. . . . "Satu Kesatuan adalah gelar skema yang dilancarkan oleh pemerintah Pakistan untuk menggabungkan empat provinsi Pakistan Barat menjadi satu kesatuan homogen, sebagai lawan terhadap ddominasi etnis Bengal di Pakistan Timur (kini Bangladesh). Kebijakan Satu Kesatuan diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri Chaudhry Muhammad Ali pada tanggal 22 November 1954. \n* l \n* \n* s"@in . . . "Satu Kesatuan adalah gelar skema yang dilancarkan oleh pemerintah Pakistan untuk menggabungkan empat provinsi Pakistan Barat menjadi satu kesatuan homogen, sebagai lawan terhadap ddominasi etnis Bengal di Pakistan Timur (kini Bangladesh). Kebijakan Satu Kesatuan diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri Chaudhry Muhammad Ali pada tanggal 22 November 1954. \n* l \n* \n* s"@in . . . . . . . . . "The One Unit Scheme (Urdu: \u0627\u06CC\u06A9 \u0648\u062D\u062F\u062A; Bengali: \u098F\u0995 \u0987\u0989\u09A8\u09BF\u099F \u09AC\u09CD\u09AF\u09AC\u09B8\u09CD\u09A5\u09BE) was a geopolitical programme launched by the Government of Pakistan led by Prime Minister Muhammad Ali Bogra on 22 November 1954 and passed on 30 September 1955. The government claimed that the programme would overcome the difficulty of administering the two unequal polities of West and East Pakistan separated from each other by more than a thousand miles. To diminish the differences between the two regions, the 'One Unit' programme merged the four provinces of West Pakistan (West Punjab, Sind, NWFP & Baluchistan) into a single province to parallel the province of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Pakistani scholars and researchers maintain that the One Unit programme was viewed as a counterbalance against the political and population domination of the ethnic Bengali population of East Pakistan. The One Unit program was met with great resistance and grievances were raised by the four provinces since its establishment. The National Awami Party successfully sponsored a bill in the National Assembly calling for its dissolution and providing for regional autonomy. This led to the military takeover of the national government. The One Unit programme remained in effect until 1970. Finally, President General Yahya Khan imposed Legal Framework Order No. 1970 to end the One Unit program and reinstate the provisional status of the Four Provinces as of August 1947."@en . "One Unit ist der englische Name eines geopolitischen Programmes der pakistanischen Regierung, das von Premierminister Muhammad Ali Bogra am 22. November 1954 initiiert wurde. Das Programm wurde ins Leben gerufen, nachdem die Regierung Schwierigkeiten hatte beide Landesteile Pakistans politisch zu regieren. Das Programm sah vor, dass die vier Provinzen Pakistans zu einer Provinz zusammengelegt werden sollten, um die Regierung zu vereinfachen. In Ostpakistan lief das Programm gleicherma\u00DFen ab."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The One Unit Scheme (Urdu: \u0627\u06CC\u06A9 \u0648\u062D\u062F\u062A; Bengali: \u098F\u0995 \u0987\u0989\u09A8\u09BF\u099F \u09AC\u09CD\u09AF\u09AC\u09B8\u09CD\u09A5\u09BE) was a geopolitical programme launched by the Government of Pakistan led by Prime Minister Muhammad Ali Bogra on 22 November 1954 and passed on 30 September 1955. The government claimed that the programme would overcome the difficulty of administering the two unequal polities of West and East Pakistan separated from each other by more than a thousand miles. To diminish the differences between the two regions, the 'One Unit' programme merged the four provinces of West Pakistan (West Punjab, Sind, NWFP & Baluchistan) into a single province to parallel the province of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)."@en . . . . "One Unit Scheme"@en . . . . "One-Unit (Pakistan)"@de . . . "8161"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "One Unit ist der englische Name eines geopolitischen Programmes der pakistanischen Regierung, das von Premierminister Muhammad Ali Bogra am 22. November 1954 initiiert wurde. Das Programm wurde ins Leben gerufen, nachdem die Regierung Schwierigkeiten hatte beide Landesteile Pakistans politisch zu regieren. Das Programm sah vor, dass die vier Provinzen Pakistans zu einer Provinz zusammengelegt werden sollten, um die Regierung zu vereinfachen. In Ostpakistan lief das Programm gleicherma\u00DFen ab."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . "7729606"^^ . . . . . . "Satu Kesatuan"@in . . "1110325069"^^ . . . . .