorosos (Brahms)"@ca . . "Neue Liebeslieder"@en . "Neue Liebeslieder (Nuove canzoni d'amore), Op. 65, scritta nel 1869-1874 da Johannes Brahms, \u00E8 una raccolta di brani per quattro voci soliste e pianoforte a quattro mani. I Neue Liebeslieder sono stati scritti dopo il successo dei popolari Liebeslieder Walzer, op. 52, dei quali costituiscono il proseguimento ideale."@it . "Neue Liebeslieder (New Love Songs), Op. 65, written by Johannes Brahms, is a collection of Romantic pieces written for four solo voices and four hands on the piano. They are also known as Neue Liebesliederwalzer. Neue Liebeslieder were written during the Romantic period between 1869 and 1874. The text of the songs is adapted from folk songs of various areas of Europe including Turkey, Poland, Latvia and Sicily. The text for songs 1 through 14 were translated and compiled by Georg Friedrich Daumer in his poem series, Polydora; the text for the fifteenth and final song, entitled \"Zum Schlu\u00DF\" (\"In Conclusion\"), was written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe."@en . "15"^^ . . "Neue Liebeslieder, op. 65"@en . "Neue Liebeslieder"@en . . . "German"@en . . . . . . . . .