. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Provincia \u00EDgnea del Atl\u00E1ntico Norte"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "37347"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Province ign\u00E9e nord-atlantique"@fr . . . . . . . "Provincia magmatica del Nord Atlantico"@it . . . . . . "North Atlantic Igneous Province"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "La provincia magmatica del Nord Atlantico, o provincia magmatica dell'Atlantico settentrionale, chiamata anche \"provincia ignea del Nord Atlantico\" e nella letteratura in lingua inglese abbreviata in NAIP, acronimo di North Atlantic Igneous Province, \u00E8 una grande provincia ignea situata nell'Oceano Atlantico settentrionale e centrata sull'Islanda. Durante il Paleogene, la provincia formava il plateau thuleano, un vasto campo di lava basaltica, che si estendeva su una superficie di almeno 1,3 milioni di km2 e aveva un volume di 6,6 milioni di km3. Il plateau si framment\u00F2 durante l'apertura dell'Oceano Atlantico settentrionale, lasciando residui nell'Irlanda del Nord, nella parte nordoccidentale della Scozia, nelle isole F\u00E6r \u00D8er, nell'Islanda nordoccidentale, nella parte orientale della Groenlandia e in quella occidentale della Norvegia, oltre che in molte delle isole situate nella porzione orientale dell'Oceano Atlantico settentrionale. All'attivit\u00E0 della provincia magmatica del Nord Atlantico \u00E8 riconducibile anche l'origine del colonnato basaltico del selciato del gigante e della grotta di Fingal."@it . . . . . . . "The North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP) is a large igneous province in the North Atlantic, centered on Iceland. In the Paleogene, the province formed the Thulean Plateau, a large basaltic lava plain, which extended over at least 1.3 million km2 (500 thousand sq mi) in area and 6.6 million km3 (1.6 million cu mi) in volume. The plateau was broken up during the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean leaving remnants preserved in north Ireland, west Scotland, the Faroe Islands, northwest Iceland, east Greenland, western Norway and many of the islands located in the north eastern portion of the North Atlantic Ocean. The igneous province is the origin of the Giant's Causeway and Fingal's Cave. The province is also known as Brito\u2013Arctic province (also known as the North Atlantic Tertiary Volcani"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1074749610"^^ . . . . . . "La provincia \u00EDgnea del Atl\u00E1ntico Norte o provincia \u00EDgnea Brito-\u00C1rtica es una gran provincia \u00EDgnea que se estima cubre un \u00E1rea de por le menos 1.3\u00D7106 km\u00B2 y cuyos productos tiene un volumen de 6.6\u00D7106 km\u00B3.\u200B Geogr\u00E1ficamente la Provincia \u00CDgnea del Atl\u00E1ntico Norte compone la totalidad del norte del oc\u00E9ano Atl\u00E1ntico incluyendo basaltos paleocenos y eocenos de Groenlandia, Islandia, Reino Unido, Dinamarca, Noruega y muchas islas en el noreste del Atl\u00E1ntico.\u200B\u200B"@es . . . . "La province ign\u00E9e nord-atlantique (acronyme en anglais : NAIP) est une grande province ign\u00E9e qui couvre une surface estim\u00E9e \u00E0 1,3 million de kilom\u00E8tres carr\u00E9s et dont le volume est estim\u00E9 \u00E0 6,6 millions de kilom\u00E8tres cubes. G\u00E9ographiquement, elle couvre l\u2019ensemble du nord de l\u2019oc\u00E9an Atlantique, comprenant les basaltes \u00E9oc\u00E8nes et pal\u00E9oc\u00E8nes du Groenland, d\u2019Islande, du Royaume-Uni, du Danemark, de la Norv\u00E8ge ainsi que d\u2019une bonne partie des \u00EEles localis\u00E9es dans la partie nord-est de l\u2019oc\u00E9an atlantique."@fr . . . . . . . "The North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP) is a large igneous province in the North Atlantic, centered on Iceland. In the Paleogene, the province formed the Thulean Plateau, a large basaltic lava plain, which extended over at least 1.3 million km2 (500 thousand sq mi) in area and 6.6 million km3 (1.6 million cu mi) in volume. The plateau was broken up during the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean leaving remnants preserved in north Ireland, west Scotland, the Faroe Islands, northwest Iceland, east Greenland, western Norway and many of the islands located in the north eastern portion of the North Atlantic Ocean. The igneous province is the origin of the Giant's Causeway and Fingal's Cave. The province is also known as Brito\u2013Arctic province (also known as the North Atlantic Tertiary Volcanic Province) and the portion of the province in the British Isles is also called the British Tertiary Volcanic Province or British Tertiary Igneous Province."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "La province ign\u00E9e nord-atlantique (acronyme en anglais : NAIP) est une grande province ign\u00E9e qui couvre une surface estim\u00E9e \u00E0 1,3 million de kilom\u00E8tres carr\u00E9s et dont le volume est estim\u00E9 \u00E0 6,6 millions de kilom\u00E8tres cubes. G\u00E9ographiquement, elle couvre l\u2019ensemble du nord de l\u2019oc\u00E9an Atlantique, comprenant les basaltes \u00E9oc\u00E8nes et pal\u00E9oc\u00E8nes du Groenland, d\u2019Islande, du Royaume-Uni, du Danemark, de la Norv\u00E8ge ainsi que d\u2019une bonne partie des \u00EEles localis\u00E9es dans la partie nord-est de l\u2019oc\u00E9an atlantique."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "17741096"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "La provincia magmatica del Nord Atlantico, o provincia magmatica dell'Atlantico settentrionale, chiamata anche \"provincia ignea del Nord Atlantico\" e nella letteratura in lingua inglese abbreviata in NAIP, acronimo di North Atlantic Igneous Province, \u00E8 una grande provincia ignea situata nell'Oceano Atlantico settentrionale e centrata sull'Islanda. Durante il Paleogene, la provincia formava il plateau thuleano, un vasto campo di lava basaltica, che si estendeva su una superficie di almeno 1,3 milioni di km2 e aveva un volume di 6,6 milioni di km3."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "La provincia \u00EDgnea del Atl\u00E1ntico Norte o provincia \u00EDgnea Brito-\u00C1rtica es una gran provincia \u00EDgnea que se estima cubre un \u00E1rea de por le menos 1.3\u00D7106 km\u00B2 y cuyos productos tiene un volumen de 6.6\u00D7106 km\u00B3.\u200B Geogr\u00E1ficamente la Provincia \u00CDgnea del Atl\u00E1ntico Norte compone la totalidad del norte del oc\u00E9ano Atl\u00E1ntico incluyendo basaltos paleocenos y eocenos de Groenlandia, Islandia, Reino Unido, Dinamarca, Noruega y muchas islas en el noreste del Atl\u00E1ntico.\u200B\u200B"@es . . . .